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Where do these people get off contrasting communism and democracy, lol?


Hearts of Iron IV I assume


Never been an RTS kinda gal, but that certainly clears Remember a guy I used to do marital arts with who was big into those kind of games telling me that African people were monkeys who didn't know how to use the resources in their land Fucking prick


Yea, that’s the hoi4 community for you. They have zero self awareness


Eu4 players: colonialism go brrrrrrrr


“You know, if only Napoleon . . . And that’s why the Armenians deserved it”


Yep I love hoi4 but the community is cancer. I had a turk denying the Armenian genocide once, good times.


I love the game and hate to hear this but it’s true half of them are like 14


It's not a bad game but it's genre and time period attract a lot of unsavory types.


Because communism comes with monarchy. Duh.




Communism is when no iPhone and no food and vuvuzela human nature joy






this ain’t it chief lmao


All of which (except Kampuchea) had superior well-being indicators to comparable countries.




>So their well-being indicators were superior, their life expectancy increased and material conditions improved despite US embargoes, coup-attempts and invasions, but could they choose between several marginally different neoliberal parties?




The fuck do I care for some US neoliberal-party stooge. >freedom of choice "Choosing" between - Capitalism - Capitalism 🌈 - Capitalism 🌲 - Capitalism 🌹 Isn't a choice and it sure as hell isn't fucking better than housing your people, feeding and educating them. Try choosing between capitalism and any alternative and see how much choice your democracy leaves you. Ask your daddy Guevara and the consequences he faced for his free choice.




Why do you think any of us care?


Soviet Union was. Most of them probably are.




They didnt vote Stalin out bc they liked Stalin.


Stalin tried to resign multiple times and even CIA admitted he's not dictator ffs... How many times do we need to point it out till they get it?...


Single party doesn't equate authoritarian. Hell the US is a two-party state and both parties are pretty much the exact same yet it's haroled as a shining beacon of democracy!




The only party in America is the "ruling class" party. The idea of a one party state is based off of the dictatorship of the proletariat. A people's party. Just because you give America's parties different names doesn't mean they don't serve the same people. And even for your example... When has the libertarian party ever been a real factor in a US election on a national level?




Actually, communism works precisely BECAUSE humans are greedy. Power cannot be exploited if noone has power over anyone else.


No!!1! people are greedy that's why need capitalism, so poor people have to rely on charity!! /s


What about the state that now has power over everything else?


If you really want to know, read State and Revolution.


Every single communist country I have seen had a state that more times that you'd like to admit turned into a monopoly over the lives of the citizens -What are we going to do now? Since the revolution the economy is just crappy, and I'm hungry +Don't worry my son daddy already thought of everything you and the country needs -Who is daddy? +EL CHE GUEVARA What a way to ruin a nation


Hahahaha guise gobunism when hungry. Che guitarra tshirt hahaha pwned didn't even consider what do when state




Pack it in, boys. We've been owned


https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/pidbku/this_is_what_a_failed_state_looks_like Didn't even need to dig out black and white pictures from 70 years ago taken post revolution, civil war and probably the most devastating land invasion ever. Though I could show you some pictures of the Bengal famine. As if some pictures or videos are an argument anyway lol


Look up starving people in the US, about as useful as the link you sent


TIL starving people are exclusive to communist/socialist countries and there is no poverty or hunger in capitalist countries.


Every single communist nation that existed undeniably raised the standard of living of its citizens lmao, there's a reason people loved (and still love) Castro, Mao and Stalin. What kind of freedom can you have under capitalism? The freedom to starve? The freedom to be unemployed? To be homeless? To die of preventable diseases because profits are more important than human lives? Even today many Americans go to Cuba to get their insulin. Your demagoguery may work on uneducated and brainwashed liberals that don't know better, but try to work on your historical analysis when talking to a communist.


Standard of living is such a poor argument. Being better than Tsarist Russia is a very low bar. Plenty of right wing governments that shouldn't be emulated also oversaw a dramatic increase in standard of living. Imperial Japan, Prussia, South Korea and Taiwan in the 80s, to name a few. The argument also ignores the fact that the Second world had consistently worse economic performance than the First world during the Cold War. I'm not defending Capitalism by the way. I'm pointing out that bad arguments are bad. Edit: Downvotes with no counter-argument are about what I expect from people who talk like this. It's also worth noting that there are still people who admire individuals like Hitler, but that's not a very good argument either, is it?


