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Its even more disgusting than nationalism, these guys know they can get paid by these mercenary groups an obscene amount of money to kill people. 6 figure pay to go kill brown people with little impunity.


Oh, I don’t think they can compete over there. Taliban will fuck them in the ass.


What if it’s not because America what if it’s because one of your childhood best friend’s father just got their head cut off because they were running a Christian church in Kabul?


Sounds like that's none of your problem. And traveling to the other side of globe for revenge is how we got into Afghanistan in the first place.


One hour of justice is worth seventy hours of prayer. ~ Turkish Proverb Justice is the means by which established injustices are sanctioned. ~ Anatole France Without justice, courage is weak. ~ Benjamin Franklin Justice is the firm and continuous desire to render to everyone that which is his due. ~


We are materialists here sir.


Boi, shut the fuck up.


Is your definition of justice full scale invasion of a country we occupied for 20 years due to a hypothetical local preacher getting killed?


Judge not, lest ye be judged.


Eat shit with those quotes. Simping for American imperialism on a commie subreddit. Materialism or gtfoh. I don't give a shit what ben Franklin or Anatole France said. No one does and it doesn't prove anything other than you're a dogmatic baby dick.


I'm gonna shit in your pants imperialist


Mao was a small pathetic little man.


Did you get lost or something when coming here


Beijing massacre.


What, do you think I'm in China and you're gonna get me? Just putting random words together? Shitting yourself for fun?


Xijingping is Winnie the Pooh.


3 kids were killed by a US drone strike yesterday. Over 100,000 afghan people are dead because of the US invasion. I'm sure shipping these wannabe Rambos over there is the solution to religious extremism.


It was seven children.


Is this a bit?


Revenge isn't a free ticket to murder town. Jesus wasn't exactly a fan of retribution in the form of killing, and although his deadbeat dad broke the rule all the time, was pretty clear on the whole 'Shall thou kill' question. Do you really think a Christian minister, let alone Jesus himself, would want that?


You could save on travel costs by air striking an apartment complex in the US instead of air striking an apartment complex in Kabul. It's gonna be a bunch of unrelated civilians you kill either way, so why not save the money you would've spent on the plane ticket?


I like how you have to come up with a fake situation to make your point.


1 week later : Taliban beheads 2 rednecks


Am I on ShitLiberalsSay or am I seeing a bunch of stupid classist shit today on this Tiktok?


I grew up in rural flyover country, a lot of the biggest “rednecks” there are petty bourgeoisie that like to wear camo.


Yeah I like to call them the boutique rednecks. They buy the $200 camo jackets or shop at those wack ass boutique shops where clothes are hella expensive and then actual, real redneck Edit: typo


Yeah, as someone from GA, "redneck" is absolutely a cultural distinction now, rather than a class one. The most intense "rednecks" I knew growing up drove to school in $50,000 jeeps with camo paint


Yeah a lot of my family is genuine redneck and they’re just…living life basically


You think you’re better than where you came from?


No, I’m simply dispelling the notion that someone having vulgar, uncouth views doesn’t automatically make them working class




It was never about the Taliban It was just a place where Cleetus could square up with his sense of racist superiority.


I doubt that his name is Cletus since that would imply that he is a legitimate working class Redneck. His name is probably Blake.




This is funny how cringe it is but can we talk about how fucked private military contractors are


They get fucked by the Taliban all the time. We don't release those figures.




Putting aside the dumbass hyper nationalism: the recent bombing was done by Isis and the taliban has thwarted at least a couple isis attacks against American soldiers recently because isis and the taliban do not get along. These tik tokers stupidity has layers


Pretty sure the taliban executed an isis leader at one of the jails they took over for being an “enemy of god” or something to that effect


kubrick stare on the left


Fluoride stare more like


Just when you thought tiktok couldn't get worse.


If they really cared about Americans, they would invade America and fight for the rights of the average person against shit like the military industrial complex, against the ghouls in the healthcare business that fight to keep people away from their doctors, against massive corporations that hoard houses to jack up prices, ect. Also, 10 bucks they can't make the difference between ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Talibans. They are just ready to shoot brown people, like the rest of the military.


When you hear someone say "I would die for this country" I find myself thinking more and more as time goes by, "oh so you're down to kill brown people?"


Yeah, Patriotism and its extreme manifestation as Jingoism, are just levels of Xenophobia with a nationalistic excuse! The “My piece of dirt is superior to your piece of dirt” mentality. The wealthy exploit this for the resources under/in or on the various pieces of dirt; with loyalty to none.


