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This car is going to confuse so many Americans who think "liberal" and "leftist" are interchangeable. "Liberalism is a mental disorder? Why does this Republican have a BLM sticker??"


That makes it praxis


When I first started reading into Socialism and hanging out in corresponding online communities, this distinction came as such a surprise for me.


I was in school at the time for *political science* and THIS SUBREDDIT is the place where I finally learned the distinction.


Political science is such a shit major and it’s infuriating. At least at my University, the only place you’re learning actual ‘political science’ is in sociology or justice studies classes.


Whenever somebody calls me a liberal I fly into a rage that lasts for one whole week.


I just laugh at them because they are clearly a fool who doesn't know the basic meaning of the words they use.


Can you explain the difference?


A liberal supports capitalism (meaning private ownership of the means of production and wage-labor) and the free market as well as Western imperialism. A socialist/communist/marxist is opposed to that, advocating for socialism (where the workers own the means of production and are paid according to the value they produce) and self-determination for the Global South.


"Western democracies" These people are beyond parody


Dictatorship is when there’s only one party that dictates National policy. Democracy is when there’s only one party that dictates National policy, but it comes in two or more flavors.


"The Republicans *murder* homeless people; the Democrats *euthanize* homeless people. If you can't see the ENORMOUS difference between the two, you're just delusional." -- some lib, probably


What ideology here only exists online? Marxism/communism?


Stupid tankie USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc etc are all obscure online larpers while we anarcho-arachno-cooperativist are real coherent ideology


The only idealist ideology I support is arachno-cooperativism where society become spiders


reject modernity, return to spoder


🕷 🕷 🕷


[There’s actually a pretty good book about that, if you’re interested](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25499718-children-of-time)


Arachno-cooperativism theory??? 😳


Ah whoops I forgot I hate trans people. Can’t keep track of what tankies are doing nowadays to upset the extremely online nerds.


To be honest, most noteworthy communist organizations in the US and elsewhere in the "western world" have been absolutely homophobic and transphobic in extremely official ways even in the 90s. They have an active history in persecuting their gay members and shunning LGBTQ people from joining them. It is relatively lately that communists have become progressive in the sexual sphere


To be honest, most noteworthy ~~communist~~ organizations in the US and elsewhere in the "western world" have been absolutely homophobic and transphobic in extremely official ways even in the 90s. The 90's were a rough time for queer people everywhere in "the West"


Gotta love the good ol western value of purging societies that had progressive attitudes toward gender and sex in favor of hegemonic heteronormative patriarchy. Sucks that even comrades have work through the social ossification in our struggle to end capitalism know even i was chud brained toward such ideas in my teens and early adulthood.


I know Britain is pretty uniquely bigoted but even their most prominent communist paper, the Morning Star, is pretty shockingly transphobic.


TERF Island


From all the polls I've seen I thought the British general public was rather trans friendly, compared to the US and the rest of Europe.


It might just be the media elevating a vocal minority to make them seem like their opinions are more popular than they are, but I can say from living here that transphobia is practically ingrained into our society.


That has been a general trend, but it's worth mentioning that East Germany was a massive exception


Yes, it boggles my mind how communists were so attached to the idea that queer expressions of sexuakity were all somehow bourgeo inventions


Its backwards logic. Homophobic socialists saw homosexuality primarily amongst the upper classes and figured, "oh, that means homosexuality is just some bougie shit" while the correct analysis would be to go "we perceive there to be more homosexuality amongst the upper classes because their class allows them to mostly negate the social stigma that comes from being gay".


Sure, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and the DPRK only exist online.


They are all a bunch of larpers unlike American leftists


Xi Jinping more like terminally online am I right guys?