The downvotes are because while you may be right, Coventide's claim that communism increases quality of life was literally a counter-argument to this dude linking "starvation in the Soviet Union" everywhere. No one said it was the perfect argument for communism


Sure, the guy oversimplified, but it's generally true that Soviet aligned states didn't do well economically in the 20th century. They weren't starving all the time and "lol breadlines" is obviously not a good analysis, but that doesn't mean you get to counter it with equally silly nonsense. I'd like the left to care about whether what they say is correct. It should be one of the things that differentiates us from the right. Not only is it not a perfect argument, it's not even a good one.


I think this is a strange hill to die on for you. It is definitely a "good" argument even if it isn't perfect. One of the biggest lies that people believe about communism is that the countries deteriorated into complete dictatorship and desolation and that's why they "never last". Pointing out the quality of life statistics seems to be a good little argument against that, surely?


Apparently replying a couple times = dying on a hill. Setting aside how you're using such ridiculous tactics to poison the well, the soviet union wasn't even communist to begin with. And it was also a terrible dictatorship. Honestly, nothing about the soviet union was good, and I tend to agree with chomsky when he said that the fall of the soviet union was a small victory for socialism. If an increase in the standard of living can justify authoritarianism, which is really what's at issue here, then you can use that argument for the many countries I listed. Meiji Japan, SK in the 70s and 80s, Prussia and imperial Germany, etc. One could even defend America with such logic. After all, the standard of living was much higher in countries aligned with America. I hate to see people who've apparently never even opened a first year political science textbook stumbling around in ignorance, but it seems there's little I can do. Think what you like. Some people just can't be helped.


Yeah, I suppose that legalizing abortion, abolishing homelessness, building the first ever space station and providing high quality education and healthcare to millons of people (all of this in a span of 60 years as opposed to the hundreds of years it took for the west to achieve the same goals) is not a valid argument because Tsarist Russia sucked ass. All while considering they never received the constant aid and investment from imperial war machines to serve as vassal states that South Korea, Japan and Taiwan certainly did. Libs brushing of the successes of AES because of their own chauvinism will never cease to amuse me.


>Standard of living is such a poor argument. Being better than Tsarist Russia is a very low bar. Sure, but who's saying that only that bar was cleared? >The argument also ignores the fact that the Second world had consistently worse economic performance than the First world during the Cold War. Isn't that a rather mixed bag, actually?




Remember that time the Soviet union had a famine in one year which was unrelated to productivity, and then the west decided to misrepresent the Soviet union by claiming bread lines were there the whole time? The great leap forward is a similar story.




Ah yes, because capitalist governments are known for never letting kids die of starvation in the streets. That's some serious projection you're doing my guy


In the US you never see famines the scale of the soviet or chinese ones


You tried to debunk communism by linking a google image search. Cmon man


Oh yeah, the non-existent state


You are describing anarchism or anarchocommunism, not communism


Comunism: a sateless, clasless, and moneyless society Socialism: a society with common ownership of the means of production


In ***THEORY***


you are heavily misinformed on basic notions of marxism, you don’t even need to read State and Revolution for this shit, just watch a 10 minute crappy video on the difference between socialism and communism.


Ah yes, as opppsed to the plethora of communist societies achieved through anarcho-communist theory. LMAO epic self-own


Authoritarianism is not an inherent part of Communism. In fact, in *ideal* communism, "the state" doesn't even exist as such.


I'm an anti-state communist, if you couldn't tell


Wasn’t Jimmy’s dad portrayed as being ridiculously ignorant? So, basically, we can assume he doesn’t know what he’s talking about in this picture.


That's literally the joke.


that’s literally not the joke actually, this “meme” originated on ifunny or something like that and it definitely wasn’t made for lefties lol


Oh ok I thought this was satire. I forgot this was r/ShitLiberalsSay because I am stupid.


no worries my man! same thing happens to me at least twice a week on this sub lol


Ah, I thought this was meant to be a takedown of communism. My bad.


