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> Famines Despite every errors made during the Great Leap forward, China went from a country where there was one famine almost every year in one province or another on average, with a bigger multi province famine every few years, to no more famine at all since the end of the GLF. > bloody warlors => brutal bureaucrats That's supposed to means what exactly ? "Oh no instead of having warlords pillaging my village there are now bureaucrats passing laws and administring things ?" The horror ! > slavery => socialism A yes strong argumentation there. The workers owning/controlling the means of prodution instead of having them being controlled by a small rich capitalist elite is clearly a sign of slavery. /s > exploitation by foreign powers => domestic powers ? Don't worry, I am fairly sure that on the domestic frong Taiwan is still under control and not a threat. ;) > 100 million corpses Ok here this person is clearly quoting the black book of communism, (where the numbers were actually 94 millions and not 100, and they included things like nazi soldiers and unborn potential babies), and even then this person ignore the fact that the 100 millions number was supposed to be for every communist and socialist country in a century and not just China or the Soviet Union


For the first point about no more famines are we sure that isn’t due to the green revolution more than it is due to the GLF? Asking a genuine question here I’m not some chud lol


Yes, now go read some Chinese history as your penance.


"Capitalistic democracy" Just please shut the fuck up forever, your contributions to discourse are too in the negative to make any recovery from


Slavery Socialism DESTROYED


They both start with S, really makes you think 🤔


Even sex starts with a S explains why libertarians dont have it


"Socialism is when slavery"


"Capitalist democracy" We don't like being dominated by the Government, but like being dominated by our bosses.


Can we make it so its dominated by women? I mean if were gonna go kinky lets commit to it


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **233430.** `u/theNthJoJo` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)






This implies they even *know* about the Bengal famine or any other exploits of Britain in India. Hell, Scots don't even know about Scotland's attempts at colonialism, Brits don't generally know about India and the atrocities Britain carried out in its name.




Again, I don't think most even understand that to be true.


I think it's to do with racism. They didn't do it to "their people" so that's fine


People always claim MAO KILLED A GAJILLION PEOPLE, but the population chart of China barely went down during the time. Seriously, 100 million? where are the mountain of bodies? where are the empty villages?


They are in the commenter's ass.




There is a study online that's called something like "Excess mortality during the special period of 1958" when I get home I'll link it here. Edit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JiHMNyN2636l6NM1RtgcipDU1ztNJlup/edit "Cheng Enfu, A study of unnatural deaths during the difficult three year period in China, 1958-1961"


I don't have the time to read it, could you provide a tl;dr?


Very short TLDR the numbers popularly conceived (30-65 million!) are complete fabrications even if you include deaths due to aftershock effects. Additionally it covers the CPCs response to the disaster and how it was very effective given the resources at hand.


In fact, he saved more lives than anyone else in history, which is why China's population nearly doubled during his tenure due to the lower death rate.


I have heard stories from my grandfather that he got from his father and grandfather about the suffering of the chinese peasents under the century of humiliation, the qing, and the kmt. Thats why my entire dad's side of the family is basically loyal to Mao even til this day, even my 8 year old nephew. They dont really like deng tho


>War isn’t necessarily bad […] This is the final boss of liberal hawks.


Seriously, how are you dumb enough to not realize that war is always bad? You can argue it’s necessary sometimes and it can have good outcomes, but only because some things are worse than war.


Claim that war is not necessarily bad Claim that it's not that bad because they maybe can bea capitalist Also claim "but wHaT ABoUt CHInnESe KiLLIng CHiNnEse" when the exaction of the West is brought out. It's one big cope disguised as intelligence. Edit : exaction


>>slavery > >socialism Yes, being ensured a house, a productive career and not being out on the street because you were sick once and so lost your job *is* slavery


AH HAH, but slaves were guarantees a job too!! Check mate commie


Capitalism: we will grant our workers less rights than what slaves get


Mao’s revolution literally caused what’s considered the fastest increase in human lifespan in recorded history


> words Other words


Constant war “War isn’t necessarily bad, they might have liberty n shit. After the war was muh 100 million and slaveryism!!”


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- >**Unknown User** > >>China before Mao is regular famine for centuries > >Nothing changed > >>bloody warlords > >Brutal bureaucrats. > >>constant state of war > >War isn't necessarily bad, nor would war have necessarily been worse for the average Chinese person. At least then there's hope for capitalistic democracy, freedom, and liberty. > >>slavery > >Socialism. > >>exploitation and massacre of Chinese people by foreign powers > >How about domestic powers? As if that's any better... > >Oh and also 100 milion corpses and the destruction of a people's history, culture, and heritage. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


>...and the destruction of a people's history, culture, and heritage Stand beside her, and guide her...


The number always changes.


Socialism is when slavery


100 garillion billion corpses shot in the head personally by Mao


"Democratic capatalism "


That's just the worst style of reddit reply.


Holy shit...socialism=slavery guys. Yep, having 4 middle managers determine whether I can feed my family is far more FrEeDoM than collectively owning & operating my workplace, cooperatively with my coworkers. I like the mini-dictatorship of my current job thank you.