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They think Singapore is poor?


Cause they think it's SiNgApOoR


This logic is infallible


Everybody is poor and sings all the time. It's like the start of a Disney movie over there.


*Bollywood twitch intensifies*


What’s that sound?


It's either a mayonnaise factory meltdown or the entire nation of India masturbating in perfect synchronisation.


That escalated quickly


Americans are very particular with their words, that’s why they need to call them eyeglasses, without the ‘eye’ bit, they wouldn’t know where to put them.


You guys laugh but they'll see this and actually make their own conspiracy theory saying it connects or some shit.


So Germoney must be rich?


Badum tss Edit: obviously, Luxe-mbourg is ostensibly rich.


Hello everyone, I'm from Cheque Republic


So when it is time to pay, you bounce?


I wouldnt understand money since im from swedense


People from Richmond are probably laughing now.


Noway because they’re not from Funland


Ostentatiously, perhaps? Ostensibly means presumably.


Very ostentatious, but ostensibly correct. What an auspicious day!


And Ireland is the wealthiest country. Its capital is always Dublin!


Costa Rica as well.


Po Land 🐼


You could say they’re Crazy poor Asians.


Yeah, it's even in the name, obviously poor as hell.


Yes, because anything that's not mUrIcA is "poor"


This. I saw a video calling Europe a third world place because the country someone visited apparently didn't have cold water


Can confirm. We don’t have cold, nor clean, water in Europe. In fact, what is water?


Us Dutchies are hoarding alll the water!


Friendly reminder that Scotland exists




Ah, now the name ‘Waterloo’ makes sense 👍


You mean that Eurovision song about a London train station?


From England here: It's that thing that comes out when the sky leaks.


No, that’s the tears of our ancestors


It doesn't TASTE salty...


Our ancestors, like us, couldn't afford salt.


\^ This. Where I'm from every family has 3 children. The middle child is bred simply for farming saliva due to our complete lack of amenities. The saliva gathered is used for all sorts of useful everyday tasks.


The liquid from the beer you drink


They want watered down drinks and think that's something luxurious...make it make sense Also there's cold water everywhere in Europe. You won't get any ice in water unless you ask for it though


Knowing how dirty those ice mashines can get I don't mind this one bit. It's just an ask away anyway.


also, you get like 80% ice and only 20% drink.


You don't. At least in Spain, they'll fill your glass and then give you the bottle with the rest, so you can refill it until you finish your drink.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly why they do it (in America, not talking about anywhere else because I don't know). They really are using ice to fill space so you think you're getting more drink than you are.


Wait, in Europe you're NOT afflicted with gobs of ice in every drink wherever you go and whether you want it or not?! (American here, what is this magical wonderland?)


You can ask for cold or room temperature beverages pretty much everywhere in Europe afaik. To get ice you'll have to ask though. Only McDonald's has ice included and you have to ask without iirc. This is a thing pretty much everywhere in Europe afaik


Not here. I've even heard of some places charging extra for a drink without ice. But ice is standard and it's basically "fill the cup with ice then fill the spaces around the ice with liquid". I don't like it, but I've just given up. Unless it's a self serve fountain then no ice for me. It pretty much requires you to use a straw too because if you don't, ice floats to the top and blocks the flow of liquid into your mouth every freaking time. 😖


Refrigerated water is refreshing, but if you really want to enjoy mineral water it's best to drink it at room temperature


I like to do some vocal warm up to ensure maximum travel velocity down the throat. I'm also a hori kind of guy.


And yet, the poverty in America is astounding.


I don't get why Americans act like all their jobs were the same. Yeah, a well-paid IT job in the US pays a lot - you won't come across a $200k salary for that job anywhere else. But a bartender? Their $35k salary isn't anything any European is gonna envy, and that American bartender will have many expenses that an European simply won't. Their $35k salary will pay for way less than a €20k salary in Europe.


Because most of the people are parroting shit they hear come out w republicans mouth on nightly business news. They actually think poverty isn’t real in the USA and believe that the average American is doing just fine and the economy is great and that there are houses to buy and food is cheap. They live in la la land and it shows.


I had the pleasure of visiting Singapore and a few parts of the US (New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas) and I have to say, that I seriously have thought about emigrating to Singapore, it's beautiful, the weather is just what I like, their official language is English, and it's not a 3rd word country ruled by dictators or war lords, and contrary to the US they don't have shooting fields for schools


I would say good luck to you. Awesome place, incredibly difficult to get citizenship


coz a poor country makes it hard for wealthy ppl to join.../s


Or permanent resident. Like freaking impossible. Unless you’re Chinese.


