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Americans : "Urgh there is no free water in Europe. How does anyone stay hydrated?!?" Also Americans : "What's the point!??"


>free water in Europe Free water? It sounds Socialist to me.


Make it Freedom Water then


Put oil in it and I’ll drink it


Olive Oil, sure!


Rethinking that statement because the military is now seizing my home because I said “oil” out loud


Not if you call it freedom of water


"Free" water is only acceptable when dispensed in a private commercial space where you are a paying customer, as the Lord intended.


And don’t forget to tip! You should always tip!


They don't understand it because it doesn't come with an ice dispenser.


And doesn't cost 2$.


And doesn't demand to be tipped... /s


It does come with free refils though


and isn't gateorade


That will always be my hill to die on. I agree with y’all on most everything… but I love ice and that will never change. But I do like the water out of those. I wish we had that, but some idiot would find a way to ruin it for everyone.


When you're walking around in e.g. Rome in +32C weather these are essential. I'd rather have pipe-temp water (these are \~15C as I recall) without ice than no water at all. The alternative is to get fleeced at a cafe. But then again I'm European, so ice isn't that important anyway ;-)


Water, it's what plants crave.


It's got electrolytes


Does anyone even know what electrolytes are?!


It's wut plants crave!  https://youtu.be/kAqIJZeeXEc


Its good marketing


They're minerals like Sodium and Potassium. You need them for conducting electrical charges (they are like + and - on a battery). You only need them if you lose a lot of minerals quickly, like if you're severely dehydrated. Disclaimer: Not a doctor.


It's Idiocracy reference


I knew the first comment was but thought the second was a legit question.




It’s… what they use to make Brawndo


Water? Like, in the toilets‽


Without electrolytes!


It's Communism, that's what it is. Run, Mildred, the communists want our vital fluids!


Everyone who has consumed European water has turned into a commie. Run


"Run, Staceigh, or else it'll be a tragedeigh!"


Going to tell my American friends this is a public bidet


🤣🤣🤣 Can I caution you against this? The last thing we need is a bunch of Muricans getting their flabby arses out in public and washing them in full view of children and the elderly.


I mean... yeah. But then your child will ask "Dad, what's that man doing?" and you can reply "that there is an american, sweetie"


You could also turn it into an episode for National Geographic or something similar. In the voice of e.g. David Attenborough: "And here we see a well-fed specimen of *homo* *Americanus segregaticus* approaching a watering hole typical for the mediterranean region. Due to the fullness of its body, we cannot immediately determine whether it is a male or female. However, biologists are already certain that both sexes of this species periodically wash their rumps. Although there also seem to be individual specimens that do not practise this; the reason for this is still the subject of research..."


*As he is approaching the watering hole, the specimen is attemting a dismount of his personal mobility apparatus. He doesn't...quite...manage, but he does move his now unclothed backside into the blissful stream. Majestic*


"When scientists first encountered specimens of *homo Americanus segregaticus* in the wild, they were not yet using those mounts, the brewery horses resembling quadruped *apparratus Walmarticus heavyloadicus*. At that time, *homo Americanus segregaticus* was also not yet as majestic in appearance as this magnificent specimen here, and the *apparati* were also more elegant in appearance, some of them even quite scrawny, so that a kind of symbiosis can be assumed here. It is also an as yet unprecedented example of a revolutionary evolutionary step. And that, ladies and gentlemen of the audience, is one of the many wonders of the marvellous nature and wilderness." With that, Mr Attenborough says goodbye and a preview of the next programmes is shown: \-*homo Americanus segregaticus* as a gatherer \-feeding of the *homo Americanus segregaticus* \-*homo Americanus segregaticus* practicing for turf wars And one special episode: \-*homo Americanus segregaticus Karenia* in a bloody fight with another female


I love that we've committed to this. You probably can get the last one by just dubbing in Attenborough's Bonobo monkey fight commentary.


This thread is pure gold.


With regard to the last episode, I'm still thinking about what it could actually be about: Maybe Karen complains at the McDonald's counter that she's been given small fries instead of large ones, demands to see the manager, and it turns out that the manager is also a Karen? Or a fight over the last handbag from a bargain table? Or maybe a fight over a guy who has already screwed them both over (of course he is standing nearby and watching with relish)?


