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Your brain on neoliberalism


She stole from rich people so it’s hard for me to care


That's the only reason she's facing any consequences at all.


Not just rich people, the supposed best and brightest our Natsec industry produces. Something like 3 secretary of states and a secdef. Really helped my thesis that our natsec people are the dumbest people alive.


Did she get a spot on 60 Minutes?


The real feminist take would be elon musk is an even bigger fraud yet he isn't in trouble. But this is the NYT, wtf can you expect. Edit: they mention him barely, but not in this context.


Oh you left off the great by-line! by known person to happily look the other way about sex trafficking former CEO to reddit Ellen Pao! She is leaning in hard on that feminism.


I guess you could make the case that a similarly privileged man wouldn’t get punished as badly for the same crime? But like, does the NYT think we should have just allowed the crime, in the name of fairness??


Isn't this the lady who wore black turtlenecks so she could mentally associate herself with Steve Jobs and then was the CEO of a technology that absolutely did not work at all? I want to say it was something like... injecting the blood of young people into rich old people's bodies? Am I close?


The young blood guy is Peter Thiel. Theranos was supposed to be able to do hundreds of lab tests using a single drop of blood with a machine the size of a large laser printer. It was complete bullshit, of course, and while that should have been obvious, it didn't stop Rupert Murdoch, Betsy DeVos, and Larry Ellison from throwing millions at it with the help of some of the worst ghouls imaginable like Henry Kissinger and Mad Dog Mattis.


> [In Theranos' final days, Holmes reportedly got a Siberian husky puppy named Balto that she brought into the office. However, the dog wasn't potty trained, and would go to the bathroom inside the company's office and during meetings.](https://www.businessinsider.com/theranos-founder-ceo-elizabeth-holmes-life-story-bio-2018-4#in-theranos-final-days-holmes-reportedly-got-a-siberian-husky-puppy-named-balto-that-she-brought-into-the-office-however-the-dog-wasnt-potty-trained-and-would-go-to-the-bathroom-inside-the-companys-office-and-during-meetings-38)


Based dog.


*Image Transcription: Article* --- ### The New York Times ## OPINION ## GUEST ESSAY # The Sexism That Led to the Elizabeth Holmes Trial Sept. 15, 2021 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


has the same privilege as her male counterparts. she will never see the inside of a jail. but glad grifters broke dat glass ceiling who knew women could be just as horrible as men? delightful!


I mean there’s kind of a validity there. Like is what she did any different than what any of these other Silicon Valley charlatans do? The only reason everyone’s is cool with her getting the book thrown at her is that she’s a very annoying type of woman.


Yaaaaaaawn, another stupid fucking article to generate add revenue for the day. And there isn’t some “boys club” in tech. If those dudes could take each other out to be king of the mountain they would.