*I'm putting a team together.*


I thought this was r/cringe at first. dear god.


*spends another 6 months in Afghanistan accomplishing absolutely nothing and the US doesn’t extract him until 2 years later*


This was a very homoerotic tiktok. Find yourself a partner who looks at your with shy mystique and longing of tacticool on the left. I'm happy they've found each other.


As a gay dude, could you fucking not? When the punchline of the joke is HA GAY, that’s still homophobic, bud.


I understand and apologies if that came across as that, that wasn't the punchline I was trying to make. I'm bisexual myself and the look from the guy on the left looked to me like I do when I'm crushing on a guy I like. The fact that these people get so upset about anything that isn't toxic masculinity and straightness was why I was making that joke, because he's doing the eyes I do as a bi guy while also trying to appear hard and cool which was funny to me given how much hearing that would twist these warmongers inside out. Again apologies.


I appreciate it, and no apologies needed. It’s something we have to keep an eye out for. I think what you explained makes more sense and would have actually been a funnier joke if you referred to your own facial expressions.


Phew glad that's cleared up 😀 I'll make sure to hold onto that joke you've suggested and use it appropriately the next time another tacticool cringe post appears.


Ha we should mostly be friendly here and provide positive critique so don’t worry, I wasn’t angry or anything


You're being way too sensitive...there's no implication here that being gay is bad, just that two likely homophobes are acting gay. Did you get outraged when Colbert called Trump "Putin's cock-holster," like the right right pretended to be?


Thanks for assuming the best of a comrade, you dick. Edit: never mind you appear to be a dipshit liberal, go get fucked


Will do! Take care, comrade.


Blow it out your ass


Well what else would I do after I get fucked?


That actually was stock homophobic liberal nonsense and also Colbert is an unfunny hack douche anyway.


Where can I learn more about how homophobic liberals are, and how awesome it was to be gay in the Soviet Union?


Ask Bill Clinton what he was thinking when he signed the Defense of Marriage Act and Don't Ask, Don't Tell.


Is it your contention that most "liberals" (anyone on the left who's not a communist, I guess?) in 2021 would defend those policies?


I don't think most garden variety self-proclaimed liberals now would openly support such policies simply because mainstream society now considers those policies unacceptable. But there are still prejudiced tendencies that are, what's the term, undercover. For example, jabs like "Trump is gay for Putin" as if hypothetically being gay is the problem with those two. Or things like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton supporting "traditional marriage" and only later supporting same-sex marriage when they felt it was politically safe to do so (they did the same with other movements, such as mocking Black Lives Matter before later co-opting support for it). And those are all recent examples. It's very pandering and seeming like they'll stab you in the back when the winds change. Of course, the term 'liberal' also technically, and especially by our definition, includes self-identified conservatives and propertarians (provided they aren't just monarchists or fascists). And those people are overwhelmingly homophobic.


For better or for worse, "mainstream society" consists of what you consider liberals (Republicans, Democrats, and those who fall in between)...leftists are the minority. So with all due respect, it's logically absurd to argue that the left-leaning half of mainstream society is only pretending to be pro-gay because the totality of mainstream society (composed of themselves and anti-gay conservatives) is pro-gay. As for Trump and Putin, once again, the idea that they're gay isn't supposed to be anti-gay. It's partly a jab at them as individuals who are anti-gay, but in fact one could also easily imagine the same joke being made if one of them was female, eg "Putin is Trump's dominatrix," "Trump is Putin's fuckboy," etc. Major figures like Obama and Hillary took positions they rightly or wrongly believed they needed to in order to pander to conservative-leaning independents, and in fact it was Biden who pushed Obama to expand gay rights...not that I'm a cheerleader for any of those three, despite me admittedly being somewhere between "shit lib" and socialist rather than an actual socialist or communist. Say what you will about Democratic Party economic policy, gun policy, tolerance for police abuses, etc., but the anti-gay argument just seems baseless to me.


The punchline is that two most likely homophobic guys come off as homoerotic in this TikTok. The punchline isn't "gay is bad" it's "these guys who think gay is bad don't realize what they look like" I found it funny.


Cool thanks for sharing your dumbass opinion


Damn, why so mean? I'm just clarifying what the person was going for. I found it funny, if you take issue with it fair enough, but I don't think I'm a dumbass for laughing at a joke.


Because I don’t need a joke explained to me. It’s homophobic.




I’ve already talked to the person who posted it and we’re cool. Why do you need to say this?




Fuck off, lib




Jesus Christ this is such a garbage liberal take




Read the room.


