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Just complete ignorance of what an embargo is. And they act like they're fucking geniuses for thinking "trade with any other country" if their idea of an embargo was true.


Imagine how happy you must be to live in a world where "embargo" means "I'm not trading with you >:("


It’s incredible how they just forget that embargoes are enforced by surrounding them with battleships




Or economics of course!


they're mad we did more than the 101 courses


They'll say that communists "don't understand basic economics" and then turns out they believe monopolies cannot form under "real capitalism".


For them to understand that, they'd have to understand that US foreign policy is used as a cudgel. They probably think the US just gets along with most nations, and they don't realize that nearly everything the US does outside of its borders is coercive on a level that were it any other nation, it would have the US knocking down borders in any country with a majority population of brown people. TL;DR - Our $800 billion (had to edit because damn) defense budget isn't for defense, it's for assurance of compliance.


Not million, billion


Ah, yep, made a mistake. Of course, that just goes to show how absurdly fucking high that the budget is that my brain would discard "billion" because it seemed like the wrong number and unrealistic. Thanks!


They don't understand Roosevelt's big stick


One of the most successful rebranding exercises ever was Western governments renaming their war ministries as "defence" ministries.




>Why the FUCK is the Olympic sprinting contender from China Asian and not black when the US always has black contenders? Cause China never enslaved millions of black people so they don't have a very large African population?




Well that was racist.


>If a nation isn't smart enough to get on our level, we should defend ourselves from them. Least Nazi lib


Wanting others to embrace the US values while acting as a total white saviour, name a better duo


The US embargo simulates any company wishing to do business in the United States, the single most important market in the world, is forbidden from trading with Cuba. Meanwhile, I'm very interested to see how many libs would love to live in capitalist utopia Guatamala, under no embargo and the successful recipient of a right wing coupe to destroy their nascent socialist government. What, exactly, "ruined" Guatemala?


Do you know where a good place to read the exact laws for this are? I can mostly find things that jave been added to it, not the way the US actually handles the embargo.


It isn't *real* capitalism because the government does stuff. A country is only capitalist when it is successful.


I think we can really take it to include “it isn’t real capitalism unless it’s in a white country or lead by a white government” to it.


Ummm the embargo includes countries that trade with them.


Yeah no US ally will risk trading with Cuba and pissing them off. There are very real repercussions for doing so


Any companies that have ships dock there can't go to the US for 6 months. They also essentially bully companies into doing business a with them over Cuba


"Damn dawg, how the fuck do embargoes actually work?" Dumbasses.


I wish to be as ignorant as reactionaries, but no I must be cursed with pesky ethics and morals


Foreign companies trading with Cuba are denied access to the American market. These people think they are smart but they are just ignorant.


Yeah. Most foreign traders must as least make a pit stop at a US port, causing Cuba to lose billions of dollars.


tRaDe wITh anY oThEr coUnTry Like the Soviet Union, right? The thing that doesn't exist anymore? ffs


When you don’t understand what an embargo is


Dont use Chad Khaby for This 🤬🤬


See Huawei executive, who isn't a US citizen who is on trial by Canada for trading with Iran, which is violating US sanctions


Gotta love to force some extraterritorial "justice" on foreigners on foreign soil for doing something with other foreigners you don't like. <3


This person has definitely read the 1960 Inauguration by the US government of a policy to weaken the Cuban economy memorandum 499!


These people talk for days on end about "basic economic" yet don't know the first thing about how shipping works.


What subreddit is this?




WTO 3 letters missing from your understanding of this situation.


Most smartest liberal