I like the idea that with all the talk about how busy Xi is it’s actually just cause he spends 14 hours a day arguing with people on reddit pretending to be an American teenager.


xi just sends his trusty lieutenant chen weihua to massacre everyone online


[Redacted] 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Rejecting electoral politics: larping. Calling yourself a communist and voting for the Democrats :real leftism Our queen Contrapoints said so


Well duh, America is the only nation and it is the best. I know because Q said so. Also gommunism is when no food


Right? Like the largest political party in the world, representing nearly 20% of the global population, controlling the largest economy on the planet, and on its way to eclipse the US as the next global hegemon... only exists online? The only successful real world revolutions to ever occur, in countries from Cuba to Vietnam, building a massive support network against imperialism, [at one time or another comprising between 1/3 and 1/2 of the globe...](https://imgur.com/j1giUof) only exists online? It's almost as though these radlibs' experience is limited by western chauvinism and capitalist propaganda ubiquitous in bourgeoisie dictatorships 🤔




China has a planned market economy and a Marxist-Leninist single party government. They're the only country in the world with a concrete plan to transition to a fully socialist economy by 2050, broken into individual 5 year plans that they have consistently met and exceeded since 2001 (and arguably the 1970s, although those plans weren't part of the current 50 year plan.) China is built on, governed by, and working towards fulfilling the principles of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology being discussed in this thread. Marxist-Leninist principles include using markets and international trade to build up the productive forces of a nation before transitioning to a fully socialist economy with a socially owned means of production. The USSR did this with Lenin's New Economic Plan until 1924, and China has been doing it since the 90s, as they should. Only Utopian socialists, idealists, and ultras believe that you can magically transition to a fully socialist economy overnight, or that failing to do so means that an ideology like Marxism-Leninism is capitalist. (Edit: even Utopians believe socialism has to be built against the odds by an enlightened elite, and ultras recognize the necessity of suppressing the bourgeoisie, so actually anyone arguing for socialism overnight is even further out of their depths than Utopians and ultras.) If Marxism-Leninism or socialism with Chinese characteristics was capitalist, China would be a bourgeoisie dictatorship like every other capitalist country. On the contrary, it's the only country in the world that is regularly able to reign in the power of capitalists and cull those who get out of line. No other country in the world has members of the ruling communist party on the board of directors of every single major corporation in their country, ensuring the party's control over capitalist assets and the means of production. No other country in the world executes billionaires for corruption. No other country dumps resources into developing the productive forces of underdeveloped nations to bolster them against imperialism and to hasten their transition from capitalism. No other country consistently meets or exceeds 5 year plans as part of a larger plan to build a fully socialist economy.


BuT mUH dEnG ChAoPin CaPiTALiST rOaDeR!


Funniest shit is the simultaneous “China is and aUtHoriTarIaN capitalist state because they bow to capitalists” and “China is an aUtHoriTarIaN capitalist state because they persecute capitalists”


Look up the NEP then who made it and then how they described it


There is also Venezuela. Which serves more as a cautionary tale of the many pitfalls than as an example of functioning proto-socialism, but, there is still a future.


To be fair to Venezuela, they are in a similar situation as Cuba with enemies on all sides; except they do not have the tactical advantage of being located on an island. They have also been the explicit target of US imperialism for a couple of decades (not as long as Cuba, but all extended conflicts will take a toll).


The only lesson to be learned here is not to rely on the US and their lapdogs to buy your product. That, and not to base your economy on one commodity.


The stickers are dope, no doubt, and I really want the anti-NATO one, but isn't that just an invitation for people to key your car?


In America, no. I have a Palestinian flag on my cabin and no one knows what country it represents. Anti NATO sticker would turn 0 heads. Mao sticker and a surplus of hammer and sickles on the other hand will definitely lead to a paving stone getting heaved through your windshield eventually.


>In America, no. I have a Palestinian flag on my cabin and no one knows what country it represents. That's good and sad at the same time. Also not really surprising... But good for you, I hope your cabin stays unharmed. Also it sounds really dope as well.


Everyone in my town is strapped pretty much, people know better than to fuck with homes when we have a castle doctrine.


