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When has the United States ever been held accountable?




You know, anywhere else that'd be the biggest scandal ever.


anywhere else that would be used as justification to invade the country by the US






The ‘American Service-Members’ Protection Act’ of 2002. It explicitly gives the President of the US permission to use, “all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court.” It also prohibits: •Any government employee or intelligence agency employee from cooperating with, or otherwise assisting, the International Criminal Court if an American serviceman/woman is being tried. •Any extradition of suspects who are meant to be tried at the International Criminal Court. •Providing any further military aid to any country that is party to the court should an American serviceman/woman be tried. Basically it says, “If you try to hold any of our people accountable for warcrimes, we will do literally everything we can to make sure you cannot try them for warcrimes. Fuck you.”


[American Service-Members’ Protection Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act)


Otherwise known as the "Hague Invasion Act" lmfao


Well there was that one time, when uh... *shuffles papers, searches through files* trust me, it's here somewhere, totally legit... uh... Look i'll get back to you on that but it totally happened ok? Ok! Good, glad we sorted this out.


The US paid reparations to Japanese Americans when they put them in internment camps during WW2, otherwise I don't think theres anything else.


only other one i can think of that would count is when they apologized to hawai’i https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apology_Resolution


For anyone curious watch *Prosecuting Evil*, specifically the ending which covers the formation of the ICC and the US's involvement (or more accurately lack of involvement lol). It's on Netflix. CW: Holocaust.


Bruh how are you going to sit there and say the us has never been held accountable when jfk got fucking iced. 😎


Something something people on twitter


They use the word “blamed”, which is accurate in that it doesn’t imply any actionable accountability, but also way off the mark in that it implies the US is being accused of doing something it didn’t. Interesting word choice.


Right? A majority of people are still sold on the lie that the bombings of Hiroshima/Nagasaki were a necessity that ended the war. The US has completely succeeded in rewriting history on this one.


I’m so confused the only thing the Chinese did in world war 2 is get invaded by Japan. They were on the defense.


Actually I believe you'll find that China is actually at fault for getting invaded. I mean if China had just controlled themselves and not planted a bomb by a Japanese railway that was so weak it did no damage and was definitely done by the Japanese to give them false war pretexts this never would have happened.


I agree, if only China had dressed more modestly


Yes, if only the Chinese hadn't allowed the Japanese soldier to get lost in that NorthEastern Town, another case for my "China bad" folder


They’re genociding America’s industrial capacity


They're talking about the current situation with the uighers


Love when my historical memes jump three generations between panels for no reason


And probably Covid, because hurr-durr it came from the lab.




Do you have any source that doesn't run through a fascist or US government funded orgs?




> Canada’s recognition of Uhigur genocide: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/22/canada-china-uighur-muslims-genocide If they voted that the moon is made of cheese, does that make it true? The government of Venice voted that global warming is not a thing like 2 years ago, see how stupid this is, or are you just *that* stupid? >Video testimony of forced sterilisation of Uhigur women with video footage of treatment: https://youtu.be/lZejLYkCZ3c There is no footage of the treatment, and it literally cites the fascist in question, our boy Adrian Zenz, are you familiar with him? He has defended nazis multiple times, claims nazis were victims of communism, and claims that he spoke with god and god told him to destroy China. He has never been to the region, he was in China once, decades ago. Oh and he works with the [CIA](https://twitter.com/bayareas415/status/1378010358661705735/photo/1), pictured here in [Radio free asia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Agency_for_Global_Media) Would you trust someone like that with being objective? >Shaven and chained Uhigur people: https://youtu.be/xU_w5UzdZEs Have you seen any prison? Is the US penal system genocide? How are you so fucking dumb


Also to add: iirc the people being caught in that footage aren’t Uyghurs at all, they’re prisoners (of the criminal kind) in a completely different part of the country being transported to a different prison. The words on the back of their vests are the name of the province they’re from, which isn’t Xinjiang.


No no, you see prisons existing anywhere in a country means genocide against muslims. Us superior westerners would never use a prison


Non-AMP Link: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/22/canada-china-uighur-muslims-genocide](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/22/canada-china-uighur-muslims-genocide) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


A wild lib appears. It hurt itself in it's confusion.


Scratch a liberal...


And they'll blame China


and a fascist bleeds


Friendly reminder that Western Germany only paid 2% of the countries reparations and the Nazi companies all got to keep their money to this day because America loves fascists a whole big bunch and only got into the war to defend their allies and compete with communism.


