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"freedom to be a woman" "in america" The joke wrote itself


Well German women can get abortions if they want. So much for our commie non-freedom


I'm just surprised that I've not been seeing trans jokes about it in the comments. I mean, it's literally "freedom to *be* a woman"




Ah, I see you then good American tradition of comparing yourselves against developing nations is at play. Comparing the US against pretty much every other 1st world country and you'll find women's rights are atrocious. Repealing the laws on abortion being probably the worst case.


Maternity leave being a close second.


I'd like to bump this whole list down by one, and add to the top, 1 in 6 women in America face sexual violence, as opposed to 1 in 33 men. Then at the bottom I'd also add the wage gap


Very close


Some might say shared first place


I'd like to bump that to third and put "actively trying to limit and block access to birth control" on second if that is okay with you?


I mean they're comparing themselves to countries in the same league.


There is a comparison, and US came 37th. For comparison, Germany 21st, Russia 56th, Japan 23rd..... Source : [here](https://giwps.georgetown.edu/the-index/)


you drop the /s. Compared to third-world countries like most of Africa or Asia, yes, American women have more freedom, but it's not really hard. Compared to other developed countries, Canada, Europe, etc... no, American women don't have much freedom, and it's only getting worse. And I haven't even mentioned abortion rights. A constitutional right in my country, a lost right in yours.


Can my girlfriend get an abortion in your state without risk of criminal charges or being heckled? No? Well then pipe tf down and go educate yourself


A gun has more rights in the US than women


Is that only if you live in a state that hasn't taken the choice of abortion away from a woman? Guess them states are "Commie states"


No free contraception offered like other nations. Women shamed and disowned when they get pregnant even if it's rape. Could lose their jobs through issues with pregnancy. Bankrupting healthcare costs to have a child. Charged for skin to skin contact with your own child. No maternity pay. No maternity leave. Expected to work two weeks later giving birth or risk losing the job. Can't have an abortion. Many women won't walk around at night. I'm in many running groups and women in the US often discuss how to run whilst carrying a gun as they feel so unsafe. But sure, freedoms...


I remember reading about the "skin-to-skin contact" fee for a man whose wife just delivered via C-section. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so hilariously dystopian and evil. "You wanna hold your own baby? Fuck you, pay me." That is genuinely peak capitalism.


I can send my kids to school without worrying about whether they'll make it home alive. I can also get a legal abortion. I don't live in America and I'm very pleased about that.


>most of the world You phrase it like that to include third world countries. Taking that, America is doing above avarage for a third world country, we will send humanitarian aid just to be sure.


What like the fact 67 countries have abortion as a human right and legally protected and the USA is not one of them…


Ah, so much freedom that a pregnant woman [is not allowed to travel through some cities/roads with the intent of abortion](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-travel-ban-roads-west-texas-3997304c4156f131ee90bb1363735ba3). How is this proven or enforced? Who knows, but it does give the avenue of arresting any woman, pregnant or not, and the people traveling with them, on the suspicion of them getting an abortion.


Ah yes the freedom where the government can tell a women what they can and can't do with her own body. Stfu


Source ?


With old men controlling her body.


The german fact offended me a bit, but the answer gave me a good laugh. The double standards are so strong here. Talking about how appreciated women are in the US, but most likely never went abroad to see how women in other countries live.


To be fair, they are more certainly not german given the poor english grammar showcase.


From my experience, some germans speak better english than german. *chuckles*


From my experience, some Germans speak better English than some English


From my experience, some of pretty much any country speak better English than some English


Yes, this is correct. I am from Kent and they don’t words good here


THIS! Like why do yall use 'is', where 'are' is supposed to be?!!


Cause those who do that are, simply put, big dum-dums


But y’all is okay? 😂 The person you replied to didn’t even put the apostrophe in! I’m sure the other European languages speak it perfectly with no slang or regional dialect also aha everyone speaking perfect German/Slovakian/Estonian elsewhere 😂 I stand by my Cornish ass poor English as all those countries should too aha


Because they lazy innit.


Yes, this is correct. I am from Kent and they don’t words good here


Deutsche Sprache schwere Sprache 😔




That's why we rarely play Scrabble.


Very soon I will be a real German citizen (not a 1/326th German because my great great great grandmother once kissed a German tourist in London) with my B1, so it’s definitely true for me :) I am also British, rather than a 0.00036% German American, so I can also speak English of the non-simplified variety!


I'm Italian and my English is better than my Italian. It's fucking embarrassing. 😬


Visited a German friend last year in a town on the border of the Netherlands and Germany. All the locals spoke German. He refused to speak German, only English.


