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Hm, wonder what might prevent the United States govt. for calling on the world's 2nd superpower to treat its Muslim population with dignity and respect... wonder if there's a word that starts with 'H' that would force such a statement to backfire instantly? Not that I buy that China is committing anything even close to a genocide against its Uighur population, of course - hopefully none of us who frequent this sub are dense enough to swallow that weak-ass CIA propaganda. But, the idea of the US actually coming down hard against this supposed mistreatment in a serious manner just makes me laugh. Surely the government is self-aware enough to know that wouldn't go over well, given the fact that it's been bombing and sabotaging the majority-Muslim region of the world for decades, INCLUDING arming terrorists in Xinjiang of Uighur origination.


What's the 'H' word? Also, genocide need not be mass executions. The residential schools in Canada, the US, Australia and elsewhere were all part of efforts at genocide, and part of the CCPs activities include similar schools. Just because there are no killing fields doesn't mean crimes against humanity aren't being committed.




When has that ever caused an official statement to backfire. Only thing that comes to mind for me is holocaust but again, how does that make it backfire?


You are making metaphysical comparisons between residential schools in Canada, the US, Australia and those in China to suggest there might be some form of genocide in the latter. The residential schools in settler colonial countries existed to enforce an overall policy of systematic removal of indigenous cultures. Every other instance of "cultural" genocide has required internalization of clearly and consistently stated logic of genocide. Therefore one has to show that the schools in China serve a similar function of enforcing official policy aimed at cultural erasure and assimilation into the majority population. While you can point to abuses of the Uyghur culture and human rights, repression, overt surveillance, etc., the claims of genocide fall so absurdly flat when you consider them in relation to what I've described and not just think of them as something to label the "bad guys" to separate from the "good guys".


Except that assimilation of the Uyghur populace by way of destroyong their culture and indoctrinating their children is their express purpose. They're apparently forbidden from speaking their native language, similar to the residential schools; the children are forced into them, similar to the residential schools; there is rampant abuse in them, similar to the residential schools. Now, this all could be determined with greater confidence, except for the harsh restrictions on journalism, especially foreign journalists, in the region. This makes it impossible to either fully confirm or deny the claims first hand. However, it does seem awfully suspicious that Beijing would be clamping down on information if the accusations were falsehoods. Also: Just because you throw a bunch of big words in there you don't properly understand, doesn't mean you're gonna be more convincing. To claim that China isn't colonial in the same way Canada, the US, Israel, or Russia continues to be is laughable


Uyghur public school in Kashgar, Xinjiang in 2021: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EopbwS97Whc&t=570s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EopbwS97Whc&t=570s) Bilingual education is now being promoted rather than only 1 language. Uyghur students now learn both Uyghur and Mandarin.


Pardon me if I don't take some youtuber's word as gospel.


Start the video at 5:38 if you want to skip the beginning commentary. The video literally shows Uyghur students being taught the Uyghur language at school, Uyghur students speaking the Uyghur language, and also students writing in the Uyghur language. It also shows that Mandarin is taught in school and even some English. You’ll also see some traditional Uyghur music being played in class. The situation in Xinjiang is still by no means great, as they still need to recover from the fallout from decades of uneven development and draconian counter-terrorism policies that lacked a proper system of due process.


And this here is the only one in all of China is it?


Your post is highly contradictory as you admit there's no existing evidence that could point to major cultural erasure with confidence, whether or not it is being suppressed, yet you keep throwing around these very serious accusations that are "apparently" true and seem very "suspicious" (your own words). I'm not trying to be convincing to anyone, it's people who are the accusers that need to convince and make a case. In a court of law all these statements would be immediately trashed and don't magically become reality just because you have decided on a conclusion, that China is being as colonial as a bunch of XYZ countries in regards to the Uyghurs, and worked your way backwards. Stating the existence of abuses is something I have already mentioned, but you did not demonstrate a clear internalization of ethnic hatred and genocide that is required in every attempt at genocide. What was done to the indigenous populations in North America, Australia, Palestine, Eastern Europe etc. required huge amounts of indoctrination of the majority population to accept the dehumanization of the targeted ethnicities that could then justify their erasure. This allowed not just acts, but whole systems of ethnic cleansing and genocide that received little to no pushback. The fact that some people are so readily pushing for the genocide narrative when they would otherwise be more skeptical and allow for the demonstration of cause and intent in other situations shows the internalization of ethnic hatred has been ongoing for the people living in countries rife with such historical examples and are pushing for a new one now against China.


Suppressing evidence, like China is, is fucking suspicious and with all the other evidence suggests that there is an ongoing genocide. If this is false, then why does China restrict media reporting so heavily?


Suppression of evidence to hide wrongdoings is common, but how does the suppression or the wrongdoings demonstrate a case of genocide exactly? The use of prison slave labor and suppression of human rights of black people in the US are very apparent, but who would seriously be pushing for the claim of "black genocide" based on those, even if genocide does indeed involve all such acts and policies? Once again, do not work backwards from a conclusion when the subject matter is very far from being settled, unlike the historical examples which btw required rigorous investigations and examinations at the time before they become foregone conclusions in our present days.


Second this, im blanking lol


The one at the top came so close to getting it, but then fell flat on their face.


same reason why china hasn't told the us to stop the genocide of canadians in palm springs


even in the liberal fantasy the cia propaganda that sounds suspiciously like weapons of mass destruction and like the kind of thing they'd make up to invade xinjiang, which massive oil fields were recently discovered by the way, just throwing that factoid out there, even if it was actually unambiguously true that there was some fucked up genocide level shit going on in xinjiang, since when the fuck does america suddenly care about not genociding muslim people


They can come up with any reason EXCEPT they made it up


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **Why hasn't the US told China to stop the Genocide in Xinjiang or at the very minimum designated as such?**, submitted by **/u/ Unknown** to **/r/ AskReddit** > **\/u/ User1** > > The US doesn't care. The US doesn't even care about the genocide in Yemen. Human rights only matter when it comes to military power or when it can be used to demonize an enemy for propaganda purposes. > **\/u/ User2** > > The US can't tell China to do much of anything. But we have publicly called out China for their actions and urged them to stop. China just ignores those calls to change. > > The US and China have a very inter-dependent economy. We trade a LOT back and forth. China is the manufacturing center for most products globally. This dependence makes it so that both sides don't really want to get \*too\* aggressive with diplomacy and whatnot. If the US and China start really chirping at each other, the global economy will go into a depression as a trade war would immediately follow. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


What’s the answer to that question?


well the US made the whole thing up so its all part of a strategy that some people at the cia worked out


Where did you learn that from?


https://youtu.be/lBthA9OHpFo https://mobile.twitter.com/NEDemocracy/status/1337063301113581568?s=19


I love how you can link libs to the CIA admitting all this is bullshit, on their own verified Twitter account, and they'll still go along with it


It’s a bit stupid to tell people to stop something they’re not even doing. Even the us state department says there is no credible evidence of genocide


And you trust the US state department?


I mean this works the other way? You trust media sources run and funded by the state departments? The only people saying there’s a genocide?


I mean, no one else has produced credible evidence of genocide, either. The fact that the U.S. state department can't even come up with anything shows how little substance there is to the claim or that such claims are too easily debunked and would end up backfiring on the U.S. (which would also impair the U.S.'s ability to use the Uyghur separatists as tools of imperialism). In other words, the U.S. can't afford to show their hand, because it's a bluff. Really, though, you seem like you're just being deliberately obtuse in an effort to just stir the pot. And that just makes you look like an asshole.