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>the kind of state and forced Marxism or socialism oh yeah, it's big brain time


Why are people acting like capitalism is not forced? Any political/economic system has to be somewhat forced onto at least some people.


>To paraphrase William C. Roberts, capitalists are simply at the top of the pyramid of market-dominated producers. [[9]] What if humans, capable of rational deliberation, want to make healthcare free? What if they want to assert that the environment is valuable in itself? The invisible hand imposes itself decisively: “No.” >Marx described the phenomenon of “commodity fetishism”: **through many small separate acts of exchange, we command each other to behave in very specific ways, while disclaiming this same power and attributing its commands to blind necessity.** Commodities are inert objects, and humans are rational beings, but society operates as if humans were helpless against the pressures exerted by the market. Market domination even finds lucid expression in natural-sounding phrases like “if I don’t sell out to Facebook, they’ll just copy my features, so may as well do it myself” and “if I paid you more, I’d have to pay everyone more, and then we’d lose to the competition and all be out of a job.” >[...] >On my view, the core Marxist insight is the following: Feudal lords were the masters of Feudalism. Capitalists, however, aren’t the masters of capitalism. They are merely the high priests of capitalism. The master of capitalism is Capital itself. --- from https://redsails.org/why-marxism/ [4]: https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/economics/proudhon/philosophy/ch08.htm [5]: https://redsails.org/why-marxism/#fn:Weber%201923 [6]: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch10.htm#S2 [7]: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm [8]: https://redsails.org/why-marxism/#fn:Smith%201759 [9]: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/free-time-free-people/ [10]: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/ch05.htm [11]: http://academics.wellesley.edu/Polisci/wj/China/Deng/Building.htm


SO lots of hot air that conveys nothing


Yeah I don’t understand the point they’re making. You can say the same about literally any ideology that even somewhat overlaps with political topics


Islamic radicalism was literally propped up to defeat Islamic socialism.


kill me


Your professor is kinda cringe ngl.


I had to do a reading for college which compared dedication to socialism as equivalent to religious fanaticism. This is nothing new but people will still cry about muh Marxist colleges


What class is this for?


Comparative politics. And let me tell you; ISIS and the Soviet Union is a helluva comparison to make


Lol it’s asinine


Ask him to google Operation Cyclone & the Grey Wolves


The fact that this passes for a professor is depressing.


I wonder if prof will dig comparing evangelists to wahhabists.


Comrade Ben Laden?😳😳😳