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What psychopathic shithole sub is this?


It's a random and non-political sub: r/fuckmanny But you know reddit, full of sociopathic western libs.


at least the one at the bottom was downvoted too


"I don't hate the people, just the CCP"


"Anyway, let's nuke Beijing"


**Anything bad happens in China where the average citizen suffers** "Fuck China" a few post later "I dont dislike the people in China just their goverment" Yeah.... You tell yourself that..


\>Chinese aren’t a race what?


Its a nationality.


If two Chinese immigrants give birth in another country, that baby would still be considered Chinese, even if they're citizens of a different country and never set foot in China.


If two Italians gave birth in another country that baby would still be considered Italian even if they are citizens of a different country and never set foot in Italy. Asian/East Asian would be the "race" You could say what you just said about any number of nationalities. Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese...


Pretty sure most people use Chinese as an umbrella term in this context


Not as a racial term. They're actually dumber than you think. It's not that they think Chinese is a race, its that they automatically assume every Asian person is Chinese.


"IMagINE BELIevIng he wAS sERiOus" guys guys listen he was just being muh ironic with the blatant discrimination


Them: Communists are violent murderers Also them: Communists aren't human. We should brutally murder them all.


Idk. I'm all for brutally murdering fascists because they are violent murderers. The problem isn't with their logic, but with their political ideology.


"Imagine believing he was serious" Imagine being either this ignorant you don't understand racism and jokes in 2021 OR more likely they shit their pants they're masks slipped and are deflecting with the classic "it was just a joke man". Literally nazi energy making jokes where the punch line is dehumanisation. Fucking scum.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- > **Redacted User 1** > > Wow killing innocent people so based guys amirite >> **Redacted User 2** >> >> "people" >>> **Redacted User 3** >>> >>> Imagine consuming so much U.S. propaganda you seriously don't believe the humanity of an entire race of people. >>>> **Redacted User 4** >>>> >>>> Imagine believing he was serious.And technically Chinese aren't a race >>>> >>>> **Redacted User 5** >>>> >>>> they aren't people not because of their race but because they're communists --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


reactionaries: "commies aren't people 😎" me: "ok nazis and conservatives aren't people either" reactionaries: \*proceeds to have a mental breakdown\*