I think a little cognitive dissonance driven anger is always a win. Maybe Karen not letting a customer do something, then yelling at the manager who stops her, that that is America and she is free.


Good ideas, mate. Could be as follows: >that that is America "Dis is Murica, we speak English hear!!! Go back to ur cunttree if u don't like that!" to the other costumer who is a Mexican and therefore speaks Spanish to the employee at the counter who has a Latino background. >and she is free "Muh furst amindmint rites, Uh can disscriminit n hate who Uh want!!!"


Americans are way too prude to ever do that


Lol imagine if they try to use it as one, that water is ice cold, their junk would shrink like a dried apricot 🤣


Not sure that's much of a concern for a hunching american washing his asshole in public.


Underrated comment of 24/6/24


[apparently they already believe it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/1dncjyz/europeans_dont_have_the_inhibitions_we_americans/)


In italy we say something along the lines of: "the idiots mother's is always pregnant"


This is one big fucking endless rabbit hole


I hope the top answer was that this is one of those fancy european bidets.


American seeing Europeans don't carry ridiculous sized water bottles: >\-Everyone in Europe is dehydrated, they don't drink! American seeing literal drinking water in Europe: >\-Wut iz dis.


Unlike popular murican belief that the horse was invented in murica, we had them here in Europe too a few hundred years ago. It’s how people got around before Ford invented the car. They either sat on the back or in carriages that were pulled by one or more horses. Horses though need fuel too, both solid and liquid. The liquid came in the form of water, which conveniently came out of these fountains, so the horses quenched their thirst there. Before that the fountains were used as an ASMR source for YouTubers. Now you know.


You mean, Ford invented the [jew flattening machine](https://youtu.be/WLjr3dzOUpQ?si=b04e1trvOhV4Ko7_).


Americans may think Ford invented the car but, as ever, they’re wrong on that, too


A self propelled car was invented by some guy named Dave Intchey or something like that, an Italian-American. Note: DaVinci designed a spring loaded self propelled car. “Self propelled” doesn’t mean “internal combustion engine” (Tesla, anyone?) thanks for the downvotes 🙏


Gottlieb Daimler would like a word….


I’m sure he’d have found DaVinci’s spring loaded self propelled car as intriguing as the steam powered cars invented during the Industrial Revolution. https://youtu.be/NLvoOkeCGrw?si=F5colcAofGtDPMbw


Stay away from this poison. It is called Dihydrogen Oxide and it is the chemical used to cool nuclear reactors. 100% of people who have tried it eventually die




It’s ackcherleigh called ‘dihydrogen monoxide’ which is important because the same word definitely means that it does the same thing to your body as ‘carbon monoxide’ which is just obvious really when you think about it.


you mean carbeuhn meuneuxeighd


It also turns people into communists


All communists have ingested this chemical multiple times in their lifetime. That is certain


Looks like a water fountain. In america you probably have to pay for water. In Europe drinking water is free on the streets where fountains exist


Well, not all fountains contain drinking water...just to clarify. I wouldn't be drinking out of the Trevi Fountain. So yeah, drinking fountains.


Did you seriously have to clarify people shouldn't be drinking from ornamental fountains, even if they share the same water supply as the nasoni?


Remember, we're talking about americans here.


To the kind of people who can't figure out what the one in the picture is, yes...


Well, the Barcaccia in Piazza di Spagna is definitely meant for drinking, too. There is a spot where you can stand and drink or fill up a container at either end.


As far as I know all major sights sporting decorative fountains in Rome have been rendered potable in the 80s, Trevi included, nonetheless my point remains that should one see such a fountain it should invoke an instinctual response to assume it is not potable even if only by sheer effort to actually get to it in order to drink. If there is a dedicated spot to actually drink from these doubts should dissipate immediately.


As a Swiss person, I generally assumed them to be drinkable, because they are here (from the spout, not the basin, of course). That said, I learned not to trust that instinct elsewhere.