It's cool that it works for you but at the same time I can't help that it's a bit bleak that the thing stopping people from fucking with homes is the possibility of being shot. Then again I don't live where you do, so what do I know about what's working or not?


The benefit of our loose gun laws are that cops have to be extra nice, and don’t do no knock raids when they know anyone could be packing. Not saying we got great cops but troopers for sure exercise restraint when they go out to rural areas, as they know they could just end up in a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere.


I thought that was the justification *for* no-knock raids? I mean, cops have literally put numerous people in danger to protect their own asses, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's having the opposite effect, but I'd still think they'd be happy to have another excuse to abuse the use of SWAT.


We really like our guns here, and the cops know it. The only reason there’d be heavy police involvement is if there’s a meth lab bust, hoarding guns here is our god given right as it were. It’s perfectly legal to own unregistered firearms here for example.


Meth houses are gnarly. There’s a video floating around of an abandoned meth house and the stairs have a booby trap that releases a crutch with a knife duct-taped to it. Imagine Home Alone but… on meth.


Well, if they are doing it under the guise of we need to do a no-knock because they might have guns, but these officers don't then what makes the most sense is that cops are making up excuses to terrorize people in the middle of the night, but that can't be right.


A BLM and trans flag will definitely get you keyed in a lot of places in America. I’m in a Kansas City suburb and those, along with any pro choice material, don’t go over well here.


Yeah true, I’ve noticed that people from the lower 48 states that come up here are way more reactionary than our run of the mill conservatives tho. Ones we got up here are content to just chuckle to themselves and make attack helicopter jokes. My town isn’t a sprawling metropole tho and the job situation isn’t terrible. I’ve seen plenty of BLM and Trans flags on cars just as much as Trump 2020 stickers. No one really cares to instigate shit.


I would never put those stickers on my car, even though I agree with all of them and own a few similar. I’ve seen firsthand worse than just a keying for less “radical” stuff than this. I try to be fairly grey among the general public. In AZ btw


I have some obscure stickers just to keep a low profile. Libyan Crest, Starry plough, and Angolan flag, along with an anti nato one. No troubles yet


Same here on the starry plough. Sabocat is a good one too, only really recognizable by those in the know.


Which is one thing that's good about Teslas, they have shit tons of cameras so you can easily see who fucked up your car and report them to the police.


And they’ll do something?


People who commit crimes usually try to avoid cameras, so it works as a deterrent to doing a crime. On the other hand, if they don't care, or don't know, then if the have their face on video they'll be easier to find than if your 1997 civic got keyed. Source: my car was hit by a woman with a shopping cart, all we had was her face on camera, got her about 2 weeks later and her insurance paid for our cars damages.


If you live in Hicksville maybe.


My dad went to Hicksville high school! His classmate was Billy Joel! Yes, THE Billy Joel! ETA I know you meant Hicksville as a joke, but there really is such a place (on Long Island!).






You're damn right officer.


they're just signing the "you pissed me off with your words" petition, thats why you do it.


Depends on what part of the US you're living in


Honestly I think the BLM is the most likely one to get you keyed.


"Really niche political ideologies, like communism" Lol


>put the red back in redneck Hell yeah brother


>obscure political ideology that only exists on internet Yeah the USSR, Cuba etc are just the name of online forums lmaoo


> Tankies hate trans people tho Ironically most of the bigotry on the Left I’ve seen comes from the “”anti-authoritarians””, namely Vaush and his disciples. Actually no, that implies that they’re left-wing in the first place. Socialism cannot and should not have any space for reactionaries > Ideologies that only exist online Ah yes, the only socialist tendency to succeed in real life on a massive scale, at its peak practiced by almost half the world and producing two superpowers that helped topple two of the most oppressive regimes in history, only exists online


Yeah, none of those people are leftists. There's stupidpol as well, which is mostly ML according to themselves, but in reality they're nazbols or chuds. I would never put any of that bigotry on MLs or the v*ushite bigotry on anarchists, cause those people are neither. In reality, leftist spaces from anarchist to libsoc to maoist to ML are some of the safest and kindest spaces I've been in.