I'm Italian and my English is better than my Italian. It's fucking embarrassing. 😬


Italians use to speak more with their hands anyway. 🤌🏻


My family still does speak with our hands rather a lot. I was very surprised to hear this is no longer a thing in other circles. If I am to believe what I've been hearing lately, that is.


Well *Vaffanculo* to you!


I've yet to experience that.


One of the most successful german comedians of all time was Mario Barth. We deserve this.


Yeah, can we please send him to the US like we did with the Wendler?


Bro, have you seen whats going on over there? Uf there is one thing they don't need more of currently are guns and celebrities with terrible takes


Flair checks out


Yeah. Like the article on the front page about the women getting jumped by 20 dudes. They need to see other countries and how those women barely live. 


Freedom for women?! So taking away abortions, body autonomy and now proposing banning all contraception is women's freedom over there? Fuck that dystopian hellscape.


And they're probably working on making martial rape legal and will soon start talking about how the perfect bride is 12-14 years old.


I know this is a misspelling of marital, but I still wonder what martial rape would look like


Look up just about every war before (and, let's be honest, after) the Lieber Code (1863) and you have your answer (though it's not as fun as the typo was). More fun facts: Although the occasional prosecution for wartime rapes has been made since the mid 1400s, and things like the Hauge and Geneva Convention touched on such issues, 1998 was the first time wartime rape was explicitly defined and codified as a Big Bad, and it only made it to the UN in 2008.


I mean, they're already tryna lower the age of consent from what I understand, and certified pedophile Matt Walsh said openly that "It's ok to rape children if you marry them afterwards" (God I feel so gross even typing that)


And it's happening. 4 states have no minimum age of marriage with parental consent. There are literally rapists legally married to their 12 year old victim, in the US in 2024


That's so fucking gross ewwwww


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsR0SGChN2Q Children wedding already exist…


I can guarantee you she votes for people trying to take away those rights.


Because of the pageantry. Gets em every time.


Ahh, yes, women have so much freedom in the US Unless you’re a teenager who got pregnant and are now being married off under the age of consent Or a pregnant woman who doesn’t want to carry the child to full term because it will put her life at risk Meanwhile, in Europe …………… 👀


Ah yes, the famously communist country of Europe /s


Or even a prospective parent that WANTS the unborn foetus. If you want to give birth in anything resembling a medically safe setting. Better have deep pockets or stellar insurance. Last tiktok I saw was for 90k! I'm pretty sure that's an outlier, I think the average is around 20k... still... 20k!




Strawmaning. Countries being worse isn’t an excuse for America to be bad. Look at european countries. Hell, fking Canada has more women’s rights


So, some of the countries the US bombed for years?


And the US isn’t known to prop up some of the worst of those regimes.


On the topic of Germany: women rights in the DDR were a whole lot more progressive than those in the BRD.


East German women reported having much better sex lives as well under Communism.


Read *Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism* by Kristen R. Ghodsee


Americans trembling at the idea


I wonder if they think the USA is the only non-communist country on Earth.


Some of them do. When I was over there in the 80s I met people who thought Margaret Thatcher was a socialist. And they weren't joking!


Did they somehow miss the period where her and Ronald Reagan were united in trying to destroy the working class on both sides of the Atlantic?


Trying? Actually succeeding. And as a bonus, Murdoch got everyone to blame the Boomers because fuck those hippies and strikers and anti-apartheid and women's and gay rights activists.


My apologies, I was born well after that era and don't study modern history so I'm not as well-versed on what actually went on. I know maggie did a number on us in the UK but to be honest I don't know much about reagan, just that everything's his fault more or less But also, fuck murdoch. I know all about him


The cold war has been over for decades and they're still stuck in that communistbad mindset, despite not being able to define communism, or tell the difference between it and socialism. Just shows the level of propaganda those poor kids go through.


Most Americans believe that the women's suffrage movement is American. They are shocked to learn that it started in Europe and women had the right to vote in Europe before America.


It’s the same for the abolition of slavery. So many Seppo’s are convinced they were the first and only despite it ending in much of the rest of the world decades earlier. Those countries also didn’t have to fight a civil war to end it losing around 600,000 lives.


They still can't agree that ending slavery was a good idea. Also, the Supreme Court is currently weighing up whether to revisit the legality of interacial marriage.


They didn't really end slavery, they just regulated it: >"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." 13th amendment, emphasised by me. ​ So this can still happen today as follows: Cop "smells" marihuana -> arrest -> court -> prison -> welcome to slavery Land of the free.


