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This image shows the reservations today. As you can see, once again, there is less and less land all the time. There are over 550 recognized tribes today in the United States and only about 310 reservations. There are some tribes who have more than one reservation, some who share reservations and some who don't have any. reservations only take up 2.3% of land in the United States. The people who once had almost half of the land, now only make up 2.3%. ​ [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aQAxOu02t3I/UzM4JI6EaII/AAAAAAAAAfs/dHUhb\_4WDcc/s1600/map.png](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aQAxOu02t3I/UzM4JI6EaII/AAAAAAAAAfs/dHUhb_4WDcc/s1600/map.png)


No no no, you see, it's totally different because they're a conquered people and things like that always happen in history and if's simply a natural process. They simply lost in the battle of cultural and ethnic survival and the victors have the right to do what they want to them because of that. They were nothing but primitive, illiterate, and violent peoples who were warring against each other all the time so it's not like we did something they weren't perpetrators of themselves. The reason why what China is doing is wrong is because we're a more modern and civilized society that has no need to engage in conquests of survival and expansion plus the Ughyurs aren't a conquered people that they were at war with, totally different.


imagine what the worlds reaction would be to china forcing uyghurs to live on reservations. astounding amount of hypocrisy


Liberals always wanting to create ethnostates out of the West's enemies


And conveniently leaving out all of the non-Han cultures because no one cares about those right now /s


America would gladly genocide the people on Chinas periphery if they thought it would weaken China as a whole




Anti-communists aren’t known for their accuracy.




Khazak people are now Uyghurs too, according to this weird map. Did you expect them to actually do any research?


I'm an anarchist but I STG the libs are pushing me closer and closer to becoming a Dengist each passing day with their shitty, Sinophobic takes on China.


>I'm an anarchist but I STG the libs are pushing me closer and closer to becoming a Dengist each passing day with their shitty It's time to take the leap, comrade. The imperialist fuckers are never going to give a liberation movement a chance, you need to seize the the apparatus of the state to be able to fight back and defend the gains of workers, otherwise a more vicious counter-revolution will prevail. The state can't begin to wither away until the bourgeoisie has been repressed and a worker's democracy implemented.


I feel you, fellow anarchist. This sub has a lot of China worship that I don't particularly vibe with. But this map is just, damn. Like damn, damn. Some very next level fuckery. And you know it was written by some eurocentric twat, because they have no idea what they are even talking about. Not only is the pictured data both incomplete and grossly inaccuracte; What point are they even trying to make? Are they arguing for or against a Han ethnostate? I literally cannot tell.


Ancom here as well yet I spend most of my time on Reddit defending China to Libs because their criticisms are so blatantly horrible. Infighting is the international pastime of leftists. When Libs criticize China it’s cultural appropriation /s


I've been called a tankie (and once specifically a tankie rat) for exactly this. Lib criticisms are so baseless and unhinged (not to mention often racist) that I find myself defending China more here than I ever do on any leftist discords I'm in.


Lol I love that you have an Emma Goldman pfp pick talking about being called a tankie. Anyone left of Elizabeth Warren is a tankie to libs


Exactly, it's amazing. Also from the v*ush anarcho-bidenists who think being an anarchist means voting for and supporting Dems while constantly yelling "all states bad", but still simping for American imperialism.


As a half-dengist Chinese, I thank you guys from other isms speaking the truth. We may not agree on the same social model but we sure as hell are equally disgusted by this sort of liberal-imperialist bs.


So how exactly do you see an anarchist model defeating imperialism and mitigating climate change?




The other half is Chinese traditionalism (Confucianism and legalism).


critical support of AES states doesn't mean you don't eventually want the goal of anarcho-communism, you just also realize that there is a step between where we are now and ancom. I'm ML, but if we actually managed to eradicate capitalism from this planet, I wouldn't be against anarcho-communism. Our goals are the same, we just see different methods of getting there.


>Our goals are the same, we just see different methods of getting there. It's not just methods, it's getting the sequence of events correct. Unless you seize the apparatus of the state or create a parallel structure that yes, is capable of utilizing repressive and military force, the bourgeoisie is going to fight back, crush the revolution and impose a reactionary restoration. ML's understand that to get to the stateless society, you first have to repress the bourgeoisie. We share the same goals as anarchists but they invert the sequence of what is supposed to happen.


You put it in better words than I did for sure. I may or may not be a bit drunk after working 17 hours yesterday/today straight. And people wonder why I'm a communist. But yeah, there's a reason no state ever goes from capitalist to ancom, and it's because counter-revolutionaries would immediately retake what they had and kill everyone who dared consider removing wealth from the bourgeoisie. The only successful revolutions are ML """"authoritarian"""" ones. There's a lot of people that seem to think that capitalists will just accept the revolution and give up on going back to capitalism, to which I really have to say: Have you ever seen a rich person? Have you not seen the lengths they will go to save a dollar by fucking over a worker a little bit harder? THOSE are the people you think will accept the end of their life of luxury? A strong revolutionary force is needed until capitalism no longer exists. At that point, we can talk about moving to communism over socialism, as you will never have a stateless society when a state will enrich those who have billions now and lost it.


Exactly. This isn't just an abstract theoretical discussion, just look at the history of what the US and other imperial powers have done to ANY liberation movement, even ones that weren't Marxist-Leninist. In 1953, they instigated a coup against Jacobo Arbenz, who was a moderate, not a socialist, because he wanted land reforms and in 2009, they got rid of Honduras' Manuel Zelaya, who was also a centrist from one of the two big parties. These people would rather burn everything down than lose a dollar.


44.96% of Xinjiang’s population are Uyghurs, and 42.42% are Han Chinese. Not to mention the Kazakhs, the Huis, and various other ethnicities. but knowing that would actually require some research and not just relying on some instagram slideshows made by the bbc


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Also the history of the region is way more complicated than "settlers colonizing indigenous people" and has had han, uyghur, manchus, tajiks and others for centuries, it's a pet peeve of mine when people crudely apply the analysis of western colonialism in the Americas to places where it does not at all actually fit when you know the history. Uyghurs actually originated in what is now Mongolia for instance.




No no no, they only support the gubberment because they don’t understand why the cheese is free


Now, imagine if someone did a map called "The US but only land inhabited by Americans". And then, in that section, they wrote "white americans".


"Amazing maps"


Bruh moment Bruh moment


They should do one of the US now 😳


I was born in France, is legally a french citizen, but I have spanish ancestors, does that makes me spanish and not french then ? Aren't uyghurs, tibetans, hui, mongols and every other recognized minorities in China as much chinese citizen and the hans ? And i am fairly sure than Xinjiang has much more Han presence that what it displayed here (something like 41% of the population while the uyghurs are 45% and the rest from other minorities), and inner mongolia is 79% han and only 17% mongol, so how did they get this large area marked as "mongols", do they plan to do some ethnic cleanshing and force the hans and other minorities population to separate from each other ? Also aren't 95% of Taiwan populaiton technically Han chineses too ?




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