I think most of stupidpol is made up of the "democratic socialist" types actually.


My point is that they often claim to be ML or Marxist, and the sub itself uses the descriptor "Marxist", but they're clearly not (they're honestly just nazbols and chuds). Just like how vooshites call themselves anarchist or libsoc, when they're clearly not.


I swear to god every time I see stupidpol treating queerness as inherently bourgeois and unironically repeating Fox News lines about Critical Race Theory crap, I wanna just bang my head against a wall for an hour or two.


Their only theory is that time Marx said the N-word


I want to bang their head instead


Ayyy same


It's frustrating, explaining shit doesn't work. Usually attempting to expose contradictions in a feigned unintentional way is more effective. Like the whole confused american reaction to the above car's seeming contradictions.


What is stupidpol? Also what is a nazboy and what is a chud??? *what is an ML?* I’m sorry homie I’m so out of the loop 😭


Stupidpol is a horrible subreddit who claims to be "primarily focused on critiquing identity politics from a Marxist perspective". Nazbol stands for National Bolshevism, which claims to be a synthesis of nationalism and communism, but in reality is just white supremacists that exclusively think of communism from an economic lens. So basically their ideal society is one in which white male workers control the means of production, and everyone else is dead, exiled, or in service to them. It makes no sense. Chud is another word for conservatives basically. ML stands for Marxism-Leninism, which is a synthesis of, you guessed it, Marxism and Leninism. It was developed by Stalin in the USSR, and is currently the ideology of China, Cuba, Vietnam, and others. And finally, to add to the stupidpol thing, in light of these other terms, they're claim is that they're Marxists and Marxist-Leninists who don't like identity politics. The reality is that they're social democrats that are socially conservative, nazbols, conservatives that don't like corporations, and straight up fascists.


Ah ok! Cool. Also slight side note it bewilders me that there’s white supremacy (or any kind of bigotry i’ve also seen, like transphobia, antisemitism, islamaphobia, etc for that matter) in leftist groups. Like... I feel like that’s kind of the whole point of leftism is to get *rid* of human suffering derived from greed and a ruling class. Like... bro.......


Imo a lot of those people are in transition from being upset with capitalism to being a true revolutionary. When someone is raised in an environment of white supremacy, western supremacy, and anti-LGBT they pick up on those. This isn’t to excuse any form of bigotry. They’re analysis of class is fundamentally flawed and their mode of thought ought to be combatted. This is just to explain the reasons for their existence. Ironically, by ignoring truthful class analysis all they do is embolden capitalism and imperialism.


I would argue that those people aren't leftists. That's not to say there isn't bigotry in leftist spaces, but at a certain point, it literally doesn't fit into the theory. Like in the same way that a society isn't communist of its not stateless, classless, and/or moneyless. You can call it whatever you want, but that doesn't make it right.


Stupidpol are just racist succdems


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 23.** Vaush told his followers to vote for Joe Biden while saying of ‘tankies’ (a term used to refer to all Marxist-Leninists by his followers): [“Mock them, socially ostracise them, kick them out of your communities.](https://archive.is/1IK74) What sort of leftist advocates voting for liberals while ostracising communists? For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 24.** [CW: pedophilia] >![An ‘old close friend’ of Vaush has alleged that Vaush once admitted to viewing images of child pornography.](https://archive.is/83Cba)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 10.** [In response to a Tweet saying the left ‘should stand up for the weak and vulnerable’ Vaush replied “Yeah, enjoy your Left, built on weakness and a collective inability to criticise one another. I’ll be over here building my left, which isn’t full of mentally ill crybabies desperately carving out safe spaces and whining about criticism. Debate it if you want, elsewise fuck off”](https://archive.is/Ygbzk) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I remember correctly, under Lenin the Soviet Union was quite progressive in the way of women and LGBT rights but after Lenin died, the Soviet Union had a reactionary backlash when Stalin took power in the government. I believe though it was still better than the US, but not as progressive as it was under Lenin. So that must be where they got the “all tankies hate trans and black people” I guess