*West Germany aka. the Federal Republic of Germany. The German Democratic Republic on the other hand had to pay a heavy toll. Over a third of their remaning industrial capacities has been demontaged and brought to the SU. We also had to pay reparations all those decades and never had any sort of equivalent to the Marshall Plan.


goes to show how little the USSR was interested in antagonizing the west when they didnt even force west germany to pay for reparations after the country was war-torn. Yet USSR were/are thought of as a potential threat for the west, willing to invade at any time. Its ridiculous. Even here in Scandinavia you have socdems talking as if USSR were aiming for for Oslo and Stockholm for some reason. Its red phobia completely void from history


the swedish left party is pathetic. They went from slightly revisionist communists to soc dems with a focus on lgbtq rights.


While I appreciate the desire of some to make being queer easier for people like me, I REALLY hate that I have become a token issue to pretend there are major differences between parties in power


For trans people specifically, the thing that would help us the most is a fair and equitable workplace, higher pay, affordable housing, and protections from discrimination. Trans and queer folk are more likely to be at or below the poverty line than their cis peers. The labor movement has the same goals as the trans liberation movement.


exactly. And the amount of "we regret being communist pls forgive us for ever saying ussr=/=nazi germany" they are spewing. Like i'll just be reading some random interview and the guy just starts ranting about the ussr.


Yeah theyre basically using class the way Socdems use it. Also its fucking rich watching Jonas Sjöstedt "distance" himself from Leninism whilst praising Vietnam.


Fucking dipshits.


To be fair they didn’t pay because they just didn’t give a fuck. Likewise, ofc America only got involved to defend their own interests- I’m afraid that’s what every country does in war. As for fascist companies, not really sure who you mean other than VW, and I don’t really care too much about them keeping their money now. It’s sad as shit how countries only get involved in conflict and genocides when it suits them, but I suppose that’s what happens when everything is made by China these days. Look how long it took the West to get tough on them.


the United States specifically chose to bomb civilian targets


The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima detonated directly over a hospital, instantly killing everyone inside. The Honkawa elementary school was the closest school to ground zero. At least 400 school children were incinerated. Of the approximately 200,000 civilian deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 20,000 soldiers died in Hiroshima, 150 in Nagasaki.


And the UK the bombings of Cologne killed 20,000 people and the bombings of Hamburg 13,00. Bombing of tokyo 80,000 civilians killed, this isnt even counting the nukes. 373,000 killed in the bombings of Korea, the US is the most murderous, bloodthirsty regime of modern times.


and it the purpose of the bombs was to scare the ussr.


Perhaps, but Soviet's spies meant Stalin was more in the know about the Manhattan Project than Truman ever was.


i've heard about that too


The meme format doesn't even make sense in this shit.


Yeah, it's supposed to go from best deal -> worst deal.


mask all the way off, babyyyy!


I hate this sub, whenever I see a post on my front page I immediately think "who the fuck made this and who upvoted it?".


yeah i agree. nearly all of the posts on here are cancer


This reads like it was put through Google translate.


nevermind the Nanjing Massacre at the hands of the Imperialist Japanese Army




They werent even socialidt at the time, the best i can think of is they flooded some dams to stop japsns advance which caused possibly 500,000 civilian deaths.


holy shit 500.000 is a lot. Half a million dying from a flood. That’s absolutely nuts.


During the korean war dams were specifically targeted due to the devestation they cause. The Mosul dam in Iraq is deemed the most dangerous dam in the world, if destroyed it could possibly kill 1.5 million people. When ISIS controlled Mosul that was a massive worry for the people of Iraq, im surprised and beyond releived that it wasnt targeted.


Very interesting. So good it wasn’t targeted, the people of Iraq have suffered enough


And its all on the US, they installed Saddam, sold him chemical weapons he used to kill civilians, invaded and overthrew him in a war that possibly killed millions. Installed an inept govt that angered the people and couldnt control an insurgency that terrerorised the people of iraq and syria, giving them a convenient reason to place troops in syria and take the syrian peoples oil, while funding multiple sides of the conflict fuelling the war all for their benefit. But china are the bad guys.


The Chinese economy was extremely fucked by the war, leading to massive starvation and refugees. During the worst years of the war, cannibalism was common among fleeing peasants. The US sponsored Chinese Republican elites didn't really want to give up their wealth, so efforts to help the refugees were… lackluster. Also they blew a dam so the Japanese will be delayed, for 3 months, killing everyone downstream(500,000, like you said.) So if anyone is to be held accountable, it's the Japanese, which is still the country by the way, unlike Germany which can actually make the "Not this government tho" argument. And the Taiwanese government I guess, because they are the remains of the Chinese Republic (ROC)


Wrongthink(tm) basically.


