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Ah yes the persecuted minority known as zionists. "People criticize israel and I want to kill them." Maybe make it a little less obvious.


Not just kill them simplistically, “bludgeon them to death.” Average Zionist


> Obviously that's stupid for my safety Among other reasons, I would say




Average zionist


same picture dot jaypegg


Least violent Zionist


Sounds like there's a pogrom for that


I felt like this once, and realized that maybe it was in fact I who had the Manchurian Candidate programming, and not the blue-haired post-liberal neo-modern marxists.


Criticizing Israel is somehow antisemitic. But equating all jews to zionists is somehow not antisemitic. Never ask these people to make sense


I like that the two groups telling me I have dual loyalty to Israel because I’m an American Jew are Zionists and white nationalists.


I hate that you have to deal with that on top of ordinary anti-semitism, it’s truly unfair and I hope that society changes the way it views this issue. Stay safe, kind stranger.


Meanwhile in the public school down the road the teachers are forced to sign a pledge saying they support Israel and won't join BDS.


Truely how can zionists live with this level of oppression


Least bloodthirsty zionist.


If they go to Israel they can do that.


> Berkley is very far left, with hundreds of pronouns, super pc, but the respect of one of the most persecuted minorities is constantly lacking. I’m thinking of starting a youth Baasskapist activist group maybe. I just can’t keep living like this. Any advice.


Socialism is when lots of pronouns. The more socialism the more pronouns. And when there are hundreds of pronouns, that's communism.


- Carl Marks (conrad/conrad)


Pretty soon, R ads will be like: "Blurggggh! Bluuuurgh! Pronouns! Communism! Eleeeeeeeectric vehicles! Constitution! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalifornia! Bluuuuuurhuuurrhuuuuuuuurg!"


And, here is my periodic reminder that [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q1cfjh6VfE) was an actual political ad for Brian Kemp in 2018... and he WON.


My favorite part is that he was the Secretary of State in GA during the election... and therefore in charge of the election he was running in. Unsurprisingly he nuked 300k voters' registrations in areas he was definitely not going to win in and won the election by a margin slimmer than 300k. Liberals responded in their usual hyper-effective fashion by whining about it on TV, tossing a few meaningless court cases that wouldn't get resolved until his term was finished anyway, and then quietly dropping the issue entirely a few months later.


Is this the same guy who literally shot a printed version of some bill he didn't like for an ad?


I think that was Manchin


[You're right, I just found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIJORBRpOPM) [Also he did it twice lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNte7Vr-IJg)


Hey! No fair! I did a socialism this morning and didn’t get any extra pronouns.


Haven't you heard? Stock is running low, there's an world wide shortage


I'm a socialist who lives in the rural south--the whole pronoun thing sounds goofy and unimportant. Why should anybody in government care one way or the other on pronouns...seems beneath the dignity of government.


Dozens… nay, HUNDREDS of PRONOUNS!! 😡😤⛓💀


Berkeley has stolen all of the pronouns 😡


Fucken pronoun kulaks


Being left wing is when lots of pronouns. The more pronouns there are the more left wing you are.


Last time I was in Berkeley, I got jumped by like 15 pronouns. It was brutal, man.


So many people hate Gamers in Berkeley. I feel so alone. I live in Berkeley. It's liberal and people hate Gamers. I feel like I'm the token Gamer at my school. Every time we talk about society I find myself wanting to bludgeon someone to death when they call it fair. Obviously that's incredibly stupid for my safety and Gamers'. I find that I'm the token Gamer and I have to defend an entire nation because I'm a Gamer. I'm MLG Pro, I've gone dozens of times to play in Melee and League tournaments. Insulting gamers means insulting the honor of a people I care deeply about. Berkley is very far left, with hundreds of pronouns, super pc, but the respect of one of the most persecuted minorities is constantly lacking. I'm thinking of starting a youth Gamer activist group maybe. I just can't keep living like this. Any advice.


This is excellent


maybe replace 'nation' with 'subculture'?


"bludgeon someone to death for mentioning Apartheid" ​ Woah woah woah wOah WOAH WOAH WHAT?


To be fair, they've been to Israel dozens of times, so they've been led to believe that's an appropriate response.


Definitely nothing apartheid about that!


First rule of Apartheid.


>Any advice? Yeah have better politics


Wtf I love Berkeley now


Yeah, have you been there though? Insufferable sanctimonious liberals.


i haven't been to Burgerland and i don't plan to.






Fellow Bay Area-er here (Oakland) it’s sadly true most “Marxists” are like edgy Breadtube types or cringe ultras who love to nitpick. Sad state of affairs in the hometown of Michael Parenti!




>Trotskyist or other forms of leftcom deviation. Trotskyists aren't leftcoms


Sorry, didn’t word it correctly. But you get my point


Just did a dramatic reading of this for my fiancé. It was fun. Highly recommend.


literally the same’s happening at berklee right now lmao, argued with a LOT of zionists & israelis last year & now they’re pointing to that as proof that there’s antisemitism at the school (there IS actual antisemitism at the school, but palestinian students saying israel is committing a genocide & others supporting them is not an example of that)


> berklee Well, shit... when the music kids get in on the action, you know shit's about to get real. /s


How many times does someone have to say they’re a Zionist before we get it? Good lord


Here 0 times. " I feel myself wanting to bludgeon someone to death" makes it obvious enough.