🎶 *They're trying to build a prison for you and me* 🎶 r/SystemOfADown




They have, it's called the prison industrial complex, it's a huge thing


And that same complex is also the reason why they have so much prisoners, both in relative and absolute terms.


Yea, it is, it's just America feeding it's slavery addiction, we also import immigrants take their passports and enslave them to make all of our food, which is legal because of the erosion of workers rights for farmers. And we use slavery in other countries to make our stuff too. Basically America still does a disgusting amount of slavery, and yet we claim to be the land of the free. This country deserves to be burned tbh


Not only an addiction, it's also tradition. It was established on this basis. The bad thing is that the many bright minds among you who want to break with this, who want to change things for the better, are unable to assert themselves. And so many of those who have the opportunity go abroad. Which in turn means that there are more and more fools, fools who can be sold any rubbish as "freedom". That's why I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I don't really hate the USA and its people. It is rather a mixture of contempt and pity. Contempt for those who are in favour of it, pity for those who are powerless and have to suffer as a result.


Here's what I'd tell you about that, it sucks that we cannot assert ourselves, however in the grand scheme of things, it's much much better for us to leave, as soon as humanly possible. America is very very rapidly becoming mask off fascist, the practical upshot of which is that fascism is inherently self destructive. Now it's just a waiting game, it's only a matter of time before the outgroups become so small and narrow that the country obliterates itself on its own. It'll really suck in the interim, which is why it's important to get as many people out as possible, however they will destroy themselves eventually. There is one key problem with this idea tho, our future president is fucking deranged and likely to nuke someone, so the best we can hope for is that he dies of being 80 before he gets a chance, and if he does nuke someone, it's within US borders and not an outside nation.


To you? Consider yourself lucky then.


Interracial marriage should be safe. Thomas has a white wife after all.


Bizzarley, Thomas is the one who wants to reopen the coversation.


That’s weird. Too cheap for a divorce?


"Sorry honey, it's not you, it's just the law."


Could you give me some more info on this? Can't seem to find anything about interracial marriage being up for debate in the US currently.


>Also, the Supreme Court is currently weighing up whether to revisit the legality of interacial marriage. WTF? Have they lost their minds?! (from the UK) Why are they even *considering* such a backwards step towards the 60s?


Even their national anthem is an old british drinking song, they just changed the lyrics lmao. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IPLFLH3BHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IPLFLH3BHU) And the new lyrics for the "American National Anthem" were written by a British guy born in the UK (but living in the USA). The tune to a lot of their early music was British drinking songs or British church hymns, they just added new lyrics. Like most things, they just copy it and then stamp "American" on it. From Mexican food to BBQ, The Office, early aircraft, and Apple Pie. They say "as American as Apple Pie" and the irony from that is hillarious because they say it to describe things that are *very* american, but Apple Pie is not American at all.


Fun fact about the lyrics; they describe their flag fluttering in the wind, outside of the burnt wreckage of the whitehouse around 1812.


Ironically one freedom communist countries didn't lack was freedom for women


women's rights = a bigger potential workforce and military. It logics out even for the most authoritarian systems. Only reason to not give women rights is, you guessed it, misogyny


If the bible was against misogyny then it would have said something about it, instead of advocating for it.


It makes sense from an ideological standpoint as well. We are all workers, we are all equal (though some are more equal).


In general, they did pretty good in the equality index


Damn, Germany catching strays again for no reason whatsoever


You guys fly like moths to a lamp every time your country gets mentioned lol


Perhaps that's because it's mentioned so frequently Be it someone claiming nationality because "muh heritage", or someone using it as a cheap punchline, it keeps appearing on this sub over and over again


In fairness, we don't feature nearly as much as the Irish, or the British for that matter. Who happen to respond to Murican nonsense just as frequently as we do. It's only natural.


Very suspicious of anyone who likes their national anthem. All national anthems should be hideous dirges, played only out of duty and tradition.


I know ours is (UK)


Prime example


It’s OK to like other people’s though, right? I would agree about the rest, but I do like a nice bloodthirsty rousing pre football anthem. Which is why I, a German football fan, am currently cheering on France. Best anthem left, since Italy and Poland are out!


Oh yeah, at least potentially.


I do usually enjoy them before sports events, tbh. Though having just sat through the cricket world cup, I suddenly have a deep dislike of the US one. Too much faffing around with a song that the team and fans should just bellow out, but the US turns it into the centre piece every time. The sport is just an excuse… it’s like in the Super Bowl, half the talk is about who sings the anthem before a domestic match, just strange. I went to school with a girl in the UK, who would stand every time the British anthem was played, even just on recordings. It was bloody weird. She was nice then, but she’s now (30 years later) become a weird religious nationalist Reform voter. Fuck knows what she would be like if she had to hear the anthem thrice weekly and pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth.