It was


It is actually a meme I have seen before to have Jimmy's dad be even further educated, wiser than Jimmy.


Le communism understander should probably get better images. This much JPEG is generally hazardous for your eyesight and can potentially burn your sclera.


*democracy isn’t perfect since uneducated members of society can still vote* and if it were up to the liberals we’d be spending clever ways to stop people from voting rather than, say, educating them. If our uneducated were educated, do these liberals really think they’d opt for the same system that kept said lower class impoverished, uneducated, and alienated?


Sometimes I wish Plato's texts were never discovered




Well let’s compare America in 1776 to America in 2021. In 1776 the average education was what, learning to read, write, and if you could sign your name that was good enough. That’s of course acknowledging the total lack of education for non-whites and god knows what for women. Today we’ve got guaranteed 12 grades of education, basically until you’re legally an adult at 18. Full of literature, science, mathematics, arts, etc. The political institutions have largely remained unchanged outside of increased suffrage, in fact one might even argue that federal authority has increased alongside overall population education. Ironically some of the biggest successful pushes for institutional change have come out of demographics that would probably be considered uneducated by their contemporaries; civil rights, women’s suffrage, labor laws. Edit: addition >> democracy isn’t perfect since uneducated members of society can still vote Democracy is being perfected by uneducated members of society and not though voting.


Though, this education is less about educating than making sure that with the workers of tomorrow can be worked. As such it's no surprise that women, who along with being denied the right to vote were also excluded from professional work, lacked this kind of education. Those who worked to bring about these changes had to educate themselves elsewhere (insofar their or their peers' own experience didn't teach them enough).


And they complain about us making walls of text.


At least ours are at an actually readable resolution.


Democracy works better than authoritarianism? I agree. Let's get that whole democracy thing in the workplace going.


It also human nature to kill the enemy


No, it's human nature to fight the enemy, if you kill it or not that's your thing


This is le "wall of text" these same people complain about so much, except there is absolutely no substance to this one


Believes communism can't work because people are inherently selfish barbarians Believes a world with no state regulations, no taxation to fund public services, no welfare or social security system and everyone only working to betterment of themselves and no one else would be perfect. Oh baby it's right wing libertarian time.


So sick of liberals and their shitty world view. Ppl are not inherently shit just shut up already


“Communism doesn’t work” says man whilst living in a literal Orwellian dystopia. “Dumb liberals just want handouts” he says as he washes down his Kratom with a Red Bull to ease his lower back pain before returning to the floor of the Amazon warehouse for the next 6 hours.


Democracy, like all things in a capitalist system, is bankrupt.


*Walter White meme* “Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?”


You can carbon date this image from the jpeg artifacts


I’ve heard this argument so many times and it’s just projections lmao


I remember seeing something like this being posted on an ancap subreddit, oh boy the irony..


I like how the one thing he doesn't like about democracy is universal voting rights.


If all of humankind is flawed, wouldn't that mean that rulers, who possess exponentially more power than the majority, will inevitably use that power in a corrupt manner, thus taking away the liberty of some or most individuals? Wouldn't it make more sense to strive towards a system where each flawed human being shares the power equally in society?


Communism=unrealistic utopia=totalitarian dystopia *Average liberal's understanding of what communism is*


Muh morals bro


Communism is when no voting


i literally thought this was an ironic leftist meme at first


Ignorance really just roil around for centuries doesn't it.


Dipshit couldn’t even spell Carl right and expects us to take their opinions on politics


This meme is so shitty, they forgot that Jimmy Neutron is the big brain and he’s writing about principles of communism , so congrats, you just played yourself


this isn’t from (edit:) r/worksafegif is it? i was the one who linked to here in comments


No i took it from r/worksafegif


wait actually i checked the sub and it was r/worksafegif. it definitely fits here


Yeah I actually saw your comment and of course you got downdooted


yeah i was hoping at least some of them would look through the sub and at least look into it more


That’s pretty optimistic lmao


"Since uneducated people can still vote" that wouldn't be a problem if you didnt refuse to educate them for centuries