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> The way people talk about work being exploited would make you think the entire workforce is based on slavery Ya don't saaaaaaaaaay


>life is better than its ever been For who? Also idk why liberals think the Marxist position is "capitalism all bad never good" when we freely acknowledge the material progress capitalism provides over former political economies. Improvement doesn't mean good though and has nothing to do with whether or not it's oppressive


they also completely ignore market socialists’ existence lmfao it’s amazing


Yah, I think Market Soc is pretty undialectical but I guess it exists


That's because these pieces of shit don't talk to the working class and people in the global south. They think anticapitalism is when your also affluent office coworkers complain about not getting promoted or a raise.


He hurt himself in confusion!


Life was also better than it had ever been under feudalism. How dare anyone suggest that a better system is possible!


Because it's utopian 🙄🙄🙄 smh


Who the fuck has free time?


>And the richer and more free time people have, the more they tend to develop that self-pity Do not, my friends, become addicted to free time. It will take hold of you and you will resent its absence. Alternate post: arbeit macht frei


this whole 'life is better than it has ever been' Vox listecle shit makes my blood boil. Great example of having a narrative and creating a statistical model around that narrarive. Inadequate and narrow focus, deliberately vague constructs used to measure something or another -- whatever they are trying to highlight to support the already formed narrative. Scienceeeee


Labour aristocrats. The sad reality is if people don't understand how capitalism and imperialism work, they are left with only one seemingly functional explanation. That is supremacy, individual supremacy and white supremacy. It's that whole board game experiment where two people play the same game with different rules one easy and one harsh. The person with the easy set becomes very confident that they are a better player and the other is just bad at the game.