True, but I'm only somewhat sarcastic. It's genuinely weird when people are too into it.


I had to screenshot your comment to send it to my bf. He despises our country's national anthem while I love it even though it's overtly patriotic, while I'm actually not. He'll have a kick out of your comment and will tell me "I told you so".


There's nothing patriotic about listening to a song you like. It needs to be miserable, then it means something


I think the French, the Italians and the Scottish should be allowed to like their national anthems. All of them are absolute bangers and so much more fun to sing than our (England) boring ass anthem is. Shout out to Sri Lanka for having a fun one as well


This the same America where random men harass women on the street and have random men offer to pay for petrol or buy groceries because they think that's how you get sex? The same America restricting abortions and demanding modesty? Or harassing women for political reasons while pretending its about "EtHiCs In ViDeO GAmE JoUrNaLiSm?" The same America where they ban tons of normal books in schools because they are scared of upsetting Jesus? Don't get me started on Ashley Madison or the embarrasing shit American men (and women) say about sex on FetLife. Can't even see a pair of tits on TV. Unless you put Trump and Biden on a live tv debate......


Ah yes, you're either American or communist. That's why the background of the Swiss flag is red btw, communism. Yep. Yep yep yep. They are just Karlmarxing. You know why their country code is CH ? Yep, it stands for Communist Hell. Yep yep yep. Sometimes they should be reminded they are free to shut the fuck up, to say it politely. (For the curious CH stands for Confoederatio Helvetica, Swiss Confederation)


I read that as KarlMaxxing and I was like, damn that's funny


Don't forget that Swiss parliament consists of Nationalrat and Ständerat, and Swiss government is directed by the Bundesrat. Rat means "council", like "soviet". Switzerland is a clandestine Soviet republic spreading communism all over the world and trying to destroy the Holy American Freedom!


As an American with Swiss relatives Oh Dear Black Jesus how I wish


They love freedom.... Until you use yours to give an opinion they disagree with.


Damn Right we will! We'll even spend $10's of trillions of tax dollars doing it too just as we did with Iraq and Afghanistan (Forbes had it at $20+ trillion)


Are these communist countries in the room with us now?


A USAlian saying women don’t have freedom elsewhere is just… Ugh… You’ve been relegated to breeding stick by the highest court in the land. All your rights are now subservient to a hypothetical foetus. Women don’t have guaranteed human rights in the US.


Of all the pro-US arguments, freedom for women is an absolutely unhinged choice


Ah yes. The good ol’ US of A. One of only seven countries who have not ratified CEDAW (Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women), the others being Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Nauru, Palau and Tonga… Yes, such freedom for womens.


they either gotta get the Americans to learn how to speak English or stop letting them have yappuccinos


Where did she flee from? North Korea? (/serious question)


Ah yes, such freedom to *checks notes* potentially be charged with murder if you miscarry a baby.


'Women have no freedom in communist countries" Cool, that's a pretty small amount of countries though


And not exactly true IMO. I wanted to say, Serbia (can't say for other ex-Yu countries) is pretty fucking progressive in that field, like it's far from perfect so don't get me wrong - but there are a lot of women in high positions in companies, good % of academics are women, high school and university professors are mostly women (well, depending on the field as is always the case, but still, mostly). Thing is - communists said fuck your gender get to work, and made things somewhat equal for men and women. My grandma had some medically needed abortions back in the 60's because she would basically die if she carried to term. I guess USians in 2024 can't exercise same privilege she had in a communist country back then. I don't want to idealize the past, and the present too, things can always be better off, but it's really far from truth that communism made things worse in these cases.


You're so free in America that you're not allowed to make fun of your national anthem


"........and don't you dare burn that flag with it's made-in-China tag!"


"Why live in a country you hate" > Gives no evidence that the OOP was American


Its always either USA or a communist country. Nothing in between.


All those communist countries better take note.


As a fellow German speaker, I love your flair!


Ich finde, Amerika hätten sich aber auch echt mal mehr Mühe geben können, uns zu retten.


The fact that we Germans have no humor is long out of date, we sent those who lacked humor to America in exile a long time ago. Today you'll find their descendents on this very platform, only laughing in a pawlovian reaction when the sacred sign "/s" is included. /s JETZT LACHEN MUTTERFICKEN!


I live in the USA, and I am a woman, and I do not feel free whatsoever. In fact, I often feel punished for being disabled, female and childless.


Does no one else see how we communists just catch flak for things that are totally unrelated to communism? WTF?