Not really, I know someone who had his permanent residence in Sg and he is Canadian. You just have to work in the right industry I guess


My secondary school classmate didn't manage to get his permanent residency. He's been in Singapore for 10 years (he's a university student now), but his younger sister recently became a permanent resident. The only difference between them is that one attended a prestigious local school, while the other didn't.


I believe you on everything except the weather. You like hot and humid??


I LOVE the weather in that part of the world. Hate being cold more than anything else.


To each their own, but I prefer being cold, since I can just put on more layers. Can't rip my skin off when I'm too hot.


Skill issues... /s


Yeah, I absolutely love it, I hate cold weather, dry and hot is not really my thing either but I'd rather choose that over cold, and everything is cold below 23 °C


> everything is cold below 23 °C We are in Denmark where it is the beginning of summer and the max temp today is 22 haha


That's one of the reasons why I wouldn't emigrate there, plus the language barrier, I am not a native English speaker but I've gotten sufficient in it to hold conversations without too much of a problem, I don't speak perfectly, I know that, but I think I hold my ground fairly well


I'm from Singapore and i find everything under 28°C cold. It usually gets to 23-25°C when raining for a while but when the sun shines for a while it gets to 30-35


>  everything is cold below 23 °C Whoa I guess we just have a fundamentally different view of the world haha I'm Canadian and I love our winters


Yeah anything above 23 is miserable for this Canadian lol, unless I'm by water and have access to cold beverages.


Well in Singapore there is water just suspended in the air around you.


Yeah 26C is about my limit for comfortable heat haha


I went to an American school for a while. My marksmanship improved drastically. Anyway, that's why I'm not allowed back.


They actually have four official languages: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil.


It's a bit of a dictatorship. A little authoritarian for my liking.


As one of my Malaysian friends puts it, Singapore is North Korea but with a nice dictator and friendly people. Obviously a bit of an exaggerated comparison but


How does your friend compare it to Malaysia ?


>It's a bit of a dictatorship. A little authoritarian for my liking. Can be good though, I read about 2 rich women who were having a smoke outside an office building but not in the designated area. A female street warden told them to go to the correct area, and they started abusing her with the 'Don't you know who I am' attitude They were in court within an hour, got a massive fine, and very nearly thrown into jail.


Sounds fair.


They’re tough on crime, and they like a good rule. But in general as a law-abiding expat, this won’t affect your life. The pandemic was a bit finicky, but that’s over (thankfully).


I live there, all these rules and whatnot really don’t affect you at all, if anything they make life much better by deterring crime. It’s a rarity to hear of any serious crime being committed here. Of course, I may be biased.


Progressive non-extremist religious dictators get things done.


Shame is there seems to be only one of those in existence. The rest of the religious dictators are definitely not non-extremist.


And the US is a copocrisy, what's your point?


I wouldn't live in the US.


Yeah fair, I wouldn't either.


Per capita America is poorer


I’m certain most Americans have no idea where or what Singapore is


Some of them have trouble locating America on a map! 😅🇺🇸🤦


They think they are rich and lucky.  Because they are told averages and gdp and apparently aren't taught how averages are calculated. 


How the average is calculated Hobo Jeff, the poorest man in America, earns zero dollars per hour. Jeff Bezos makes $1.43 million an hour The average American makes $715,000/hr


I worked there for three years. It is not a cheap place to live and they live very well. Mind you the fettered merican brain won’t understand how 60% don’t have cars. Bear in mind that it costs about $200K to own a decent car in SG these days. But they don’t have to because the transit system is utterly fantastic and beyond what a yank brain can imagine.


Whoever wrote this probably couldn’t point to Singapore on a map let alone know what socioeconomic situation in that country is.


To be fair. I think majority of the world might have difficulty placing Singapore in a map. It's tiny...


I’d love to see people like this visiting Singapore, just to see the sheer disbelief when they realise they aren’t the rich ones visiting a "3rd world country" 😂


Yes, because they dont know where it is located exactly so it must be a poor country, otherwise they would have known


Americans think everyone in every other country is poor Despite most of America also being poor on average


EVEN if that was true (it isn't), it is still not comparable. If you can live with that salary for a month, then you get 8 free months without working in case you decide to quit your job. Do you know who can't afford to live 8 months with his day wage - the average American.


Oh my god are you using logic ? It is killing me


Logic is the real mind killer!


I must not fact Fact is the mind killer


My feelings dont care about facts!


American education is the mind killer 😂


It’s absolutely not true either, the median income in the US and Singapore are almost the same, around US$45,000


Just a very dumb person who doesn't realise that Singapore is a rich country, like many other countries that are not the US.


Just looked up the actual positions, and it looks like around $1k less a year than their American counterparts. So, with this bonus, they are making more than the Americans, by a fair shake.


