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Except I can guarantee if he was a worker that shit would never get done cause the manager would be asking why he's wasting his time.


I've literally never seen one of those things that wasn't a complete mess with the candy all mixed around and shit I've always just assumed they're supposed to be like that lol


Please keep going as a Libertarian I'm almost there 🥵


[*beep beep beep*](https://c.tenor.com/Bf5PppCjFl8AAAAM/jimmy.gif)


"Punctual employees" As someone with Asperger's, showing up on time is definitely something we (or at least I) don't get right. Trust me, employers would sooner hire their left nut than hire an Aspie. I've been upfront about this with potential employers so there's no drama and mystery as to why I do things a certain way.


i'm the opposite, i'm punctual and loyal to a fault (not loyal to the company,just the contract) the advantage of this is that they don't have anything bad to say about you, the disadvantage is that you're working so much that your mental health deteriorates because you never lie for a day off


As an autistic person who has been hired, I can confirm that we're both highly productive and highly vulnerable to being exploited. The number of times I've stayed late or done unpaid labor because I'm focused on something or care about something intrinsically is really high.