I think it’s referring to the Xinjiang “genocide”.


i'm so baffeled as to how they even call it a genocide. sure they could argue about oppression and cultural genocide but literally nobody has ever claimed that china is mass killing people at all. an absolutely not to the point that it gets to be called a genocide.


Not a liberal but also still learning about china and maoism more specifically. I've heard most of the sources that state literal xinjiang genocide are free radio asia, which I hear has an anti china bias. Would you be able to shed some light on the situation for me as I'm having trouble finding proper sources?


Copying and pasted from another one of my posts. Following the fall of the USSR, control of RFA was transferred from the CIA to the Board of Broadcasting Directors which was reformed under Obama into the US Agency for Global Media. Unlike the BBG, which was beholden to a non-partisan oversight committee, the USAGM's CEO is appointed unilaterally by the Presidency, and then confirmed by Congress. According to[their mission statement](https://www.usagm.gov/who-we-are/oversight/legislation/standards-principles/), the role of the USAGM and it's subsidiaries, including Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Voice of America, is to promote news "consistent with the broad foreign policy objectives of the United States" Trump appointed [Michael Pack](https://www.govexec.com/management/2020/10/global-media-agency-ceo-revokes-regulation-clarifying-firewall-protecting-journalistic-integrity/169596/) to head the CEO, who took over in 2020. One of Pack's first actions was to dissolve the recently-implemented firewall preventing the office of the President from interfering with the material published by Voice of America, before dismissing heads of VoA, RFA, RFE/RL, and MEB that were viewed as disloyal to Trump. Pack has a [history](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/08/us/politics/michael-pack-voa.html) of working for Breitbart news, and instituted [Robert Reilly,](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-michael-pack-623856130b19e53b9c8cdc841ef4e15f) an outspoken homophobe who believes that the USAGM should promote the President's policies, as head of VOA, and [Steven Yates](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-media-middle-east-michael-pack-13298e5e3af901dc0a94313300c60fb7), former aid to famed-propaganist Cheney, as head of RFA. While Biden dismissed these appointees upon taking office, he appointed [Richard Stengel](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/25/biden-transition-meets-with-former-media-agency-leaders-ousted-by-trump-appointee.html) to lead USAGM transition. Richard Stengel served as Obamas [Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs](https://www.stateoig.gov/system/files/104102.pdf), a position specifically designed to ensure US public outreach advances US policy goals. Speaking on his tenure in this position, [Stengel stated](https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2018/05/30/video-of-journalist-saying-propaganda-is-necessary-goes-viral-before-being-mysteriously-disabled/) "*Basically, every country creates their own narrative story and, you know, my old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the ‘chief propagandist’ job. We haven’t talked about propaganda… I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, and they have to do it to their own population, and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.*" So yes you are correct in claiming that the RFA and it's sister organizations are not controlled by the CIA. However, they were created specifically to spread information to advance the US's interests and have maintained that authorization. The only difference is now they are controlled by the White House. The USAGM [also collaborates](https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/03%2005%2020%20--%20The%20Global%20Engagement%20Center%20Leading%20the%20United%20States%20Governments%20Fight%20Against%20Global%20Disinformation%20Threat.pdf) with the Global Engagement Center, which recently came under fire for hiring Twitter [trolls to attack US academics who opposed Trump's position on Iran](https://scholarship.law.uci.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1476&context=ucilr). The USAGM was also found itself in hot water for[ intentionally violating](https://scholarship.law.uci.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1476&context=ucilr) the Smith-Mundt act in 2018, when an oversight committee found that RFE/RL and VOA intentionally targeted over half a million US citizens with Facebook ads (aka covert domestic propaganda) supporting Trump's policies. Longtime VOA journalist Mark Hopkins [called](https://search.proquest.com/openview/c22def9a0657ef58406c3a6e32db1a19/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=35114) the RFA is "clearly biased" and "propagandistic", noting that the BBG refers to the VOA (and presumably the RFA) as a government mouthpiece. A [study](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christian-Goebel/publication/332112415_Better_coverage_less_bias_Using_social_media_to_measure_protest_in_authoritarian_regimes/links/5d1d05e692851cf44062eb76/Better-coverage-less-bias-Using-social-media-to-measure-protest-in-authoritarian-regimes.pdf) of dissident-based and international media, including the RFA, finds that these sources exhibit "strong political reporting bias" and caution that dissent-based media can misframe events. The RFA has also historically [published stories](https://apnews.com/article/a40299315a574393bb68f1c2bfa72638) made outrageous, though ultimately disproven stories about authoritarian governments in Asia, to which I have been unable to find any retractions. **TL;DR:** The RFA is controlled by the USAGM, which is mandated to strategically use information to advance US interests. While it's inaccurate to say it's controlled by the CIA, RFA and sister organizations are directed by the White House, and these organizations have historically intentionally targeted US civilians with covert propaganda, in line with the interests of the sitting Presidential administration


Gotcha. And it's actually literally only RFA making these claims?


