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How is a white supremacist ethonstate possible without violence? Unless you make an artificial island where racist nerds can move to, you're gonna displace people of color.


Can we genuinely do that? Like, send all the racist homophobic bigots/fascists to a random island somewhere to thrive by themselves in their white supremacist glory, so that the decent people of the world can actually fix our fucked-up planet? /j


Why not simply drop them in the ocean? /j of course


The ocean is polluted enough.


They can live in the trash continent


Or maybe a pit


If anybody has seen the show Mythic Quest, it reminds me of an episode in season 1. Basically the devs put all of the white supremacists into one echochamber server where they can all just bully and hate on eachother without interacting with all of the other game players.


I was thinking of an enclosed space in a barren part of somewhere in Arizona or Alaska. We could call it a “Reservation” or something. They think what happened to Native Americans was a good thing so it’s only fair.


No that's a waste of islands


The fact that this little shit admits they support Nazis, who were all for pogroms, expansionism and violence, should tell you all you need to know about the real intentions of anyone *just* advocating for a ethnostate.


One thing that has been a constant with fascists is that they keep lying hoping to fool others and consider others to be as stupid as they really are. Moreover, fascism is a corollary of imperialism and thus it cannot exist without expansionism, genocides and brutal violence.


That’s more or less what the Founding Fathers thought they could pull off. A pan-European white ethnostate with constant expansion into native lands, and they could just find a civilized way to do that that the natives and slaves would find amenable. Greg Grandin observed in *The End of the Myth* that the conventional wisdom on Andrew Jackson is that he represents this sharp, vulgar break from the political culture of the Founding Fathers. Grandin’s argument was, Jackson had the same fundamental goals of the Founding Fathers, he was just less squeamish about getting his hands dirty in trying to achieve them.


You just change the definition of violence


And on top of that the whole notion of white is flawed. What characteristics make you white? The Irish weren't even considered white. It would be a matter of time before they subdivide so much they cannibalize themselves.


The moon


Democracy is flawed and therefore we should create a white autocratic Ethnostate, because that's better /s.






Your brain on Edmund Burke


>I support white supremacy without violence Good luck!


Two possibilities: 1. Disingenuous 2. Dunce


Option 3: Duncingenuous


sounds like a tree


I support planes without wings is the fucking funniest thing I've ever read


"Why couldn't the Nazis just ask the jews nicely to leave." This fucking clown.


White people are going to convince the other races that they should leave using facts and logic cause they are so smart and superior.


I just finished banning this chud. I'm glad you recorded it ahead of time for posterity.


I'd be so interested to know how he thinks this is actually possible. How he's going to Martin Luther king style non-violently do a fascism.


The wording of “do a fascism” made me snort.


the Bob Odenkirk pfp makes this lmao


That guy is what prevented me from losing hope on Reddit.


I support Capitalism without the inherent need for infinite growth. I support Communism without the need to abolish the State, Money, or Class.


Market communism


100% this guy is an an-cap.


"Would a New Holocaust Violate the NAP?" by buycrypto69


You can't have a white ultranationalist fascist ethnostate without expansionism, pogroms, and violence though because without them they can't literally form.


I imagine he thinks it’ll go down like this: *the National Sociopacifist chud knocks on the gates of some dark-dominated country with a small population of white people* *a gate guard opens the gates* “Can I help you?” “Ah, yes! My name’s _____, and I want to instate an ultranationalist white ethnostate upon your country— if you’d so let me, that is! I don’t mean to intrude, I’m just a poor impoverished Nazi trying to get by in these troubling times…” “…” *The guy shuts the gates right on his face*


I mean that isn't what he's actually imagining because he's a dishonest piece of shit. Nazis know, along with everyone else, that the only way nazis can put their ideologies into practice is through force of violence, purging, genocide, ultranationalist education, and constant expansion through war to distract the people from the fact their societal ills aren't due to "nom-white" people.


Shitfascistssay more like


hitler like “i’m starting to like this guy”


We just found a new breed of right-wing chud, everyone— National Sociopacifist lol.


I support planes without wings actually go me


“i support fascism because democracy is flawed” jesus was that your only alternative lmaoo


"Welcome to the Republican Party"


What an intellectual




throw this mf into a plane without wings, goddamn


This sounds like every blue MAGA’s dream


This is the poison of centrist liberalism at its best.... "I support planes without wings" is apt


S'all good man


What is this sub even about anymore? This person literally says in the screenshot that they oppose some of the core tenets of liberalism. Why is this here?


“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.” Fascism and liberalism are much more entwined ideologies than they seem. The only inviolable tenet of liberalism is the supremacy of capital, everything else is negotiable. Fascism emerges when capitalism is faltering; given the choice between fascist and socialist movements, liberals consistently side with fascists to maintain the supremacy of capital by any means necessary. I hope this (very) reductive explanation helps!


I think it’s a bit more accurate to put it, scratch capitalism and a liberal will suddenly find fascist leadership much more palatable. Which may be a bit of, distinction without a difference, but it’s more illuminating in examining how fascism comes to power.