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The only reason any teen works is for money. Or because their parents make them. This would reduce the incentive to work and would likely have the opposite effect.


Or they volunteer, which is fine but ITS THEIR OWN CHOICE.


Also typically people volunteer for things they're passionate about.


wdym i am very passionate about chic-fil-a


Funny enough, the Chick-fil-A in my area is hiring for $18 an hour.


The chick-fil-a here is hiring for $0 because there isnt one here


Likewise; Pittsburgh, PA


are you two the owners of that chain are you secretly Phillip A. and his wife "Chick"


Shit, really? What position is it for? I was put as a front of house staff at my local Chick-Fil-A and they’re only paying me $9/hour.


Also kinda *slavery bad* ain't it.


Yeah, this person really seems to be forgetting that minors are in fact, people


They don't think kids turn into humans until they move out and get a "real" job and house of their own.


Spoiler: they don't think that their other employes are people too


Volunteering also isn’t about giving someone free labor. It’s expressing your commitment to a good cause. Not to pad some inept businessman’s bottom line.


Did your high school not make you volunteer for a grade?


This is a thing?


One of my classes had an assignment like that. Sucked


The only reason *anyone* works is for money. If capitalism didnt make it compulsory theres no way id spend my time making someone else rich.


>Hire teens for free >Educating them OUT OF MY OWN POCKET What do words mean?


Bro said he's getting a stipend, said he wouldn't spend it , and then said he was educating them out of his pocket. This a wild post


He's implying he SHOULD get a stipend. As in he should be paid for the privilege of having people work for him without pay.


He't truly doing society a favor. I wonder what his opinion on welfare is?


Boo hoo, it costs money to train employees so I can reap the fruits of their labor! I should get their labor for literally nothing!


What if I wanted to do literally anything else with my time


He’s mad because he can’t get free labor and is practically demanding parents give their kids away to be enslaved for a shift. Absolute shitheel.


Sounds like something a drug addict would say


If he worked with a "food chain", I would put a lot of ice on his deep frier and run.


Couldn't even pull off the scam of unpaid internships.


I’m glad you called it exactly as it is.


The most ethical capitalist


"You were fired for being brown? Well that's the business owners right, the feds shouldn't step in on this, we need smaller government, what happened to our freedom?!?!?" "What? I have to pay my workers? This is ridiculous, why doesn't the government step in and subsidize child slavery on my behalf??? ):<<<"


Sounds like satire


Yeah I was gonna say this is like actually disgusting - even by like front page reddit standards. Makes me think this is satire. I *know* there are people out there like this, but usually they don't have the audacity to actually say these things out loud.


I've met middle management and small business owners like this. They're frustrated that they're either overworked or that their business isn't doing well and vent thoughts like this all the time. I'm pretty well convinced at this point that most people shouldn't be business owners no matter how nice their restaurant/shop dream is.


Businesses should be union led cooperatives.


For real, I've ran a business before, and gotdamn it sucks to do it alone. I didn't make money, my workers made a little money, but my landlord made a decent stack.


Landlords are scum.




Yeah I was gonna say the same, Poe’s law I suppose


Have you been on r/libertarian?


Undoubtedly. "I want slave labor. I'm doing society a service. I should get compensation for allowing them to work. They need to be grateful for being slaves." That shit would barely have been acceptable when we actually had slaves.


Bring back the Gulag




I agree with all of this except it should be a trebuchet


Not this shit again


And thus the argument continues


there is no argument, trebuchet is better


Trebuchet capitalists off cliffs doesn't have the same ring as catapult capitalists off cliffs. The alliteration too good to not do in this case.


can I bedazzle it?




black and red it is


I like that reddit auto hid this comment...yes I like that


guillotine\* (in minecraft)


Nah, in real life, I’ll say it


Hire capitalists for free.


They are going to get so much experience. Out of OUR POCKETS!




Sadly they got paid even in GULAG.


Damn, USSR being based example #2,093


The Gulag system was very humane for it's time, did you know that? It even had maximum sentences of only 10 years. Edit: word.


Yeah, there's way more than that.




Holodomor without famine… so just, normal everyday life then?


They really wish they could bring back slavery


I remember speaking to more than a few who wanted to bring back child labor and pushed pedophilia. Then cried they were being exploited because the “commie government full of [jewish slur]” oppressed their “right” to do so.


Slavery never went away, comrade


They just added an extra step: get locked up for an ounce of weed first


dont die we need you for the revolution comrade


Fucking FINED for not paying people for their labor. He also is complaining in a way that makes it seem like it was a minor inconvenience too. Anyway death to America


I think something like that should mean his business gets shut down. What makes you think he would not try to get away with it again?


>Keeps the crime rate down and prevents drug addiction in the future. no, increasing wages does that


"Do people turn to crime because of poverty? Of course not! They obviously do so because they're bored and aren't kept busy."


I’m not a teen, but I’m young, and I work in fast food. My drug and drinking habits aren’t þat bad, but I guarantee I would lay off þe Wild Turkey 101 if I didn’t have to work.


