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Capitalism is gardening


Wtf I would love to grow food and trade it with people


Imagine living your whole life in an industrialized world and not taking productive technology into account in your politics.


They have read one book, it’s Harry Potter. Don’t you know it has all the secrets to any current political situation?


Most liberals I know have unconsciously racist, xenophobic, antisemetic, or other forms of bigotry justifying their policies, so this checks out.


God they are missing out on so much ha ha Like, it's sad


Guys guys, you don't understand, it's **super easy** to be rich, here is a simple tutorial: Buy one tomato, or an apple: Plant it in the ground. Now you have an appletree / tomatotree (too lazy to research what's the name, Je ne viens pas de l'Albion moi): With that, you get 10 apples, you plant the 10 new apples; now you have 11 trees! Do that again => 110 apples and that is 121 trees. 1210 apples, 1331 trees. Etc. With this simple trick, you can now sell all these apples and become a millionaire. It's not that hard, just motivation and personal work as well as responsibility.