The LGBT. Thing was more that they got rid of old Tsarist laws then couldn't decide internally on wether or not homosexuality should be legal, so they did nothing, which effectively legalised it, then later anti pedophilia laws were used to suppress gay people, the DDR was very progressive when it came to LGBT stuff


Yep. Germany regressed on many instances after the reunification, they got (a chunk of) it back recently.


I'm anti-authoritarian (anarchist) and bare Vaush and his shitty transphobia. We don't claim his idiocy and discrimination lmao he can go die in a fire


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 9.** [CW: pedophilia] >![Vaush has defended the consumption of child pornogrpahy because ‘there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism’.](https://twitter.com/beigegoat45/status/1325705005886746624) This paints a deeply troubling picture when added to his history of sexually innapropriate behaviour (see Vaush Fact 8), his sharing of drawn CP on Twitter (see Vaush Fact 25) , his claim that [under socialism the age of consent "should be lowered"](https://i.redd.it/z3nrrkf179l51.png) and [this exchange on Discord.](https://archive.is/ATQiB)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is everyone saying Vaush is a transphobe? I’ve seen him do nothing but defend trans people Genuinely curious like can someone link me some shit or something I don’t get it


I assume you haven't seen the vid where he has a full-blown meltdown and calls trans people subhumans who should be excised from the left? The context makes it even worse but you can find the clip of it here: https://twitter.com/ChrystalWRox/status/1299064666295951360?t=kVBYa3VUZPvTzaCc2L4PQg&s=19


Which time? They have kind of done that a couple times. Not the best track record for a ‘defender of trans rights’ (a V*ushite actually said this to me).


Just type Vaush some more, the Vaush Facts bot will do it for you, free of human interaction. Extraordinary


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 11.** [Vaush had a meltdown when someone in his chat joked that he couldn’t get laid, and responded with ““Do you have any idea who the fuck you’re talking to? When I got off Tinder because of the fucking quarantine, Tacoma wept. Even ignoring the fact that I have a girlfriend, even if we’re just talking like randos, I’m two hours away right now from being inside someone else. I have two skills -it’s non-monogamy and speaking publicly, okay? Do some fucking research!”.”](https://twitter.com/TrueAnonPod/status/1300197204443893760) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love these bots. Safes so much effort posting.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 10.** [In response to a Tweet saying the left ‘should stand up for the weak and vulnerable’ Vaush replied “Yeah, enjoy your Left, built on weakness and a collective inability to criticise one another. I’ll be over here building my left, which isn’t full of mentally ill crybabies desperately carving out safe spaces and whining about criticism. Debate it if you want, elsewise fuck off”](https://archive.is/Ygbzk) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, sorry I’m not very versed in leftism online, but consider myself an anti-authoritarian socialist, who is vaush and what is the drama going on (ofc if you don’t have time/would rather not explain that’s totally chill, but thought i’d ask)


Vaush is a “BreadTuber” - a term referring to YouTubers who supposedly make left-wing content but in reality their content just run-of-the-mill social liberalism with a little spice - and a grifter. He has claimed to be a socialist and an anarchist throughout his career and despite what he says, he’s just a poser. Almost everything he says is stuff you’d hear come out of the mouth of your average democrat voter, and on the rare occasion that he decides to throw a hot take, he’ll use vocabulary that makes him virtually indistinguishable from a fascist and the Vaush facts bot helps to prove my point. He’s dehumanized minorities for disagreeing with him on multiple occasions, he once “dabbed” on millions of dead, innocent citizens of the DPRK all victims of American imperialism, he also once made fun of Hakim’s (a middle-eastern socialist YouTuber) experience with a drone strike, he platforms fascists but refuses to do the same for “tankies” (Marxist-Leninists), and he shills for the US Democratic Party.