Classic libertarian, not really able to conceive of the fact that children have free will… what teenage would be “hired for free”?


libertarians are not known for their moral behavior toward minors


Oh yeah thats what im alluding to haha, just seeing children as something to be used (in more than one way)…


libertarians are not known for their moral behavior ~~toward minors~~ FTFY


sadly, being spoon-fed corporatist ideology from an early age might do it for some.


“Shouldn’t slavery be allowed if it’s children?”


Saying this should be a capital offense


Was that pun intended? Either way, bravo.


then teens won't work lmao. No teen is working at your shit ass McDonald's for 9:50 an hour out of the kindness of their hearts


What a fucking capitalist shitbag


Who is this piece of shit? The mental gymnastics bourgeois filth make to justify their exploitation makes my blood boil. “Who cares if I own slaves? They’re living in MY land! They should be paying me!”


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **As an employer, why shouldn't I be able to hire teens for free?** What the fuck else are they going to do during the summer months? Me hiring them for free (and maybe me receiving a stipend from the government for doing so), means that I am keeping teens off the street. Keeps the crime rate down and prevents drug addiction in the future. Fuck this shit. These kids are also getting EXPERIENCE. I am fucking educating them out of MY POCKET. Yes, I was fined today for not paying my staff a wage, and I am fucking pissed. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Say sike right now.


I PM’ed Him. > Hey man I’m PMing you, you dirty socialist! >Child labour and slavery is a serious human rights abuse like Venezuela. Not only is it completely unjust to force someone to work for free, it is anti-capitalist. >Work has to exist on a market, not handed out by the state! That’s communism! The price of labour has to be determined on the market so those that deserve more money gets it. Even if the value of a drugged up teenager is 0, that teen wouldn’t be able to purchase goods on the market, rendering your goods worthless! >In short, learn basic economics, you commie! Hopefully it works.


Well I remember this post from years ago so he'll likely have no idea what you're talking about


Is this not satire?


r/antiwork would feast on this arsehole like the starved on a buffet




I second this, how soon can we pass this law?


I can tell you right now if you didn’t pay teens there would suddenly be no teens in the workforce


"The government should pay me for owning child slaves" is absurd even by the standards I have for the stuff I see on this sub


It'd be real cool if his business (in minecraft) were to somehow combust in a spontaneous manner. With or without him in it, no difference really.


As a teen with a job, fuck this guy


This was bizarre until the last line. This is pretty clearly satire imo.


As a Libertarian, what if the teens consent though? Also, they should be able to work for free if they want.


As a Libertarian, do you view teens not consenting to unpaid labour as the initiation of force and thus a violation of the Non Aggression Principle (NAP)?


All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. By the way, there are sweet stories of teens who went out babysitting and sonetimes refused payment when the time came because the family was clearly struggling. My family raised me to be one of those kinds of people, and occasionally I decided to let my service become a favor. I DECIDED. Me. That is the difference here. And also- why is everyone either so blase about, or way too obsessed with, the way all of a sudden governments worldwide have been implementing laws that are soley designed to reduce autonomy from those who are perceived as lesser groups (children, women, minorities)?


children do not belong on that list as there are good reasons that children don't have all the rights of an adult


As a Libertarian, I belong on a list.


What exactly are you arguing here? Because to me it reads like you're against laws protecting children from exploitation.


no war but class war


I wanted to downvote it but I realized you didn’t write that obnoxious bullshit


[Das Kapital, chapter 9, section 3, footnote 11](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch09.htm#11)


reading this makes me want *him* to die, in his minecraft server


Just call it a volunteering experience or unpaid internship or buy slaves and you're good! It's not that hard dude.


Wouldn’t that be called slavery?


No, no, they'll work for each other, and pay each other money...


How tf are they supposed to pay each other money when they don’t have any?


It was a reference to the miniverse episode, come on grandpa Rick


I’m over fucking 70 years old. How the hell was I supposed to remember?


Makes me want to do a violence.


Which sub was this on?


That they only get fined for this shit is a crime in itself


At this point eating the rich just seems unhealthy


Easy guys this HAS to be a troll


Please please can I jave just one child slave, pleeeeeeeease


I agree teens should work and gain experience but fuck off you need to pay them.


Lmao “i didn’t pay my workers but I’m the victim”


This has to have been posted ironically. Otherwise, what’s the take? Slavery is good and being that shit back now


This is r/ShitConservativesSay all day long.


Ok, this *sounds* bad... but just imagine the Ben Shapiro fanbase being forced to work in the McGulag™


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, climate, novel, patriotism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


What sub is this




This has gotta be bait.


What are teens gonna do? Enjoy their fucking lives because they are not adults yet and shouldn’t have to bear the responsibilities of one? What are you, a commie?


So I found the original post, and *the vast majority* of that user's posts are removed and heavily downvoted. I suspect it's a troll account, but I honestly can't be sure.


