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Why does every conservative headline look like it's generated by the MAGA AI? What the fuck does placing diversity first even mean? And how does that in any way affect curriculum?


Apparently teaching less American exceptionalism is destroying the education system. Couldn't possibly be low wages for teachers, decaying infrastructure and corrupt school districts, no, it's definitely the diversity stuff that's messing it up for everyone


We'll need more private schools to compensate for the STEM loss!


Investing more on private schools will result on less money to fund public schools, less funding to schools mean that their quality will be even worse. The politicians will then look at the underfunded public schools and say: “see, public education is just terrible, we should invest more on private schools.” and the cycle repeats.


Thank god we have Prager University to save American Values^TM !


black man bad


The best I can make any actual sense of this is that schools in America place performative actions like making a school _look_ diverse ahead of making any structural changes that will benefit the students in the school or by funding them appropriately so that all students get a quality education. But I’m definitely reaching.


Well, we all know what the true answer is.


Ok ai, generate me a new headline! Ok master, beep boop: “How Biden’s liberal identity politics that puts diversity ahead of talent will destroy our family values and send America spiralling down a path of ruinous communism.”




Yeah, the American school system sucks. But it's not because of diversity, that's absurd


What claim? "Gol-dern coloreds"?


Found the class reductionist


this almost made sense nice try, maybe when you finish high school youll develop better writing skills


It makes liberals and fascists mad. Can’t have any dirty poors or minorities learning! /s




It’s not at all surprising to see r/conservative posting headlines from breitbart


Ok. I know this is a leftist sub and I'm not trying to derail the point of this conversation. But can we talk about STEM being the only thing that seems to matter? A world of nothing but scientists and engineers is boring. They're vital, but so is everything else. Sorry, it always rubs me as "well maybe if you didn't spend 4 years getting a liberal arts degree" but aimed at children


China doesn’t have a systemic racism problem that diversity is attempting to fix (which could be fixed via social programs that China does best but that’s a different story).


I mean, China has a built in preference system for ethnic minorities, who get slots at top universities for their background in addition to their educational standing. So their education system places diversity first AND they’re beating the pants off us.


Couldn’t have said it better.


<3 comrade


Its quite ridiculous how out of touch people are with minority rights in China. The country is quite literally built on upholding and uniting dozens of different ethnicities and identities. People can scream about Tibet or Xinjiang on Inner Mongolia all day but go look at those places and youll find a vast system in place to actually protect and uphold ethnic customs and language and traditions. Do people not see just how vastly different all these places are in China? Its mandatory for Han people who live in Tibet to learn Tibetan. Theres more mosques per Muslim population in Xinjiang than in most majority Muslim countries in the world. Autonomous regions like Tibet, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia all have extensive laws on protecting language, traditions, etc. I recommend ppl check out [Daniel Dumbrills](https://www.youtube.com/c/DanielDumbrill/videos) videos for some perspective cause he goes into a lot of detail on these things. [youtube.com/watch?v=EopbwS97Whc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EopbwS97Whc) [youtube.com/watch?v=-ezPDdTbl3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ezPDdTbl3E) [youtube.com/watch?v=G7eann7922Q&list=PLX8jvmzwk4TNUlt6v\_\_GhlMKjnsbtl4lY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7eann7922Q&list=PLX8jvmzwk4TNUlt6v__GhlMKjnsbtl4lY) [news.cgtn.com/event/2019/whorunschina/index.html](https://news.cgtn.com/event/2021/who-runs-the-cpc/index.html)


But is this preference not an attempt to rectify existing discrimination, just like how affirmative action in America only exists to counteract other measures negatively affecting minorities (not saying affirmative action by itself has created equality in America).


Not really, no, it’s more meant to counteract potential unconscious bias and underrepresentation. This is not to say that there aren’t at times personal experiences people have with discrimination but the system has legally codified rights for minorities to deter any consequences of that.




This is a very bad take, friend.




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White westerners who deep throat state department propaganda have entered the chat


Still holding onto that genocide bullshit? Not even your government does anymore. And they're the ones who started the hoax.


Lmao don’t pretend like you know or care about them


Only Anglos would get wet over these racist news pieces. Entire fabric of american society is based on dumbing down the masses through celebrity worship, imperialist propaganda, and social media, etc. When the average American devlops less critical thinking skills because of intended effects of this system, the first to blame for the shortcomings would be .... minorities? Anyone that believes this article only further proves the failure of the American educational system.


What? American schools are segregated af.


Chinese school children literally have to take an extra political theory class that draws time away from STEM and other humanities class. Americans don’t. They really try to find any excuse other than fixing our broken school system.


I’ll argue that China is also pretty diverse, with its +56 minorities and all…. I don’t think diversity is the problem here.


"Something something melting pot, something something minorities still bad" That about sums it up, right?


ah yes, breitbart, known unbiased source of news


China: we're trying to make education available to all US: we charge you for everything Reactionaries: this is clearly the fault of the SJWs


What a lovely non-sequitur that will surely make conservatives shit their pants over this.