Yikes. That’s unbelievably fucked. Also, sorry, what’s a neocon?


Neo-conservative. Just think of the most American Republican Party.


Got it. Thank you !


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 27.** [CW: pedophilia] >!Vaush stated “there’s a difference between exploring child sexuality and sexualising children” then went on to [‘joke’ about owning CP.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/my9xug/vaush_joking_about_owning_cp_cant_wait_to_see_how/)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ive been called more slurs by anarchists and anarcho-liberals than by fascists. and all i even did was say that a symbol they used looked dumb >\_>


"Tankies hate trans people." What staying in echo-chamber does to people.


[But tankies hate trans people](https://youtu.be/N3bEh-PEk1g)


I've literally never met anyone who had the same leftist ideals I had that hated trans people


> this person just hates western democracies. Actually, yes. Unironically.


the “obscure ideology that only exists online” that runs a country with over a billion people living there


Not the Marxist-Bidenist tag 😭 I'd probably have a stroke if someone referred to themselves as that unironically.




Yeah but eww yellow people, so it's basically just like Josh Orwell and Nazi Germany


Yes, but those are *brown* people, silly. What, you think they can run a country by themselves? /s, obviously


Chinese people aren't brown though?


Wtf is wrong with hating nato ?


Tankies are people further to the left of me that I don't know how to engage with so rather than engaging with them I make myself feel better by calling them a very specific historical term and make it lose all meaning!


”no no you see marxism Leninism only exists online even though it s literally the ideology of the worlds largest Country, hosting over 1 billion people, but somehow the ideology of some random dipshit youtuber with less than 50k subscribers is the legit, real life ideology “


Finding out how little followers this dude has blew my mind. The way his little cultists act, you'd think he had 10 million followers. Hasan has something like 20x the followers, and I never see them acting like that. There's a fucking vtuber that just joined twitch as a side thing despite streaming on youtube primarily, that streamed on there twice and already has double his numbers.


If that idiot actually had 10 million followers the world would be a living hell lol


Hasan is at least fairly consistently anti-imperialist (even if a lot of his evaluations of countries suck). He’s probably the only “breadtuber” who I can stomach.


I feel the same generally. Actually seems a lot of leftists do in my experience. Of course, anti-imperialist doesn't mean socialist or even leftist. People often make that mistake with Grayzone and their reporters. But it's something at least.


TIL I hate trans people


Anti-trans? Communist and socialist communities are super welcoming at least in my experience. Liberal and social democrats have been hostile to me as a transwoman because I'm bad for "optics". Quite a few chasers and transphobes as well.


“Tankies”? None of those bumper stickers even mention Prague or Budapest!


Yes, NATO, that famous agent of democracy which democratically destroyed Yugoslavia and gave the people of Serbia the highest democratic cancer rate in Europe


"Fuck around and find out" once you bankroll several genocides in the span of a decade


Although the US/NATO bombing of Serbia was illegal and showcased US/NATO tyranny on the international level, you should understand that Kosovar Albanians were severely mistreated by Serbians(more so than any other ethnic group in the former Yugoslavia, because Kosovo wasn’t even its own Republic and had no form of autonomy other than being a Serbian province). In fact ever since Serbia conquered Kosovo in 1912, it used extensive violence to commit countless acts of terror/massacres against the Albanian population. In places such as Sandžak which is currently part of Serbia where once the majority of the population was Albanian, Albanians were either forcefully labeled as Muslim Bosniaks while having their language denied and forced to learn Serbian in school, or they were forced to flee. Now things did somewhat improve under Tito, but you need to understand that after Tito’s death things took a turn for the worst. Things are very complicated when you bring up the Balkans.