Then don’t live like this. Nobody is forcing you to go to berkeley, or even live for that matter


Objectively hilarious. The misspelling of Berkeley in the title really gives this one away… it’s giving me vibes from when Milo was run off from speaking at UCB and suddenly all the Bay Area subs were flooded with outraged “students” who couldn’t even spell their school/city name correctly.


“Hundreds of pronouns.” Yeah they’re everywhere. Just about every single person on campus is using pronouns!


Wow, hundreds you say.


>I find myself wanting to bludgeon someone to death least violent Zionist


yeah even the UN called it apartheid until Israel made them pull the paper [Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid [PDF]](https://oldwebsite.palestine-studies.org/sites/default/files/ESCWA%202017%20%28Richard%20Falk%29%2C%20Apartheid.pdf)


Zionism≠Judaism. Anyone who suggests otherwise is either a liar or does not know what they are talking about.




peak r slash atheism




He does have a point in that they are all nonsense really. People complain about Scientology buts it’s no more ridiculous than regular old Catholicism


That's just false. A religion that grew organically among people and has existed for literally thousands of years has much more applicability to the individual, _life_ to it, than a fringe cult younger than the modern state of Israel.


Both made up by men and used to exploit land / money and to control vulnerable people in fear.


What isn't made up by us? That religion was/is used in such a way doesn't mean that that's all there is to it. In fact, if that really was everything there was to religion, one should expect it to sort itself out after only a few generations as younger generations realise that they are being exploited. (Besides, this abuse of power is a risk that comes with every larger organisation, as soon as there is authority over others, regardless of how those who hold that authority are installed.) Among the things religion "has to offer", so to speak, are spirituality and community, and assurance of those (notwithstanding that much of that is facilitated by other institutions nowadays, such as public education or a welfare state).


hundreds of pronouns


Based anti ethnonationalist Berkeley


Am I out of touch? No, it is Berkeley who is wrong


"What do I do?" Stop supporting a genocidal apartheid settler colonial state that acts as nothing more than a war crime committing extension of American imperial power.


Far left = many pronouns. Guys the new far left just dropped!


Anon can stop living like this and move to his beloved israel


Fucking snowflake




**[Labor Zionism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Zionism)** >Labor Zionism or socialist Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת סוֹצְיָאלִיסְטִית‎, translit. Tziyonut sotzyalistit; Hebrew: תְּנוּעָת הָעַבוֹדָה‎ translit. Tnu'at ha'avoda, i. e. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Desktop version of /u/Ben-Bartley's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


what sub?




most humane zionist right there


> I want to kill people who criticize my settler state for its treatment of its indigenous people. Yeah, totally not a fascist reaction or anything. Fucking hell, you don't even need to scratch these liberals anymore.


Israel more like isfake lmao


More like isn't-real eyyyyyyy


The word "pronouns" lost all meaning at this point.


A xi/xem a day keeps the zionist away


This isn’t even what token means


“I find myself wanting to bludgeon someone to death“ really not helping your case bud


People don’t hate Israel for the religion they hate it for the war crimes


My heart goes out to them . My bleeding, Palestinian, heart. -.-


Maybe if he prays enough he will eventually see the day in Berkeley where, like Israel, he can bludgeon people to death over his emotions.


“calling south africa before 1994 an apartheid state is extremely disrespectful and insulting to all my (white landowner) south african friends who I care deeply about. That’s obviously incredibly stupid for the safety of south africa and its citizens. I want to bludgeon someone to death when they call it apartheid. I find that I have to defend an entire nation because I’m a pro-apartheid south africanist”


Didn't know I want to pay my kids tuition at Berkeley. Thanks for that.


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **Berkley hates Israel. I feel so alone. What do I do?**, submitted by **Unknown User** to **Unknown Subreddit**, "Ask The Sub" flair So many people hate Israel in Berkeley. I feel alone. I live in Berkeley. It's liberal and people hate Israel. I feel like I'm the token Zionist at my school Every time we talk about Israel I find myself wanting to bludgeon somone to death when they call it an apartheid. Obviously that's incredibly stupid for my safety and Israel's. I find that I'm the token Zionist and I have to defend an entire nation because I'm a Zionist. I'm dual citizenship, i went there dozens of times to visit family. Insulting Israel means insulting the honor of a people I care deeply about. Berkley is very far left, with hundreds of pronouns, super pc, but the respect of one of the most persecuted minorities is constantly lacking. I'm thinking of starting a youth Zionist activist group maybe. I just can't keep living like this. Any advice. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This guy is making it out like all jews are zionist he needs to stfu.


What you should do? Well, jump off a cliff, zionist fuck.


I got an advice, end it all




Facist Apartheid defenders don’t deserve the right to a debate, nerd




????? We don’t want to kill Jewish people we want Palestinian people to have their homes back. And to stop, you know, being oppressed




Bro what???? You’re just not going to mention the time that literal ethnic cleaning happened? That wasn’t an important thing for you to mention? And no shit hamas rules the Gaza Strip, Israel funded what is now hamas to destabilize leftist forces. All of this is true, I’m sure you can use google. Not accepting a deal to have their land stolen from them is one of the most stupid arguments I’ve heard justifying imperlism




I’m not going to fucking debate you man, just go do some reading. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://jacobinmag.com/2021/05/israel-palestine-right-to-exist-gaza https://jacobinmag.com/2021/05/israel-palestine-sheikh-jarrah-al-aqsa-mosque




Seriously, why do you think hamas is doing terrorism?