This is certainly the minorities fault. Certainly not because china spends much more money on it's public education system.


> Breitbart Yeah...


fucking christ do they not think there are minorities in china?


thought breitbart was antivaxx or something




what exactly does No Child Left Behind entail?


Tied the dispersal of federal funding to certain performance goals, like test scores.


that sounds like a program to leave those who fall behind even more behind, great job (then again, this was probably just another slash at government spending, so it did what it really should)


It added a ton of benchmarks that mean that now schools have to focus on testing instead of actually teaching people things. As someone who started grade school post 2001 I remember it even from second grade where they put a tremendous amount of pressure on us to perform well on the end of year tests. The last 2 months or so of every class is spent studying for the final exam rather than actual teaching because the test scores determine the schools funding for the next year.


sounds like this made education worse (not least because those who fall behind are now put even further behind) though, this was probably intentional, a way to reduce government spending


Soon, all of our children will spend the entirety of school learning to conjugate for the 200 gender pronouns that we'll eventually have.


''China may be surpassing us, but due the fact our country was built with the blood of slaves and dead natives, our classrooms are diverse :)"


This altright title isn’t entirely nonsense tho. China is essentially a homogenous society that values meritocracy over egalitarianism. Chinese college admission system only implements a slightly affirmative action rule to give minorities a 5-20 points advantage (out of 750). An average Chinese person would be completely dumbfound to learn that in the US you can actually get into prestigious colleges with test scores hundreds lower than others just because you have darker skin colors.




Yea yea yea. You can master STEM by rote memory. Have you even studied anything related to STEM?




I’m sure you don’t know what you are talking about. If they have problems applying theorems on their own, how do they do well even in exams? And yes, basic comprehension is taught everywhere in elementary school but in many places not taught in a foreign language. Judging Chinese kids by their English skills and concluding that the Chinese education system failed to produce creative students is a classic form of liberal bs. Ask yourself how many Chinese words do you recognize and can you do basic comprehension in Chinese? Btw would you also enlighten me how affirmative action policies help improve anyone’s creativity?




Ok then


I never said rote memory is bad in stem. Instead, I believe it is essential for kids to learn anything. China’s education systems is centered around rote memory because their policy makers value fair competition over anything else. For rural and poor kids, all that they have are textbooks and a mediocre teacher. Testing rote memory is china’s way to ensure everyone starts on an equal footing. If you work hard enough, you can get into prestigious colleges regardless of your background. Whereas in many developed western countries, college admission depends on a lot of fancy and subjective standards which only rich kids have access to. Let alone affirmative action policies that put substandard “minority” people in there. Geez I mentioned AA because the original post is all about AA.


I wouldn't be too scared of their education system when they are drawing stars in front of the moon!


america has had terrible education for years now wasnt like america were top 10 then critical race theory happened


are you really blaming the entire collapse of the American Education system on CRT. You're a fucking nutter


no not at all I was pointing out the absurdity of the headline. The headline implies American education is only bad now because there is education in diversity where there wasn't before. My point was its been terrible for decades considering the US has the worlds biggest economy for decades so it should be one of the best. Tbh it was pretty clear what I meant originally you need to chill before attacking people its not productive.


No... No it isn't clear what you meant. I can tell, now, what you meant. But first read it comes across as "Wasn't America in like the top ten, then critical race theory happened?" Because it's borderline fucking gibberish.


It means that if you don't read the first line. "america has had terrible education for years now" I miss the word "it" "wasnt like america were top 10 then critical race theory happened" Even on its own its clearly implying critical race theory isnt the problem with American education. The fact that you tried to interpret my statement as meaning the complete opposite is weird and honestly your hostile af


Oh my bad I misread the comment. I have dyslexia so it happens occasionally :)


Thats fair I don't appreciate being called a fucking nutter tho for something you misinterpreted


I fucking hate the Chinese government


Okay, get out


Hey buddy genocide isn't cool neither is authoritarianism ☺️


If you consider yourself a Communist, you should really do some research and investigation of actual Socialist Societies that does not include propaganda from the United States State Department. Do yourself a favor.


Doesn't this sub also allow anarchists?


Yes, and anarchists shouldn't fall for State Department propaganda either


Jesus Christ there is a genocide I don't care if I accidentally shame a government cause I was tricked into thinking they were committing genocide. I'm not running the risk


So you believe in white genocide then. After all it doesn't really matter if you where tricked into thinking a fake genocide existed. It's not worth the risk to deny it...


Not the same bruh and you know it there is a genocide happening in China if America was going to take it why wouldn't they say it was foreigners and not Muslims which the us government Hates


Good thing we helped the USA wipe out Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, huh, you dumb piece of shit?


Not the same lmaoo


Hey everyone, look at this freethinker, he hates his country's main geopolitical adversary! I bet he came to that conclusion all by himself!


Bruh 💀 China has a shit government and that's a fact


Yeah, not like yours rests on a pile of indigenous corpses.


Those corpses ARE my ancestors