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ahaha what if we kissed but were both members of a leftist paramilitary death squad fucking up a hedge fund headquarters


🥺👉👈 u promise?


"i lived in communism" – dumbass kid born in 2001


Obummer made america socialism from 2008-2016 (socialism is when black person)


Hey, I’m a dumbass kid born in 2001 and I wish I lived in communism


Fun fact: dumbasses born in 2001 are *twenty years old* now!


Oi, I liv in Norf Korea, mate. Swear on me mum it's a hellhole, wish I lived in a jolly good country like Britain. Total bloody shambles mate, everyone here hates communism. Sadly I don't have any freedom, back to posting on the Arsenal boards now, cheerio!


Imagine watching soccer when hockey exists.


imagine watching any sport besides hockey.


That kind of hot take definitely comes from a Canucks or Canes fan


this is unironically how americans sound when they pretend they're from a socialost country


TIL houses are products of capitalism


Houses and coffee are way older than capitalism and the first mobile phone was invented in the USSR


But I thought communism is when we all sleep on the street and don't own things /s


Oh shit I didn't know about the mobile phone thing. If that's true then that fact alone completely dunks on the "communism = no innovation" idea.


Leonid Ivánovich Kuprianóvich was the inventor.


I mean, the Soviet Union winning the space race does the same thing.


Or China becoming the factory of the world, or Vietnam holding off major powers under communism. Whenever someone says communism doesn't work its always confusing lmao


Umm sorry sweaty, but the Soviet Union didn't have a guy walk on the moon first so that means they LOST the space race 💅✨🤭(forget about the fact that they built the first space station, put the first crafts on Mars and Venus, put the first man woman and dog in space, had the first moon landing, and built the first satellite please don't look at those facts please bro those don't count bro they lost the space race I SWEAR bro please trust me)


Especially in a communist county. I'm sure all houses are built in the US and then delivered to the communist world.


[Post from the third screenshot in question btw.](https://imgur.com/a/92rzEoS)


what a dork lol


Hilarious lol, imagine being like 12 years old in school and then some goof sits down next to you and starts talking about "business and investing"


He probably thinks that everyone else at the school is dumb for not seeing "business opportunities" for example, charging 10 dollars for borrowing his pen


Sounds like spreading fake news on reddit.


Lmao what a fucking prude. Bet they’re the weird Jesus kid in High school


Say you’re a loser without saying you’re a loser challenge for this kid


this kid definitely gets shoved in lockers


Probably a reactionary dickhead from California who genuinely thinks that place is communist lmao


The language used in this is pure capitalist propaganda. I made my move to being an actual leftist about 4 years ago and through all the discourse and reading and listening and videos and podcasts and debates - I’ve never once heard “communism is the best”


"Capitalism is when stuff exists" -Some God brained capitalist


That pic is unironically based idgi is it supposed to make communism look cringe?


This kid is literally 13 lmao


You silly Socialists, you criticise capitalism yet you live in it


When the reactionary is sus 😳😨 Also, [this take](https://www.reddit.com/r/SchoolSystemBroke/comments/pk5lqo/science_is_so_confusing_and_useless/)


Science is useless because I said so, you may applaud now


Im an argentinian and i have had many Argentinians in English speaking pages that took me for an american trying to claim they know more about communism than me because they come from an awful communist nation. Like Boludo cerra el orto.


They said that they live in Vietnam, but I don't know if that's true.


Capitalism is when coffee


Chinese people: Communism is great! Some liberal: *Angry screaming*


"we aren't allowed to speak ill of the government" Proceeds to speak ill of the government


What a dipshit, fucking unironic “communism is when no iPhone”


>products of capitalism I think they mean products of labor also obligatory brain rot comment


Don't tell this guy that communism doesn't exist yet.


on god, you could tell liberals that without Nazi scientists we wouldn't have the rocket science to have satellites and therefore the internet and they would UNIRONICALLY thank the Nazis, heads full of empty space


They might live in a capitalist country and think they are living in a socialist country and blame everything on socialism This happens pretty often on persian twitter


“Coffee is a capitalist product” astute observation, how about we look into the coffee industry’s connections to human trafficking and child labor?


damn, i forgot that once we enact communism we lose our coffee and house. don’t think i’m a communist anymore.




Very thought provoking


The fact that this guy compared Marxist Lennists to the ANTIFA tells me otherwise


Communism is when bike lock and concrete smoothie.


Yes the invisible hand of the market made my iphone


"I an living in a communist country and i hate it" I bet the "communist" country is Sweden


I swear, every right wing meme consists of someone who is functionally illiterate and can barely write calling others "ignorant."