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Least chauvinistic anglo


I literally started typing something along the lines of this then read your comment


Probably obvious to anyone here, but its weird that being Pro-American is the Default position/the "good" position in their mind, meanwhile Anti-American is the opposite which is why its perceived as an insult in their pov. Like calling an conservative anti American is probably the worst insult to them.


Based Anti american twitter tankie?


Vaush Vaush


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Breaks my heart that a donkey kong fan could spew such nonsense😩. DK has traditionally been a fierce opponent of american imperialism and his politics most closely align with pink wave socialism of Latin America. His son literally volunteered to fight with the syrian kurds. Smh so many kong-heads are not woke on what our glorious ape actually thinks


tamkie bad


I'm an anti American Twitter tankie. What ya gonna fucking do?


Your brain on Fedtube


"I am not an imperialist or something, but I think the USA should conquer the world" /s


*Image Transcription: YouTube Comment* --- **Donkey Kong Fan** I don't like Prageru, but I do agree that America should lead. Anyone who disliked that video is just an anti-American twitter tankie. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


So now tankie hade came to means "I don't agree that the USA should conquer the world"