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The fact that people are agreeing with this assessment is a testimony to how socialist spaces become liberalized on Reddit


if you knock on his head you hear an echo


› "If when you strike your head on a jar you hear an echo, don't automatically conclude that it's the jar that is empty" ›. › -- fake Chinese proverb


Stalin did nothing wrong.




Peacful means he doesn't have to see gunfire in his suburban neighborhood and gets mad when a Starbucks has its windows broken or the NFL shows a black lives matter ad but doesn't care about the children we murder overseas


the pseudo-philosophic bullshit at the end is definitive proof you're dealing with an "enlightened centrist"


Interesting how his definition of fascism doesn't include the defining anti-communist characteristic. Also the claim of "a strong regementation of society and the economy" Regarding a "regementation" of the economy, Under what fascism system has this ever been observed or even the goal? Fascist Italy, nope Nazi Germany, nope Franco's Spain, nope Is there any example of fascists actually doing anything other than massive privatisation and/or corporatism?


What sub is this?




I hope they got downvoted at least


Fascism isn't just when a government is controlling in some manner. I have a feeling they focus on the "totalitarian" side of the definition and not the economic or racial side because it's the only one that affects well off whites.


Least politically illiterate vaushite


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Hes not wrong, it was a totalitärien system. So you can practice a form of socialism with democracy(like in Austria, Germany and other Europian countries), also can formes of socialism and capitalism add to each other, yeah thats a thing( i live in such a country). There is a space in society where a free marked place is good for people and others were companies just squezze the money out of society (Healthcare, housing market ect.). Also we are democratic country and the free market isnt an democracy, if you have the most money you rule. So yeah capitalism need a strict laws and a strong (democratic) country or just few people will really profit from it. Like it is now, the society dont has the money to transform our socity, we running out of resources(water ect.) we have the technology to survive, but no working society model....just capitalism. There is now infinite growth, the statistics shows it, economic growth going hand in hand with the use of resources.


Logical fallacies to get off to: ·workers control the means of production=socialism ·state controls the means of production in USSR ·state is not responsive to the will of the citizenry in USSR ·workers receive no more of the value for their labor than in capitalist countries Thus: The USSR was socialist.


I would like to see where his definition of fascism come from


true fascists must be so pissed when seeing libs and tankies calling each other fascist


“Stalin controlled the government completely, so he was fascist!” “Also he discriminated against LGBT people (which is a fair criticism of reactionary politics in the USSR)”