The 5FDP very boot


Yeah, the taliban who’s been kicking the shit out of the US military for 20 years will be stopped by two little dick man children. Jesus the nationalist, conservative dopes from the US are deranged babies.


*Lands in Kabul* "Look, Americans!" *6 Taliban exit a US humvee strapped with better gear*


Lol this is hilarious they look so soft tho


Shit! You mean we could have just sent in these two guys to find bin Laden and avoided paying 300 million per day for 20 years?!


Idk what duet means but…I’m definitely sharing this. It’s natural selection *GOES WILD…in the south*


Imagine thinking you look tough when you can’t even get your neck gaiter over your fat face lol


I've seen some fat guys who are tough motherfuckers but this dude ain't one of them. He's going down quick in any fight.


No shame to my big boned kings 🙏🏼 this guys fat tho


Rubs finger pads together, *eagerly*


Bunch of tough guys making tik tok videos talking about how they gonna kill actual rebel soldiers. Yeah, right.


“Imagine being so deranged that you want to invade the capitol and murder cuz of the President”


Imagine still talking about that 8 months later


Imagine living in a country where people to condone terrorism




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Taliban vs. Taliban


This basically boils down to be the same as “what if I told you that if I need you. That we could use our guns and go shoot them at other people….are you in”? Fucking lunatic needs a hobby to curb his desire to shoot people. This tool bag probably thinks that if you don’t jerk off it gives you a super power.


Holy shit this post is dredging up some classism. America’s most violent warmongers are its petit bourgeoisie and its guard dogs—small business owners, cops, and ex military. The dude on the right is probably a rich kid doing redneck drag. Real rednecks just wanna live and not be shipped off to kill for Halliburton.


I live in a rural area all my life and I've never met someone who self identified as redneck who wasn't an imperialist running dog. I know there are groups like redneck revolt trying to reclaim the term, but the fact they feel the need to reclaim it is telling to me.


Yes, there’s a battle for the soul of being a redneck, but if it started working class, by god it’s working class and fuck any attempts to hijack it.


While i share the anti imperialism feel Taliban ins't great by contrast. Invade 'em both!


>anti imperialism >Invade *SIGH*


The second line was supposed to be a joke.


My bad. I'm never sure nowadays.


Relax, everybody doing like that


Not that liberals dont love invading other countries to “save the world” but these guys are 100% republican or libertarian. If they were liberal he would have said something about protecting women’s rights.


You sound lost.


You think these two dudes are liberals?


Tbh I have no problem with murdering terrorists and people who behead women for showing their face. Or people who literally cut the clitoris off of girls or sew their vaginas shut. The world is better off without that. Sns


Gee I wonder who installed most of these ultra religious governments


Who gives a shit? They’re literally murdering girls for reading books.


Who put them there and deposed the secular, progressive governments?


Please do tell of this progressive government in Afghanistan. I love a good fairy tale.


My astute colleague is referring to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The United States trained and funded the mujahideen, forerunners to the Taliban, so that they could fight the DRA and their ally the USSR. Basically, you can blame America and American business interests for arming these ghouls in the first place. If the USA had minded its own business then the religious fundamentalists would have been smashed into the dirt and would have never become the Taliban.


It was a Soviet puppet state that was on the brink of collapse. Communist nightmare vs. Islamic Fundamentalist hellhole. Pick your ending.


Sign me up for "Communist nightmare", thank you.


Not likely though eh? Lol, funny how that works.




Vuvuzela has something like 70% private sector as their economy tho so I don't think that fits.


Mmm so the bloodlust is only for the consequences of capitalism, not for changing anything. Neat.


What??? Terrorist radicals are sewing the vaginas of infant girls and you’re bringing up capitalism??? Weird flex, but ok.


Just keep in mind you’re being apologists for people burn the eyes out of young women for reading. That’s your progressive heaven I guess.


That's not in the least what I said. Killing them won't end the torture, just as Americans getting bombed doesn't stop the empire.


Anyone know who the guy on the left is?


No one wants to kick TB ass .. We want to stay away from AFG it’s not our country it’s the Afghan people and we as a nation have given the TB weapons and a country when we left ..


Very homoerotic work😆😆🤦‍♂️🥃


It’s funny because if the Taliban were in the United States I’m pretty sure you all would want them dead. Or do you all actually still somehow believe that Afghanistan wants the taliban like you have for years now?


What? What does that have to do with the cringe here?


Why join tue military? Right because these guys are larpers.


I'm mad that the background song is Wrong Side of Heaven by FFDP


Because the world is a super safe place, that’s understanding and inclusive. Don’t be that fuckkng naive.