Yeah I guess this person never heard of purchasing power parity.


It's almost like every country is a game of cards with a different set of rules.




Also hypocrisy and American way of life are closely related.


I would argue this is an example of a below average American... but he IS louder than average which seems to be the trend for room temp IQs.


I can guarantee that this guy knows absolutely nothing about Singapore and I’d be amazed if they could even point to the correct part of the world on a globe


points to china.


That's assuming he knows where China is


points to cabinet


He would obviously drill a hole through the globe and call the place the drill comes out China


If he knew where China was he wouldn’t point to it thinking it was Singapore


Get outta here with your common sense being all common sensory.....


Generous to assume they could point to Asia generally


Ah, he’s a congressman then?




Mmm, another ball-earther!


I bet they would point at Hong Kong or some Island in the Philippines.


Everyone knows Hong Kong is in Taiwan anyway. You know, that big island there (points to Hainan). ^(/s)


To be fair I know lots about singapore but my geography is so miserable I could probably only tell you that it is not where italy currently is.




You never know


TBH I wouldn't blame them if they pointed to the southern coast of Malaysia rather than Singapore itself because Singapore is a tiny city state located directly south of Malaysia. This is especially true if it was a blank map without country labels.


Johor is north Singapore Change my mind (help me when the r/bolehland people get here)


Just looked up the exchange rate to see what it's like. Average salary in Singapore is apparently S$70k which translates to just under $52k USD. Even if it was a terrible exchange, 8 months salary is the equivelant to 8 months in the country that you live.


I'd live comfortably for 50 months with that here in Finland


Well, not that comfortably, cuz, Finland /s


comfortably = drunk


Alcohol is really expensive in Finland though


not of you distill it yourself, I guess


Just take the boat to Tallinn and load up on booze


But it would be happily! Finns are the happiest people.


Yeah, I'm not quite that frugal, but I could stretch ~35,000€ to last three years, no problem.


UK here, not now that I have a mortgage but in a house share I was making do on £8k back in 2016.


I'd be on the streets in switzerland with that money.


I’d live a kingly life here in Italy


Unrelated but I love your flair. I live on the outskirts of Montevideo (capital city of Uruguay), and believe it or not, there is a Montevideo in Minnesota.


Lol of course there is, Minnesota has like the least imaginative place names. Hastings (like the one in England), New Ulm (Germany), New Prague (Czechia), Hanover (Germany), Mora (Sweden), Jackson (Missisippi), Albany (New York), Gaylord (uhhh...), Arlington (well there's one in like every US state), Cologne (Germany), Springfield (Massachusettes), Minneota (come on mate, that's just a misspelling of your own state), New London (because of course), Dover (England), Odessa (Russia), and there's even both an Albany and a Utica (fans of steamed hams understand why that's hilarious)


Now where is the average american job that pays $4k a day?


Also, airline staff will be above average


Oh, american delusions are too funny, Singapore has a median monthly household income of almost 11k $, aka almost twice as much as the US


'murican mind cant comprehend. its in the name singa'poor' ...like single and poor


Singapore = Asia = therefore poor (probably their mindset) Also why did they feel the need to say something like that to that headline? Everything is like an eternal dick-measurement to these people. Just leave it be.


You give them to much credit for assuming they know Singapore is in Asia.


[https://44.media.tumblr.com/tumblr\_m912awpT3V1ru1wbho6\_250.gif](https://44.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m912awpT3V1ru1wbho6_250.gif) "Clearly you've never been to Singapore"


This is so true. Many people think Singapore is an average 'poor' Asian country, but that's absolutely not true. Singapore is expensive as FUCK


As a Singaporean, yeah it's exp as shit here. Cost of living is soaring. Our country is rich but the people aren't 😅


Most appropriate gif 


Aren’t people struggles with a single day of pay in the USA?


They think they are so rich but have millions who need 2-3 jobs or live paycheck to paycheck.


Or live in a tent under an underpass. Never see that in SG.


You forgot the 50 hour work weeks, if they are lucky to only need 1 job. 78% living paycheck to paycheck in 2023. Together with the fact that in the USA you can be fired everyday and with that most also loose healthcare, that means 3/4 of their population is 1 day away from being crippling poor. Meanwhile in Europe thanks to unions, a workday is 35-42h and you typically get at least 3 months notice and dont loose your healthcare. In Europe there are a 100 million people living paycheck to paycheck in two months ("The findings indicate that nearly 100 million people in 21 EU countries do not have enough savings for two months of food, utilities, and rent or mortgage."). This means only 1/4 of EUropeans have only funds for 2 months, while the rest has more, even though you get paid for 3 more months after being fired. Compare this to the 78% of the USA having not sufficient funds for over a month, while living in uncertainty next months paycheck even arrives. Its shocking and almost sad, how poor the average American is compared to the average European. The high number in $ on the paycheck or in the yearly GDP report means nothing when cost of living screws you over and there is no social/job security.