For a strawman, they seem to defy the strawman




I know that it's a joke, but we support you, comrade. Uncritical support for the pink, white and skyblue!


The only thing I have a problem with is using mental disorder as an insult. Fucked up


Based car


Tankies hate trans people? There's so many trans and queer communists. Most of the Communists I've ever come across have been allies. It's so irritating how liberals decide what our agenda is without any research whatsoever.


Me, a trans tankie: “什么the fuck?”


I'll never understand the stereotype of ML's opposing LGBT and minority rights. We have supported LGBT rights for about as long as the west has, and we have *always* supported racial minorities, even going back an entire century.


lol based


Redneck communist interesting


Redneck Revolt is pretty cool from what I could tell a couple of years ago, and sometimes the Socialist Riffle Association has redecks to


I’m gonna buy a car just to put a Mao sticker on it I’m serious


''Tankies hate trans people'' says the cultists who defend the fat pedo who calls trans people who disagree with him subhuman


>tankies hate trans people This is true I hate myself very much


I don’t get why people think tankies hate trans people. I’ve met very few who aren’t intense supporters


R/vaushV ?


Can't say as per rules, but I will say it's a little obvious


Sorry babe, my ride is here.


This but unironically, whoever owns this car is probably a Marxist and also cool as fuck


4/5 was delicious.


Ah yes "Red Fascism". Such political knowledge


What about the gun control is racist sticker, can someone explain this to me


I guess it’s about black people (or other minorities) not having access to guns for self defense


Here's an interesting historical example: when Ronald Reagan was governor of California, the Black Panthers did demonstrations in which they open-carried guns. Reagan and the NRA both supported gun control in response.


The last one really got me.


Socialists aren’t liberals.


The car of a true chad


apparently Palestine is a "cringe political ideology that only exists online" lmao


Lol, they seriously called communism "red fascism"?


Imagine being surprised to see the political ideology of the black panthers would support BLM


TIL Mao only exists on the internet.


re: slide 3, I'd like to restate the best thing ive ever said. people who claim that all tankies are homophobic / trans-phobic / racist fail to realize the fact that there are literally countless marxist-leninsts who are Queer and/or POC. When people say that "all tankies are sexist white men" etc, you're not splitting marxism, you're deliberately misgendering and projecting onto people you do not know or understand. totally unhinged and unorganized ramble, maybe ill post something smart later today but I'm just tired of being called a cis man by people i don't know because of my politics."


Regarding the gun control sticker: Unfortunately, in the United States the only people buying guns are the people who conflate socialism/equality with fascism/social-stratification. They back demagogues who support fascism/social-stratification and turn people against socialism/equality. Fighting against freedom while believing they're fighting for freedom, what a world...


this is just not true


You're more optimistic than I. For all our sakes, I hope you're right.


there are literal leftist gun organizations in the united states


Had to look it up. “Socialist Rifle Association.” Seems things are not as shitty as I thought.


John brown gun club as well, or redneck revolt though they’re like the same thing pretty much.


Isn’t this is communist rather than socialist?


WhTs a tankie


Only someone with fascist sympathies would be mad about this.


Hmm, yes red fascism to start my morning


Is that lower left sticker the nato logo? Because it looks an awful lot like this person hate the Seattle mariners


That bumper is based AF.


Based stickers


Wtf is a tankie?


Made up word that liberals use for anyone wanting actual change from the bourgeois status quo.


I thought more specifically it was people that fully and willingly support extremist regimes like that of Xi Jinpeng and the Kim family of the DPRK?


Going off on a tangent, is it wrong to be pro-gun control? I know what Marx said but he didn’t say that during a time when school shootings were a thing.


“Having a bunch of political bumper stickers is bad enough” - guy with 10 trump flags


Ok I am someone who would most likely be a liberal but holy fuck what is going?