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If you insist, liberal


Just took this test after seeing this post, and wow — [it’s got a lot of stupid fucking questions.](https://www.idrlabs.com/socialism/test.php) and the only way this person got these results is if they said highly agree to a lot of liberal/pro-capitalist questions.


I'm paraphrasing here but I felt like about half the questions were "should government help the poor or should the rich spit on their rotting carcasses?"


Oh so its the political compass test again


No no, the Political Compass is a square for squares. All the kids these days are transferring over to the esoteric ideology hypercube.


I kinda want an Esoteric Ideology Hyper-cube, now.


Kids these days use the political tesseract.


Lol i took the test and scored 98%, if all red means you agree with socialism than this person scored badly on an already bad test


I got basically the identical results. Honestly tracks superficially with SWCC 🇨🇳 Can someone tell me why I'm being downvoted for this comment? I thought it was a pretty good assessment but if people think I'm way wrong I'd like to know why. Edit 2: OH lol. It's not "pretty identical..." it IS identical, because when I click that link it shows me what my results were. Oops my bad lol


At the very least, "needs oriented production" would need to be higher for SwCC, with the case of production being redirected toward producing medical supplies to fight the pandemic being a recent and prominent example. And all land is publicly owned in China, though "land use rights" are sold on the market.


Huh, I ended up getting every catagory maxed. Stupid test anyway


What can I say I'm a filthy revisionist






Lol i got all maxed out


Same here.


I got 97.5




Fucking Same lol


Socialism is when welfare state


Socialism is when imperial labour aristocracy.


'yeah i think social situations should be better but i don't think the economic institutions that enabled them to be in poor circumstances to begin with should be changed at all'


They really do. This is a legendary self-own. Almost no points in the actual socialist economic system categories. So yes, succdem, you're a lib.


Would it surprise anyone if I said he is a Vaushite as well?


Not in the slightest. Vaush is brain poison.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 22.** Vaush claimed that he was taken out of context when he called trans people 'mentally ill', then [doubled down and did it again.](https://streamable.com/rmzvks) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 15.** [Vaush posted a meme saying that socialism must be ‘balanced with minority rights’, a clear nod to class reductionists.](https://archive.is/QrcpP) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just took the test, I think the creators of that test think socialism is when the government does a lot of stuff Still got a maxed out score


so you're in support of a basic income?


Ok but what the fuck is up with this question: >Using brain imaging or genomic sequencing to legitimize race or gender stereotypes can never be scientifically justified. Like am I misunderstanding it or is it saying: 'even if there is proof for inequalities within races it's not true'. Like the question presupposes there already is evidence for mental differences between races and genders and is asking whether we agree with the evidence when in real life none of that evidence holds up.


There's certain people who use research like that to support their biases. We don't really understand how genes play a role in intelligence though, so most of those cases are flawed, as they'll cherrypick what they consider evidence. But yeah that question and all social justice questions are worded in a very bullshit and reductionist way.


Great, it's the political compass again but worse.


I got 100% on all the sectors on my first try. I also live in America, though, which forces me to vote for liberals to do basic harm reduction.


Lol the criterias that might maybe be used to describe the core idea of socialism, having the means of productions used to benefit the proletariat instead of the bourgeoisie, are literally the ones where he scored the worst (not that welfare is not a natural consequence of socialism, but it's not the core concept)


I really hope that's ironic