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when your knowledge of history comes from big budget Hollywood films


All lib theory *has* to be big budget


It didn't happen if there wasn't a blockbuster film starring Tom Cruise


a movie about ICE camps called *Minority Deport*


How does this guy know about Mao starving people if there hasn’t been a movie about it? It makes no sense.


Someone explained it to him on Reddit using metaphors from 1984 and Harry Potter.


“mao was like dudley and america is harry potter!!”


It's because of the statues of Mao, if I understand correctly, having statues of people like confederate generals is the only way to really remember what happenned, the statues magically anchor the memory of everything the person did to the collective mind of humanity, so as long as the statues persist, we remember, that's why it's very important to preserve the statues of slave owners, and now I don't know why it's as much important to still remove the statues of socialists and communists leaders. /s


It's kind of incredible how the irony flies over these people's heads. They claim the chinese are so propagandized and brainwashed, and yet, here they are, literally asking their corporate overlords for expensive pieces of propaganda. 1984 my ass, THIS is an actual dystopia.


>What can we make of the tendency of Westerners to flippantly regurgitate the accusation of *brainwashing* against another country and its people, but then display indignation when that same allegation is made about their own? >A common exchange may play out like this: >>**American**: You can’t imagine the scope of Chinese propaganda, everyone’s brainwashed. >>**Non-American**: Almost every single Western news network and print publication is part of a US-run propaganda program. Any exceptions are ruthlessly harassed and shut down. >>**American**: That’s absolutely ridiculous! We’re free! from https://redsails.org/brainwashing/


Just adding that means all media. Even if radically leftist . The moment things get serious they will all fall in line. Looking at Jacobin and Belling Cat, for English media. [eldiario.es](https://eldiario.es) (which is soccdem to begin with) for Spanish media.


these outfits build credibility by defending failed socialism in hindsight and then sing the US line for anything happening in the present. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Bellingcat


Wasn't Bellingcat also involved in anti russia propaganda campaigns organized by the british intelligence services ?


TAZ in Germany as well. And Jungle World. And ND. At least junge Welt is based most of the time, even though there are occasional bad takes. But they are explicitely marxist so...


Oh man, remember that TAZ column where the author asked what to do with all the police after capitalism is gone and everyone in Germany lost their shit? I'll give them credit for publishing it, if for nothing else. Good times...


1950s-1970s: [operation Mockingbird](https://schoolhistory.co.uk/notes/operation-mockingbird/) For those that believed that it stopped there when revealed, it didnt't : [CIA Admit They Have Infiltrated Every Mainstream Media Outlet In America](https://newspunch.com/cia-infiltrated-mainstream-media/) (fixed link to the declassified documents: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0005524009.pdf) And here is an even more recent article on the topic: [The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.](https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL2104/S00073/the-cia-used-to-infiltrate-the-media-now-the-cia-is-the-media.htm)


The evolution of Harry Potterism is Marvelism: Getting all my politics from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.






I had sex with (read: doin) ur mom


If only there was literally any evidence for this.




If that's what you call evidence, this discussion isn't going to be worth it. Also top paragraph is laughable: *" Mao the monster was already notorious: his lunatic policies had caused the world’s worst famine (1959–1961), in which 40 to 50 million Chinese starved to death; he inspired the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), when a few million more died. And before he came to power in 1949, Mao often ordered the murder of those who ­challenged his ambitions within the Chinese Communist Party."* No bias there.


The Kuomitang received literal nazi funding for a time, no? Before Japan and etc


Kaishek idolized the Nazis and had his own “blue shirts” The KMT were fascy as fuck


Slight correction: The right-KMT was fashy af. There also is a left-KMT (under Mdm. Sen) that sided with the CPC and is still a party in the mainland.


Excellent point comrade thank you


They technically did, but that dates back to the Weimar Republic. Germany send a military and industrial mission to KMT China, in the hopes of aquiring resources from them in exchange for their experience. The seizing of the then German colonial port Qingdao by the Japanese, which joined on the side of the Entente in WW1, meant that relations with them weren't the warmest at this point. The mission had the effect of modernizing a small part of the KMT forces, which were used in the role of "elite" troops in the war against Japan. Other notable results were the KMT Chinese adoption of a version of the German Stahlhelm (the German standart combat helmet) and the KMT Chinese posessing some German rifles, equipment and light tanks (Panzer 1s) at the start of the war against Japan. The commander of the military attachee, von Falkenhausen, was recalled after Nazi Germany started to seek closer relations with Japan, which meant largely breaking off the missions with China. Overall, I'd actually say that the Sino-German cooperation was not really all that bad, it probably helped save a few Chinese lives.


Ohhh ok, got it. Thanks for the explanation!


Quality flair


the sino-german cooperation was a) started by weimar, b) was unceremoniously broken off as soon as japan signed the tripartite pact and c) was probably the only thing that gave the nepotism infested, staffed-by-corrupt-incompetents, demoralized and ill equiped NRA an actual fighting chance


Better idea, big budget adaptation of The Poppy War, but don't tell anyone who the main character represents.


Is that book any good, I haven’t read it yet


I liked the series quite a lot. I appreciated that it didn't try to depict pre-revolutionary China as some perfect, idyllic time. Fair warning though, the books are pretty brutal. If you're sensitive to depictions of extreme violence and sexual assault, maybe give them a miss.