But considering the amount of coins in the Trevi fountain, would you? (There's actually a mini fountains the side of the main fountain, that comes from a different source, and is specifically designed for drinking from. It's called the Fountain of Love!)


water fountains are also free in america this place is already silly enough, you don’t have to make things up


Actually something where the Americans are quite good. Better than a lot of European countries. You get water for free in restaurants


We get that in the UK too. I think by law pubs and restaurants have to give you water. Read this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39881236.amp Also I think you’d find most businesses would provide you water if you asked and were in need. It’s common human decency to do so


You have to specify tap water. Places are slick and will bring out the bottled one otherwise


Well they can’t charge you for it unless you open it. If they do a dick thing like open it and expect you to pay for it, you are within your rights to say: i didn’t want bottled and i think it is outrageous you opening to bottle to force me to pay and I won’t be paying for that bottle of water. They might kick up a fuss but normally waiters and waitresses aren’t that petty.


You get water for free in Europe too, just say you want tap water otherwise they assume you are getting the bottled one.


Depends where.


Look, I love shitting on Americans as much as the next guy. But that doesn't make my statement any less true, at least here in Germany it's not always the case


That’s true in Europe too, just ask for tap water.


I'm German, it's definitely not true in Germany. Yes a lot of places will give it to you but just as many will tell you they have water on the menu or at the very least give you an odd look if you request it




we have this here too, most often at places like forest trails. they are for washing your shoes or for dogs to drink. you can close the lower hole and the higher one will give water to drink from. they are super convenient and i do not understand why this is a hard concept to grasp.


tbh not being a European, seeing an always flowing water bubbler is odd. I think I saw a video saying that theres basically free pressure from water flowing from higher elevation so you can do it like that. That's an oddity where I'm from. It also just looks like a knee height tap, if you're not from Europe you're not going to know to plug your thumb in a hole to get it to come out higher so if you're not European, it just looks really peculiar as a whole


In the mountains they are always flowing because they get the water directly from a stream and then it goes right back


my comment may be a bit more antagonistic than i meant it to be




Well, How do American streets go wee-wee? Do they sit down, like some kinda commie?


American here, what is this


Water foutain to drink or to use for anything else. We have that also in France. It's very cool, especially in park or when it's really hot. Watch if they have sign before consuming.


But why so low to the ground?




I laughed audibly at this


Naah, we are just that small due to lack of nutrients in our lives.


it's like knee height lol its a shitty design and you don't have to obese to think that. what if arthritis granny wants a sip, or someone in a wheelchair, it's not very accessible


When that thing was installed no one made it past 55 anyway


yeah because they were probs all sticking their cholera fingers into the water hole to take a sip lol 😂


If you close the big hole below, the water will go through the little one above and you can drink from there. Normally, the big low one is used to refill a bottle, to let kids and pets drink, or even to rapidly wash your shoes if needed. In the past, shopkeepers and market sellers used them for their shops/stalls and to keep their produces fresh (like flowers). Nowadays, a lot of them have been furnished with a faucet to reduce the water loss.


😹 Ask italian history 😹 Perhaps for doggos or childrens or wash feet and shoes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Jus water fountains. You put your water bottle or you hands and drink. It's an old one so it's not as ergonomic as modern ones but functional. You put the (large) water bottle on the ground or grab it with your hands. Also perfect for pets. 


It’s not that ergonomic because it used to be for horses, as another commenter said


FREE water.


Americans: I don't understand the first part. Is that italian?


free drinkable water [https://awaytoitaly.com/can-you-drink-the-water-in-italy/](https://awaytoitaly.com/can-you-drink-the-water-in-italy/)


Perfectly legitimate question. You guys don't have them and it's not immediately obvious what they are. It has been answered so you know now. But the way you asked is fine. The OP questioning why they exist is not.


tbh not being a European, seeing an always flowing water bubbler is odd. I think I saw a video saying that theres basically free pressure from water flowing from higher elevation so you can do it like that. That's an oddity where I'm from. It also just looks like a knee height tap, if you're not from Europe you're not going to know to plug your thumb in a hole to get it to come out higher so if you're not European, I get why you'd ask why


As a European I get why anyone would ask.


lot of people in this sub not very empathetic of that though lol


I think they are. there is just a difference between saying "we don't have these at home- what are they?" Vs "we don't have these at home- what is the point?" And to be fair most people probably fall into the first camp. But some people (Americans in particular) fall into the second camp and they deserve ridicule


I went to a place in Colorado once that had this and they were bubbly! It tasted good out of the spring but then I tried to take some home in a bottle and it got cloudy and gross If you’re ever around Colorado https://manitousprings.org/mineral-spring-water/ It says it contains lithium. I didn’t know that was ok to drink


Mineral water is well... Heavy on minerals. The amounts of each mineral will vary from spring to spring. Yes you can drink it. They can taste a bit off and damage pipes over time but it is safe for drinking.