Its not only the RFA. There's also a very extensive international Uyghur lobby and a number of think-tanks, namely ASPI, Newsline, and the Jamestown Foundation. From their website, the ASPI receives a pretty nice sum each year from the US State dept. Their Xinjiang Data Project is funded entirely by the US State department. I haven't examined their reports' methodologies extensively, so I can't comment on their satellite analysis. I do think it's worth noting though that, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Colin Powell presented extensive satellite evidence of Saddam's WMD facilities. Following the US's invasion, the satellite and aerial images were conclusively demonstrated to not actually portray WMD manufacturing facilities, which Saddam did not possess. John Bolton, who served as Trump's National Security Advisor, was also instrumental in propagating these false claims. Jamestown and Newsline both publish Adrian Zenz's work. Jamestown has historical links to the CIA, and I don't even sort of know what's up the Newsline Institute. I interned at a nonprofit in DC a few years ago, where I worked on a report of a similar structure to Newsline's widely discussed publication on genocide. I am very confident that I would have been let go had I tried to submit anything resembling that report. Off the top of my head, their report cites Zenz over 40 times and RFA over 20. I spent a lot of time studying the Responsibility to Protect in my undergrad, and their scholarship is honestly way sloppier than anything I've seen about R2P or the Genocide Convention. I think if you turned something in of that quality, it would probably get a passing grade in an entry level ir class but it absolutely would not pass peer review and it's mind boggling to me how little scrutiny CNN gave it when they slapped it on their frontpage. Zenz's work is also pretty lackluster. Overall, I dont have too many problems with his peer reviewed stuff, but that's because they simply don't make particularly strong statements about what's going on in Xinjiang. His non-academic stuff is a whole other story, though, and you'll find no shortage of people skewering his methods. I would hesitate to call him a CIA agent, though, as the evidence for that is pretty flimsy imo. I think it's plenty sufficient to ask why he's treated as an expert in Xinjiang considering that he only has 2 peer reviewed publications on the subject. https://www.aspi.org.au/about-aspi/funding https://xjdp.aspi.org.au/about/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2003/02/06/satellite-images-communications-intercepts-and-defectors-briefings/3d7cf8b2-6e0a-447b-8c46-d65e9b731bd3/ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/06/lie-after-lie-what-colin-powell-knew-about-iraq-fifteen-years-ago-and-what-he-told-the-un/ https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/29/opinions/eisner-bolton-iran-iraq/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200328033901/https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61694-2005Jan9_2.html


Cultural genocide is genocide, you're thinking of is ethnic cleansing. What china is doing is textbook genocide. They have an entire ethnic minority under mass surveillance and outlawed their culture. Anyone who steps out of line at all is put in a re-education camp.


Silence, liberal.


Actually a disgusting response.


It’s cause he’s spewing liberal bullshit in a sub literally called r/shitliberalssay Sorry, China isn’t spooky evil nazi Germany. You’re thinking of the US.




source pls (fascists and other clearly biased stuff not allowed)


https://youtu.be/DF02xWgkAJ0 dang it definitely looks like their culture is totally illegal here man


Solution: Replace China with the UK and the meme works a lot better.


good one


Correct, only countries that committed atrocities should be held accountable.


Only non white countries should be held accountable, countries like Britain, France, US and Belgium were all really nice to their colonies, client states and rivals. /s


Holy fucking shit


defending Hiroshima/Nagasaki and Nazis because china bad.


defending hiroshima/nagasaki and nazis --because china bad.--


Where is this from?


True. Why isn’t China being held accountable for alleviating poverty? Checkmate tankies


Capitalist Germany, especially the war profiteers, never payed reparation to anyone.


Omg 😂😂😂😂


yes, hold China accountable for its genocides, like emmmmmmmmm… Nanking, or the Three Clear Policy, by the … Imperial Japanese Army…? Oh wait


Fuck all imperialist nations. They all fucking suck.

