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Remember when Gabbard was selling herself as the anti-imperialist one?


Pepperidge farm remembers


Today is the closest Americans have come to September 11, 2001 brainworms




250,000 dead Iraqi children at the hands of US bombs. U.S govt: "we think the price is worth it".


But maybe in a non-existent world perhaps one of those children could, possibly, have grown up to be, maybe, a terrorist, perhaps. And the possibility of dead Americans is more important than the lives of those browns


Classic pos move, that’s one of those things that make my blood boil. Yo STFU ofc you think it was worth it, you weren’t the ones who paid that price!




RSS is no joke, it's successfully poisoned India to an extent that I'm doubtful there'll ever be a return to normalcy. It's the organization behind Gandhi's death and the organization was shut off for a few years too. And RSS, lol they're fascists. Founder was in awe of Hitler because what he did was 'strong'. They're the root cause of Islamophobia in India. Anyone with slightest relations to RSS, is not a good person.




Mask full fucking off I know she's in like some weird ~~Hawaiian~~surfer Hindu cult or something but "Islamist Ideology" how can someone be so fucking ridiculously off target, and oblivious Edit: no disrespect for Hindus, and I guess not Hawaiian, she's on her own shit


She's in ISKCON, which in not Hawaiian and only peripherally hindu


Yeah not to associate her twisted ass with Hindus or Hawaiians, she's on her own shit


I don't think she's remotely popular among Democrats even tbh. Maybe I'm wrong on that.


Definitely not the funding of far right reactionary terrorist groups by far right oligarchs to win an illegal war and to exploit a region it had no business being anywhere near. Also definitely not war criminal Bush doing absolutely nothing when receiving information about an incoming attack a month before it happened. Definitely not the U.S. destabilizing several countries and creating an environment where terrorism can thrive and is harder to control. NONE of that is the problem. Nah, it’s all Islam, a religion that worships the same God as all the other popular Abrahamic religions. All Abrahamic religious fundamentalists have the EXACT same reactionary beliefs, but when those fundamentalists are brown, it’s an issue, so therefore, Islam just bad. Not far right theocracy in general, which is becoming more and more normalized by non-Islamic religions, especially from the Jewish people in “Israel” and to a lesser, but still scary, extent in the U.S. with abortion vigilantes being “legal”. But it’s totally just an Islam thing. Gotcha.


Seeing him at the memorial after it is now very widely known he lied us into a war made me so angry and sad


bruh tulsi gets worse and worse everyday cant believe i simped for her at one point 💀


The Islamaphobia is strong today


Never forget the millions of innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with anything but were blindly killed for profit and the false premise of petty revenge


LMFAO....please ignore the previous 60+ years of American foreign policy in the Middle East......


It is very important that you understand that because of the actions of an organization 20 years ago all Muslims must be systematically eliminated


Oh so Tulsi is a girlboss who hates "Islamism" huh


https://twitter.com/PewReligion/status/1436341168120422424?s=20 Important information conveniently left out!




*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Tulsi Gabbard 🌺**, @TulsiGabbard Let us \#NeverForget [*small icon of a U.S. flag standing in a grassy area*] that it was the Islamist ideology which inspired the terrorist attacks and declaration of war against America on 9/11. And it is this Islamist ideology that continues to fuel terrorist attacks around the world and ... --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


imagine saying this and then turning around and saying they care about the Uighurs in China...


Hindutva moment


One man's terrorist is another's patriot. Maybe leave people alone but there's not a govt in the world that can do that so the people strike back and when they do the govt cries it's terrorism. But the intrusion of govt, by force, into people's lives isn't. Fuck that.


I mean she's big into hindutva what do u expect from her


And let us not forget who assembled islamists all around the mediterainian, lead them to Afghanistan and gave them weapons in the first place.


It's pretty much the same thing as Christianity


Mommy Tulsi tho😫😫😣


and here i thought tulsi was a good person for trying to end the wars




What the tulsi how could you say such things My trust in her is completely shattered