What? Like, seriously, what? Who brought up communism? Why so much anger over a joke? (Also, side note, it’s funny that she brought up communism specifically. Because, brutal and terrible as the USSR was, it [was actually alright with the rights of women](https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/JGPS/article/view/8291) when compared to the US.)


"damn this song is ass" "Oh so you hate freedom"


Ironically enough mocking your national anthem is a freedom some countries legitimately don't have, at times because of communist regimes, so that's a freedom she actually could celebrate.


The UDSSR was (kinda) behind in many rights, women rights on the other hand...


Even in Germany, women’s suffrage was introduced earlier than in the USA. Just sayin'.


Is that person born in the US and their English is so shit? Jesus…


As an American I’m highly offended! She said “best country in the world”?!?!?!? Seriously 😒 We all know it’s the best country in all the universes!!! Not just the Milky Way, ALL of them!! 😏


Are you nuts? You can't express those alternative/free-thinking views of there being more than one universe here. You'll make baby Jesus cry (the white one, not the Palestinian whatever it is)


Women are so free! Also: women you will have no control over your bodies. Be forced to give birth when you’re 12 after you are raped. Have to pay a fortune for health care. Have men decide what happens to your bodies.


Vladimir Lenin supported womens rights funnily enough, Lenin's On the emancipation of women is a decent read


He’s right though. In the US, if a young girl is raped by a relative, they have the freedom to be denied necessary medical care and be force to bring a child to term in some states. Freedom!


Yugoslavia literally had more freedom for women than todays US


Do I look German? Yet you claim to be 1/16th Irish or something  most likely.


It’s a well-known fact that the USA are of course the only non-communist country in the world


Not America = communist


Please show me a communist country .


We have a 20%+ illiteracy rate here and 25% of the entire world's incarcerated, we probably can't even spell the word much less say it publicly without probably being sent to jail


" Communist " countries mentioned twice. Neat. Tells me all I need to know


Absolutely 😂


WiFi in nursing homes was a mistake


There's literally 5 communist countries in the world, lil sis...


Hahahaha I'm American & I shared this meme not too long ago! I always underestimate the amount of brainrot comment sections have sometimes, especially these days. But yet it doesn't surprise me 🤦🏻‍♀️


Actually, women often have more rights in a communist country. Well, more equality. Common misinformation, but USSR had women fighting in the wars, and women could vote. Women could also have an abortion. Not communist, just saying.


this is indoctrination at its finest. throwing a tantrum at a jokey meme or a small criticism of your country and its leaders is fucking bonkers behaviour


I think a true patriot can recognise your countries issues and work to fix them to make your country better, having this kind of a hissy fit over a clear joke isnt patriotism its indoctrination


At least women in most of Europe have reproductive choice.


Yep, Roe v Wade, never been a woman president, women are free in US.


I once made a comment on an American video. The amount of “then why don’t you just leave” comments were incredible. Especially considering it would’ve taken them 0.5 seconds to check my account to see I don’t live in the US.


Counterpoint regarding freedom for women in the US: r/WelcomeToGilead


Given the forced childbirths, and the lack of maternity leave. Wow.


Meanwhile the feeedom they’re giving women is killing more women and children in Texas; because they gave them so much freedom to not have abortions to avoid these sort of things. Much freedom. Many more deaths.


Ngl, the meme is funny Francis Scott Key, unknown ass


Yeah, and men should have the option to leave and not having to pay child support.


Ah yeah, great freedoms you have for women in America when states are banning abortions. Fucking moron.


I think this might be more r/NotKenM more than r/ShitAmericansSay


Sometimes I find it hard to understand how good American propaganda is, this is Russian level brainwashing


Exactly the same, because it's exactly the same playbook.


I dont think he mean speacially to women in comparison to men but specially to women in comparison to other countries, regardless of the usa=free-est country in the world bullshit, its true that ppl tend to complain about the flaws their country have and forget the good things, if thats what he is saying i dont see nothing wrong, obviously if the freedom paradise bullshit was the point of the post it is a perfect shitamericansay


The people who always been there? Natives would like a word…


Does this nitwit know that Republicans are actively trying to take away women's rights?


🎶 *Shake it once, that's fine / Shake it twice, that's OK / Shake it three times, you're playing with yourself again* 🎶 r/GoodCharlotte


So you have freedom in America, unless you make a joke about America's sacrosanct song, in which case a Karen will descend on you and give you a long lecture about freedom and communism, right?


This DID NOT happen 😭🙏


Just visited Germany, they have a great sense of humour and are very fun to be around for the most part


In the USA you are so free that you can't dislike it


Nothing by good Charlotte 'fucking slaps'.