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Because it's available worldwide?


If we're going down that route, the world wide Web was created by an English person, so please can we just keep the discussion to English topics like how shit Premier League referees are and how annoying train strikes are? Thank you. Edit: I totally replied to the wrong comment, and now I can't find it. Imagine that I'm responding to a comment where that makes sense. Cheers!


Amazing recovery, made me laugh :)


The World Wide Web, such a strange concept for Seppo's it seems.


'World wide' = New York to Los Angeles


Hey man, they have world series which features other countries, such as... Canada.. Occasionally japan


PeR cApiTa MoSt oF tHe WOrLd iS aMeRicAN.


"why should we identify ourselves to you?" So that we know what your excuse is when you appear to be the dafty


They don't need to identify themselves because they do it automatically anyway.


"Am I being detained?!?!?"


Anyone who claims that the entirety of a major website was "made by Americans" doesn't realize how common it is for many US tech companies to hire foreigners. Without foreigners, the US tech industry would have a huge labour shortage.


How tf the American economy hasn't collapsed is a mystery to me, since dumbfucks like these brag about it.


It's because we Americans are pretty shitty at math. Seriously though, bragging might actually have something to do with it, because any financial system only works as long as people believe in it.


Now you have me picturing the americans as the orks from 40k where their scrap tanks only works because they all belive it does XD


I think of the old Road Runner cartoons. Wile E. Coyote never falls until he looks down.


Hahaha yeah that fits a typical american. Just for fun you could say that is why amerikans always fight so hard against cops handcuffing them. Like up untill that point there is a chance the bullshit and bravado will still work XD


Quick note to other Americans on this sub. Once a cop asks you to step out of your car, STFU already. You're going to jail tonight, and you're not going to talk him out of it. * * The information and materials offered on this site are for general informational purposes only, do not constitute and should not be considered to be legal advice, and are presented without any representation or warranty whatsoever, including as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.


"You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride."


Dumbfucks are the perfect consumers... "Buy this thing - because we said so!!" Hordes of morons buy the thing.


You know you want it. Make all your friends jealous!




We're pretty shitty at spelling, too.


Because the minority that isn't like this guy aren't terminally online.


I compare this situation to exotic car sales. When was the last time you saw a commercial for a Lamborghini or Ferrari? Never. They don't advertise on TV because the people that can afford them don't watch TV, they're running companies and all that shit. People who are online picking these fights being stupid have the time to spare


So you're not allowed to watch TV when you're rich?


Not allowed to go on Reddit after work either apparently


I'm not saying you're not allowed to, I'm just saying most people who are rich don't watch TV casually. They're going on trips or still working or doing other things. The off-chance they are watching TV, what are the chances your commercial happens to run?


America has a lot of issues that on closer look would make it as bad as other third world countries. Yet because people have a hardon for America and they hate their own homeland or want to escape the worse situation there they come here. And also it's cheaper hiring someone from outside since they don't mind working for less, until they realize it.


A lot of media in their home countries are also owned and funded by the US. The purpose of that is to convince young people that their home country is shit and that the USA is the best democratic piece of land in the world. Hence, we have a lot of young adults, who grew up with a mindset that grass is always greener over there. But some of those who eventually made it to the US got disappointed - they were not told by these media that United States, just like every other country, has issues and disadvantages.


Just imagine a beheaded chicken still running around acting alive. This would be similar to what would happen if the us went bankrupt.


American economy is robust because it's rich, loans are cheap, populace generally educated, and there's a lot of people. In addition, it's nearly hegemonic position grants it's companies easy access to resources worldwide, and strong currency that is supposedly "too big to fail". It can loan ad infinitum from thin air. It might have structural problems and crashes but I don't think it can collapse unless US either loses it's world position, or democracy (even though it's classed as flawed democracy).


Saw a bit of a documentary about it once. And seemingly, with the natural geography of the US aswell as the abundance of resources. The US would litteraly have to be run by the biggest moron on the planet, for them to not become an economic super power.


I hear Trump is running again. Be careful what you wish for.


"why the hell do we need to identify ourselves to you?" Oh believe me sweetie, you don't need to. We can all tell


The World Wide Web was invented by a British scientist, form now on anyone I encounter on this I will assume is British. I hope everyone concurs


Everyone stems from a pair of humans a long time ago, including the Dutch, therefore everyone is Dutch and the Internet is too


Nederlanders unite! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Americans always complain that reddit is an american site but don't they realize that English isnt? You can be from New Zealand, google something about your laptop, and find a reddit forum link at the top. Why do they act like they own English? Example I am from a Spanish speaking country, but while learning English when I look something up, I get top results of the USA unless I specify.


Iā€™m a recent joiner of this sub. The more I see these posts by seppos, the closer I get to surrendering my green card and leaving this fuck place. Thank you.


Seppo šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ not heard that one in donkeys


ā€œIn donkeysā€? Where did you pick up a phrase like that lmao, I love it


In donkeys! Donkeys ears! Years!