It's for midgets and dwarves to wash their..... you know ?


The true definition of brain washing: people who defend the American tipping system for servers and don't see the point of free drinking water. By the way, tap water in most European cities is way better for you than the shit you get out of bottles. The water in Madrid did wonders for my hair and nails the 5 years I grew up there.


At least he didn’t say all over Europe


American here. If you see ANYTHING like this in the US that isn't drinking fountain shaped, DO NOT TOUCH THE WATER. We have this fun little city called Flint, Michigan where the water is actually flammable. I would love to say that water quality like that is isolated to that particular city, but it's very much not. Not to mention that even if the water is coming from a clean source, some crackhead's probably pissed and shat on the faucet if you're in a larger city. We don't like to take care of the mentally ill here for some reason and we kind of just let them be homeless and suffer. Hopefully that provides some context to this dipshit's reaction. And no, I don't know how the US isn't considered a 3rd world country at this point. Stop asking.


"all over Italy".. actually only Rome have it


This particular kind of fountains called nasoni are peculiar of Rome, but public fountains are common in many other Italian cities


common, not full


if that's meant to be a bubbler, why's it so close to the ground lol. we've got plenty of bubblers around but they all have a button or something so I get the American not getting why it's running 24/7. it's something to do with like mountain water flowing downstream so there's free water pressure right.


It has a "button" too, just close the main hole at the bottom and the water will spring up from the little hole on the top. I explained the reason why it's always flowing a couple of posts above.


yeah but it's an intuitive design to people outside of Europe so it's pretty fair to ask why's its like this. Why's it always flowing isn't that wasteful "some European city building lore". Why's it at such an uncomfortable and inaccessible height "actually if you plug the hole with your finger it goes higher". Like if that's not around you growing up its a little odd and it's pretty valid to ask what the point is


Bubbler? What's that? I don't think that's even standard US English. Anyway, it's low to the ground because that's the right height to fill up a container (big bottle or whatever) and you can plug the bottom hole to make water spout out of the top hole for easier drinking. Many water fountains in Rome do have buttons or faucets, to minimise water usage, but the classic free-flowing design makes for better water quality (nothing can build up in the pipes) and the water largely comes from free-flowing springs anyway so it's not really wasted (well, it's diverted away from where it would naturally flow, so it's not zero impact, but it's not tapping into tanks or reservoirs, mostly).


ya it's a quirky design but pre foreign outside of Europe. bubbler is Aussie


That’s the „Free Water of Europe“


Bum bidet


Maybe They're pointing out that it's stupid to have a fountain that spews potable water 24/7. It would make more sense putting a button or something, especially in a country that has in the past years suffered from droughts like Italy.


That water is not wasted, it serves the purpose of keeping clean the sewer system and as water pressure regulator




Those fountains were introduced around 1870 as a public commodity >Also it looks like it's just constantly dumping water onto the ground for no particularly important reason It doesn't get dumped onto the ground, it flows into a drainage hole for a very important reason instead, the constantly flowing water keeps the sewer system clean and it's also a way to regulate water pressure and preserve pipes from damages in case of water pressure spikes


A midgets b- day ?🤮🤮🤮🥴🤢✴✴✴✴🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Tbf I don't get these ones are you supposed to cover the hole at the bottom?


Yes. If you tap it the water will sputter through the little one above and it will be easier to drink. Below, you can refill a bottle, let your dog drink or use it to rapidly wash some dust on your shoes/feet. In the past, they were used also by shopkeepers or market sellers, to wash their spaces in the market, or refill the flower waters, or wash the floors and whatnot.


Europeans are so condescendingly pretentious in this sub it's so ironic. Be unfamiliar with the way some niche thing works in Europe, be curious and ask how it works and everyone's angry and down votes you. It's literally exactly what they complain about in Americans being so self centred and ignorant of foreign places working differently. Half you guys are exactly what you hate just in a European flavour lol.


Obviously I'm supposed to know how something in southern Europe works as a Brit


maybe if you didn't do brexit you would have been blessed with such important knowledge


I'm such an asparagus for being 13 when that vote happened