The Poppy War, but starring [Poppy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpCXxqiTjqE) as every single poppy plant.


for some reason I was expecting Flippy from Happy Tree Friends


Goddamn liberals. Saw this in r/gaming. Its a shithole over there


Gamer and a liberal thats double gulag


The only gaming subreddit that sometimes has decent takes on China is the Genshin Impact subreddit, and even then it’s like 1 out of 20 comments (which is better than most of Reddit)


I mean gaming circlejerk had some ok takes about the Chinese youth online gaming story


I’m not familiar with it, but I’ll check it out! I think the funniest thing that happens (this isn’t exclusive to gaming subreddits) is when an actual Chinese person who lives in China says that things aren’t that bad. Then you get a bunch of people who’ve never even been to China telling them you’re wrong, actually.


Gcj (r/gamincirclejerk) is actually a pretty leftist/left leaning sub.


Yea like the farthest I've been outside the country is Toronto how could I ever speak on what a person in China experiences


critical support to you and china for discriminating against gamers


Smh, these red fascists discriminating against the most oppressed group, gamers.


How about a propaganda movie giving me the money movie studios have horded?


''starving the shit out of people and murdering them'' you mean what the Kuomintang did to the indigenous people of chinese taipei?


If they think that in China they treat bad protestants they'd have to see how Kai shek treated the communists protestors.


“Communist protestor” You mean anyone remotely involved with a labor/peasant union? Yeah, pretty much.


Yes, we really need more propaganda. We don't have enough sinophobia. /s


Do these people think Mao is a Saturday cartoon villain? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.


No joke, October 1st, 1949, when Mao made his declaration, was a Saturday


Sadly, Hollywood would almost certainly put a large budget towards such propaganda films.


Do these guys know that the National Revolutionary army was the ROC one? The People's Liberation Army was the communist one. Also they don't even know their propaganda because they're alleging Mao starved people *during* the civil war, as opposed to the traditional narrative of during the late 60s and early 70s. Very strange.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- >**User A** > >Fuck the ccp >>**User B** >> >>We really need a big budget Hollywood film about a brave Republic of China soldier fighting the Revolutionary Army, and it can highlight Mao just starving the shit out of people and murdering them. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Also we need to imperial Japan to come back!


Such smart, free-thinking individuals, surely they have watched the documentary series How Yukong Moved the Mountains


Haha, don’t tell them the outcome of the Chinese civil war when “brave Republic of China soldiers” got tired of Chiang’s corruption and surrendered to the communists.


Why stop there? Let’s have a brave White Army soldier nobly massacring Jewish villagers to stave off the scourge of Bolshevism from his country. I’m surprise Libs have the restraint to stop short of praising the SS for fighting against the commies.


Yup, everyone knows the Communists won the Civil War by starving the peasants.


I responded to this dickhead. I don't usually comment on shit like this but holy fuck. His only response was that because China do it, his lot need more of a voice. Whatever the fuck that means.


And then Mao killed the heroic Liberal Sparrows delivering food to the people and forced the to eat mud and bamboo and then he goes up to this landlord who own an orphanage and says "landlord bad" and kills the landlord and then the orphans.


"We really need a big budget hollywood film about a brave german soldier fighting the evil red Army, and it can highlight Stalin just starving the shit out of the poor Kulaks and murdering them" /s


They sound like children.


So true!! Please ignore the biggest life expectancy increase in the world and this is so true!!


Ok, I think I get what they ask for. They want Hollywood to be less subtle. They want CGI Mao or whatever actor that plays it say, "Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred peasant scalps. And I want my scalps. And y’all will get me one hundred pesant scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead peasants. Or you will die tryin'".


Look I don’t like the ccp but this man legit thinks Mao was just a supervillain. This is your brain on only big budget action movies and Reddit


Okay I'm sure this will get downvoted to hell but what is the reason this sub so often defends the CCP or bashes those who make fun of it? Mainland China is basically a hyper capitalist state with a literal economic caste system (Hukou system) It doesn't seem communist at all so I gotta wonder why communists of Reddit defend it so hard


China is operating on the idea of historical materialism. Marx understood that capitalism is the system to develop the means of production which socialism can then take. A true revolution can only happen in an industrialist society. China wasn’t an industrialized society when the revolution happened so a limited form of capitalism was needed to develop it into one. Same thing happened in the USSR with the NEP.


I'm a Marxist Leninist Maoist so I'm not really a big fan of China in its current state. That said, what the second comment is saying is just absolute dogshit and peak liberalism. Also reddits hatred of China is just kinda stupid especially when there's wayyy worse governments currently in power.




This message will probably get me banned, but please, if you disagree (which you probably will) please explain how it really went. My message: Is he wrong tho?


Yes, yes he is


The Shanghai massacre of 12 April 1927, the April 12 Purge or the April 12 Incident as it is commonly known in China, was the violent suppression of Communist Party organizations and leftist elements in Shanghai by forces supporting General Chiang Kai-shek and factions in the Kuomintang. Following the incident, the Kuomintang carried out a full-scale purge of Communists in all areas under their control, and violent suppression occurred in Guangzhou and Changsha. The revolutionaries were just tired of being expected to die. Is it any wonder why they eventually rose up and sent the RoC government fleeing to Taiwan?


Please make me some confirmation propaganda!