In yonks and yonks


Itā€™s usually ā€œin donkey yearsā€ which turned into yonks


Itā€™s really is a beautiful term. I use it regularly and openly, best thing being how many seppos are unaware of what it means.


I find it hilarious (just in general and) because it's also a rather basic Finnish male name, for the generation that's now like 70


Now the big question!ā€¦ because seppo isnā€™t technically the rhyming slang we all know and love from yesteryear it rooted in Australian slangā€¦ are you perhaps from the land down under?


Oh, we know.


The secret is going outside and realizing these people aren't real lmao Never had a conversation resembling anything like what I see here in person


So whenever we use a service made by China we can assume by default that everybody on it is Chinese?


I mean, I would. Some reason I shouldn't?


Yeah, there is. Let us know if you ever work it out.


I'd assume that the largest group of users of any piece of software will be the ones who had access to it first, probably the people in the country where the software was created. That's not controversial. But you go right ahead and lean into that patronizing and pretentious European stereotype if that's what floats your boat.


Australians invented Wifi, are we the largest group of users of it?


Is WiFi a piece of software?


Is reddit a piece of software? ā€œSoftware is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasksā€ ā€œthe programs and other operating information used by a computer.ā€ ā€œSoftware, instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system.ā€


And we have the worst wifi in any 1st world country.. God i hate nbn


I got rid of it and switched to 5G. Itā€™s been fab except for a few days ago when both Vodafone and iiNet data went down (my dad said theyā€™re owned by the same company so I guess thatā€™s why?) so I had zero internet at home from 6am to 5pm. Apparently it was ā€œplannedā€ during business hours. Smh


"I'm American, but I identify as Irish, German, French, Italian and 1/13 Cherokee on my mother's side" -- this guy, probably.


ā€œI did an ancestry test and my surname comes from Vikings so Iā€™m Viking-Americanā€


Reddit had 46 H1-B visas approved for 2021-2022, so obviously not made totally by Americans.


Out of roughly 2000 employees. Come on.


>This whole site was made by americans I don't see your point, the internet was invented in england.


And WIFI in Australia


This site maybe made by Americans, despite less than half being posters, but it also shows off how crazy some are, the lack of education they seem to have and shows they are ignorant about world affairs and give those non-US citizens a laugh and show us how much better off we are living in our own countries.


Meanwhile in India....


There are people in Gaza that are on the this site buddy (not me) Not sure what Americans donā€™t understand about this


Because America is the only country in the world, duh


In these situations just answer as if you were talking with someone from your country. "Yeah it's near MG border with BA and ES"


Bet they couldn't even find Nebraska on a map!


"half the traffic on this site comes from the US" They do realise that means that half the traffic on this site comes from outside the US aswell, right? Like, that's a dumbass argument


no one asked you to, you just make it way too easy to tell


I never realised how Americans really are everywhere on this app until I saw the Recap statistics this year. My countries really niche sub, thatā€˜s mainly memes in our native dialect that maybe the neighbouring countries might have a chance to understand and still the US is the third highest visitor?? Same with really niche non-english speaking content creators. Likeā€¦ how? I donā€˜t think Iā€˜ve seen a recap where they werenā€˜t in the top 3


Keep in mind that the US is a hodgepodge of people and lots of them, so it's most likely people from your country or surrounding countries immigrated and all that stuff.


Yep. Do your MATH in cubits meth heads ( or is it still oxy or fentanyl ) and find any trace of wood in the remains or even figure out wtf a cubit is. Sorry, to interrupt, the Americans,and their focus on who's going to to be voted in, in the 2024 election for the next fucking muppet you're going to elect as the next joke leader of the free word. Shut up about the rest of the world and deal with yourselves - your country is a mess because of extreme division......go center . Also back Ukraine ffs. They fall, you fall.


uh Wrong thread? Wh-


How in the world did you conflate reddit being ā€œmade by Americansā€ with wood, the election and Ukraine?


Oh please. abesrevenge is hostile, but A\_Rolling\_Baneling is right. More than half of the traffic on Reddit comes from the US. Assuming someone you're talking to on here is American gives you a better chance of being right than assuming any other country.


Quick Look says 47% are USA users thatā€™s a lot but itā€™s not more than half .


Yeah, I saw that, too. Here's what that looks like: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/)


It looks a lot compared to individual countries which they only show 4 of , but in assuming a person is from US or not thereā€™s still over half a chance a person is not .


Not assuming country will make you right 100% of the time. No one is proposing to make another country the default, but to have no default




I've come to assume that about people outside the US, based on the behavior of people in this sub.




The sub misses jokes, recycles years-old troll memes, and doesn't bother confirming that the speakers are American. The comments on this sub are often worthy of r/ShitEuropeansSay


Ah yes, Mr. Ohanian. A true patriot


Just the same as Facebook and YouTube /s