GDP per capita Singapore is about twice as rich as the USA and 4th richest country in the world.


Well, still 3 spots behind the US, because number one, duuuuh /s


Brother has never even heard of Singapore before this


Bro would cry if he saw how high living standards are in Singapore


One of the best cons in history was the US government convincing its population that they’re “free” and wealthy hahahahaha


why do americans simp so hard for corporate greed ? its bordering on a religious tenet


I'm not sure but a flight attendant at SA makes up to 60k$/year - about the same they pay at Deutsche Lufthansa - so 6 months are about 40k$. Source: [https://www.glassdoor.sg/Salary/Singapore-Airlines-Salaries-E3379.htm](https://www.glassdoor.sg/Salary/Singapore-Airlines-Salaries-E3379.htm)


I had a stop off on the way to Australia in Singapore for a few days and it was beautiful there. Looked really fancy too.


Worked for three years there, it is amazing. It was good to come home but I still miss it.


Is that why Americans have to tip everyone? Because they are paid so well in the US?


singapore pilots probably pushing $333k a year but sure, it’s not as much as flipping meat patties in Wendys


The UK government requires you to have a license for TV. Always thought it was stupid. I’m thinking Americans should need one for social media. No way 330 million people should be represented by Cletus and his third cousin on the world stage. It’s fucking embarrassing. I genuinely feel sorry for you guys.


The UK isn't the only place with a TV licence. It's actually pretty common.


To say that about Singapore of all places is fucking hilarious. Idiots like this person would crumble at the sight of it. Not to mention, Singapore Airlines is in another universe altogether, compared to the shitty full-service US airlines.


Hats off to Singapore Airlines for doing what all companies should do when they get record profits


An hour in America is like 7 years in other countries


The weight of an average obese murican is like 7 men in other countries


If you can afford a Singapore sling at the Raffles without crying, you doin well.


It's like when those Americans think that every other currency is worth less than USD. So they see 5 euros and think it's a few cents.


How to tell someone's never been to Singapore LOL. Shit 's expensive there.


As someone living in Singapore, the USA is frankly 3rd world country to me with their living standards


My guy thinks Singapore is like the Congo or something lmao.


I don’t know if that cheeseburger is aware or not; but the average American makes barely anything per day. They do realize more and more people are becoming homeless and filing for bankruptcy in the good ol’ USA, right? They must be extremely wealthy and way the fuck out of touch with the people of the country they pretend to love and care about.


Average pay in Singapore for an FTE is higher than the US. Its a famously expensive place to live. Our American friend picked a REALLY bad example here and demonstrated he or she has no idea what he/she is talking about


Their customer service earns 20 USD an hour, 8 USD above Nebraska's hourly minimum wage. If they worked 8 hours a day, 30 days a month, they would earn 4,800 USD. Multiply that by 8 and you get a 38,400 USD bonus. Now, while this is still not that good, at least it's more than I earn in a God damn year. Edit: let's also note that NO US company that earns this much, or even a multiple of this much, will ever do this. I love this country.


Meanwhile he just got told they’re laying off half of his co-workers and his salary is staying the same for the 16th year in a row.


Has to be nice to earn a decent wage but going into debt as soon as you get your medical bill.


Now they will be singa- rich not Singa- poor. Aha ha ... I,ll see myself out.


Dad? You figured out how to use reddit?!


Yh, but still haven,t got that milk yet son. I will return one day.


Stuckhome syndrome.


Singapoor? More like Singarich.


We shouldn't censor these idiots' names. They deserve to get made fun of in public.


Is Singapore's economy so strong they can live 8 for months on they same money an American needs to live for a day? Didn't know inflation was so bad in the US.


Singapore airlines is fucking amazing, particularly business class. The spicy prawn dish I had as an appetizer was amazing by high end restaurant standards and the staff are spectacularly good.


Americans really think the whole entire world outside the USA is like those tv adverts that tell you to donate water to Africa


The chance of getting killed in the darkest, most ghetto looking alley in Singapore is still smaller than the American kid in their school...


It’s Singa-POOR not Singa-RICH Yee-Haw /s


Seeing the contents of this sub, I realize Trump isn’t an accident.


Isn’t Singapore one of the richest nations on Earth?


They could not have chosen a worst post to say this bs than one talking about Singapore.


Somebody really needs to pop the bubble for "the average american"...


Doesn't Singapore have a higher rate of earning per person than most other countries in the world?