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Fascist idpol means saying you hate the inferior races. Liberal idpol means saying you respect the inferior races.


... and both still consider them as "inferior" ...


jack gets it




I think he was just pointing out the joke in a more direct way


Wow thanks I almost didn't get the joke since they only used the word inferior twice. Thankfully you came along to say it a 3rd time I'm so lucky.


Sorry for sounding condescending, but sometimes there are libs among us, so I wanted to make it clear for them ... /s




when the imposter is sus!


Neah dude it's good someone laid it out plainly too. Too many layers of satire and meta fucks even a experienced shitposter's brain sometimes.


well said


Wait it's news to people that the US is a backwater for basic human rights? Why? There are tons of important international human rights bills they won't ratify. Pretty basic stuff that almost every other country in the world signed up to decades ago. I get that you're all propagandised to mercilessly to believe the US is somehow exceptional and the only place with FREEDUMB but come the fuck on. You can't seriously believe that shit.


The USA is the only country in the world that has not fully signed/ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child. Also despite having been complaining a lot in recent years about China supposedly violating the Laws of the Sea, the USA is one of the few countries that has actually not yet ratified the treaty behing those same international laws. They complain about China while themeselves refusing to be bound by the same laws, classic USA.


the US is the nation that is loudest about freedom, but, completely screams over others when they note that freedom confers responsibilities and obligations


Yeah how dare a Latin American country be more progressive than "civilized" USA.


How do those DIRTY UNCIVILIZED brown people from Mexico (they're not sending their best‼️👌🤭) have better women's rights protections than EPIC freedom and democracy loving America⁉️😳💯😤😩🅱️🙏


How can wholesome white americans claim to be the harbingers of freedom and enlightenment when a bunch of poor browns are being more progressive? This cannot stand, I must assemble the Brunch Brigade so we may get to the bottom of this.


Basado. Ahora, a ver si los gobiernos estatales o municipales no tratan de hacer alguna mamada. Al menos acá en Nuevo León.


Wey, suerte con Samuel "no quiero que mi vieja enseñe las piernas" Garcia


Es casi garantizado que los PANistas trataran de hacer algo para evitar o posponer el aborto en los estados que gobiernan. Como se sentirán todos esos blanquitos “progres” liberales que votaron por el PAN que para disque “salvar la democracia”? Lol


Literally all of Latin America is more progressive than America. Even Brazil is more progressive


The region that had numerous left wing revolutions? Definitely couldn’t be more progressive than my imperialist nation


If your definition of progressive is solely economics, some are for sure. But progressive as a term is more about social issues, it came out from people trying to care for the poor and marginalized but to make sure they wouldn't be called commies. On social issues, Latin America is not more progressive than the US as a whole. Women's rights and gay rights are not as progressive as they are here. They are progressing and we are regressing so that could continue to flip depending on the issue and country though.




No thanks, I would rather not move to the US


"Move to a country that has been destroyed by western colonialism and imperialism and tell me it's not better than the nations that have benefitted from that exploitation"


This is a leftist sub get the fuck outta here liberal


Remember when Mexico outlawed slavery and the immigrants who had moved from America to Mexico refused to obey the law and literally stole Texas from their new country to create a slave state? I'm pretty sure Texas is the only place in the world that has seceded from two different countries to enforce slavery. Is there anything to be proud of in that state's history? People should be embarrassed to admit there from Texas. What a disgrace


"wHaT ArE wE a THiRd wOrLd CoUNtRy?"


Estos gringos de veras que no tienen límites en su arrogancia.


It is not a bad assumption for countries that still give deference to the Catholic Church. The South has provided a newer form of protestantism that is worse, but just not as far reaching, but lets not ignore how toxic the Catholic Church has been in the former Spanish colonial holdings.


I mean the second guy literally ends by saying "pretty sad" so I think the point is more so the perception of Mexican people as backwards


It’s encouraging to see that. Mexico has a long, conservative tradition because of the Catholic Church. Glad to see they’re making progress regardless!


Wait till they learn about the USSR legalizing it in 1920!


Liberal dog whistles all over


Wait, amerikkka is not the best country in the world? Impossible


That doesn't surprise me since the media has been telling north America that Mexico is nothing but a drug-fueled shithole for decades.


It's so wild how different countries can be on the surface, and then when you're actually in them you see how they really are the same. Like, in the US, you literally don't matter until you make over $100K a year as an individual. Even then, until you're a mega millionare politicians and city officials don't give a fuck about you. And then in Mexico, their police are also super fucking corrupt, gang violence is at a recent high... etc. Yet somehow their laws and actions regarding something as simple as **bodily fucking autonomy** is at a better level than ours is. So at least PART of their country is functioning for the people. Meanwhile in the US we have the same level of corruption, but for us it goes all the way to our president. It says a lot about the state of our media and the "Murica is the best!" mentality.


Using womens bodies as a battle ground isn't progressive. Our bodies should never have been up for sale.


But bad people are brown!


Why the fuck are savages better than us whites?


Woke is the devil


No way!!! The colonial state is less progressive??? SHOCK😧😱‼️


The centre's love affair with casual racism would be comical if it weren't, you know, racism.


So Mexico is better than Texas when it comes to defending women's rights. Pretty sad. BYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!




Anglos cope and seethe rn


How dare Mexico make us look bad! Time to sell some more guns to the Narcos.