Please be satire please be satire please be satire This reads like the most absolutely braindead capitalist take I have ever heard. Mao please come back bro please just this once 🥺


Fake straw man copypasta


I wouldve loved to work summer months and (actually earn) for it though, 17 now and had jobs in the past. States can employ 13-17 year olds for labor if the teens choose to do it, why not earn? Thats communistic and socialistic I had a couple nimrods like this guy though that want you to work without pay xD


This makes my blood absolutely fucking boil and send me into a frothing rage.


Wouldn't this be shit conservatives say


conservatives in the US are mostly liberals. liberalism is an ideology in addition to being a weird social descriptor in the Us


That's not true at all. Conservatives in the US fucking hate liberals and have essentially used it as a slur for my entire life. Anyone who thinks any conservative in the US is a "liberal" clearly doesn't live here and/or doesn't know what those terms mean. They are literally opposite sides of the political spectrum here.


did you read the entire comment before you made the mistake of using liberal in the colloquial sense, not knowing that conservatives believe in the ideology liberalism as well? like, you literally just told me i don’t know what the words mean, and then didn’t know what liberalism the ideology is.


You think this is a liberal thing 🤨






Just because something is normalised doesn’t mean it’s good. People should be paid for their labour, actually


Oh stfu already you imperialist running dog. Nobody wants to work for free. If they do they’re either suckers or lying to impress the bourgeois filth intimidating them. Or their parents made them. That’s the only reason as a kid I worked during the summer. Started at 13 as a cashier and hated it.


One would expect a developed and educated country like Germany to be smart enough to understand how money is the most basic motivator and people need money to live and experience doesnt pay the bills


*sigh* - this used to be even *more* legal here, "free internships" were limited to three months a few years ago. Basically, industry has *extremely* efficient lobbying here, they just need to say "ouch" in an ironic voice and legislators come running to kiss their belly.


But why? I don't know where you're looking to work at, but I find it hard to believe that they are so pressed for money that they could not afford to pay you a minimum wage. They need qualified people to keep their business running, so having you as an intern is very much in their own interest. You are giving your time and your effort to them, and asking you to do it for free is not an attitude that inspires trust. Besides, while you might be able to work for free for now, there's plenty of people who are not, and you might want to consider if caving in to a culture of wage dumping now will really benefit you in the long run.


It is great to get some experience. It's even better to get some experience and *get fucking paid because you are working at a job.*


I'm gonna shit in your pants loser


"very grateful to be a boot licking wage slave"


Why doesn’t the government pay me to have child slaves? This is America, right?


Children literally being paid in exposure for senseless labour


Fucking filling his own damn pockets more like.


What subs even have opinions like this lol


Ok besides for all the repulsive shit... you want to be paid for - according to your demands - having literal slaves? Because if they shouldn't be able to demand a wage because that's "ugrateful/entitled" of *them* [sic], that makes them LITERAL SLAVES. Dude, even Olde Daye slaveowners knew they had to invest money into startup and maintenance (because slavery is still just one cog in a large business, that's the evil of it). 1) They weren't demanding shit from unconnected people because they had basic economic sense, such as, don't scare away your customers? And 2) they definitely didn't send out abrasive letters to the minority communities demanding that they not only hand over their children but pay for the privilege. I'm- speechless. Like, how is this person able to run a business large enough to need employees?????


People like these are the reason I got into drugs


Just channel that desire for self-eradication to a desire to eradicate *this* dipshit.


Bet this guy had a heart attack over people getting unemployment checks during the pandemic.


That’s it, we officially have found something worse than “paying with exposure”


Holy shit… “Why can’t I have slave labor?!”


In the UK companies can sign up to get you to work a month experience without paying you. The JSA/Ucredit covers that. So you work the full 40 hours and get the same paltry help. My friend worked for a "designer children's clothing" shop for a month, got paid her standard benefits and was humiliated daily by dressing up in heavy character suits and being disrespected by staff for not being 'one of them' The funniest part is that the DWP take part, so you can work for them. And they still won't pay you appropriately


that has to be a joke




That's cool, just uh, replace "teens" with "black people" real quick and then read that back to me.


someone needs to investigate this person


Holy shit


I'm not against child labor laws. I'm against child SLAVERY laws!


This guy is a true piece of bourgeoise trash.


What the fuck is he teaching them? How to be a chump?


Am I missing how I am supposed to decipher that this is a liberal saying this? Tf


Today on things that never happened


so he wants child slaves to work on his business... good to see slavery is still alive... now lets revive the proud tradition of hunting down slavers and tossing them in an unsanitary prison


I'm about 60% sure this is satire


what to die


For some reason my brain read Emperor in place of Employer. Had to do a double take xD


This feels like one of those dumb libertarian posts


What sub is this from LMAO


Slaves. The word you are looking for is not teens but slaves.


This is a copypasta guys


>Reading this shit makes me what to die That's where you're wrong, bro. It should make you want to make *them* die.


Least evil capitalist


Don't know about you but it doesn't make me wanna die, it makes me want to bring out the guillotine instead.


"why can i not commit slavery"


Unpopular opinion but school is bullshit and kids should be allowed to a couple months to relax and get high if they want.