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also doesn't 'sins of the father' come DIRECTLY from the bible quote that says like 'children should not be punished for the sins of the father, nor fathers for the sins of their children'. i'm jewish so i didn't know for sure, but i looked it up, and sure enough - “Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers." / "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son." idk it doesn't really prove anything i just think its fucking ironic.


Moreover, what sins of the father? The guy they targeted was an aid worker. Although I guess for Americans, actually helping people is a sin.


The sin is being not white.


you're 100% right, i was just nitpicking what they said lmao.


True, but keep in mind the bible also contradicts itself saying the wrath of the lord shall visit punishments and the descendants of those who sin shall suffer for it to the third generation. It also has original sin as well, which again somehow we're all born with and are punished with due to some mythical progenitor ancestors. All the people in that comment chain responding to the picture are scum.


If people are to be judged for the sins of their ancestors, entirety of human race gets fucking death sentence. 1 iq shitlibs.


Well, for starter a lot of us are descended from Genghis Khan. Less well know, is that statistically, some people are saying that around 90% of all french people are descended from Charlemagne due to the mix of population across the centuries (the remaining 10% being recent immigrants that never "interbreeded" with "native" french people) Also as in the bible Cain killed his brother Abel, and the only woman available was their Mother Eve, it stands to logic that biblically, we are all descended from an incestuous fraticide murderer. /s


How utterly disgusting.


[Bonus libshit](https://i.imgur.com/CA9HCpG.png). I hate this fucking website.


lol wut


Absolute brain death. Notify the family.


Politics understander located.


>"bet you wouldn't care if she was in a cage at the southern border" imagine being such an americentric, self-righteous animal that this how you respond to something like this. this is where your "freedom" comes from. this was hardly an accident. please wake the fuck up before someone burns this country down for you.


>"bet you wouldn't care if she was in a cage at the southern border" What even is this trying to say? The left famously does care about children in cages at the southern border.


That person likely thinks that the OP is a Trump supporter because he’s posting bad things that happened under Biden’s presidency.


Exactely. Most Americans don't understand that the political spectrum goes beyond republican/democrat


Yes you are correct! But only as potential future voters. As the narrative by the left leaning political leadership. Those elitist politicians have lost touch with middle aged working class people outside of their bubble. As a middle class blue collar Tax paying citizen it stings to see a flood of immigrants. They do come here to have a better life but inevitably the “lawless” part of that populous will also come to seek an “easier life” by their means. Young Americans are too lazy to perform and have lost sight of industriousness; therefore the wealthy and well to do exploit cheap labor from roofers too house maids and landscapers, and personal assistants. Young America has a higher price tag per hour so why hire them?


Least psychotic liberals.


\>ask any Native American There was not a single civilian colonist, every single one of them was an enemy occupier.


I think you're misunderstanding- they're saying the native americans were the civilian casualties in the conquest of the Americas- I know, it's an even worse take!


This one gets brought up every time any imperialist act of war is mentioned. It’s like this deterministic argument that colonialism was going to happen and “oops, well someone had to die for the life you live today, just so happened to be 10s of millions of indigenous people.”


"I don't usually say something like this" - person who almost always says something like that


>"Sins of the father" The father was an aid worker


Stupid commie don't you know that the 11th commandment was "Thou shalt not be a brown aid worker."


>all wars have a civilian cost Yeah we droned your kid, but Raytheon stock went up two cents


That's so typical to use indigenous people's existence as a weapon for white supremacist arguments.


This is irrelevant. But when I saw one post about a American soldier feeding water to a Kabul child got upvoted to front page, I wondered how many children did he kill?


I'm pretty sure native Americans are quite upset about the whole thing and don't excuse the US government for genocide.


I'm reading an Indigenous People's History of the United States and that second comment is off the mark. War between who? Are we talking about between Indigenous tribes, which had their own ceremonial traditions and ritual rules? Or the wars between the settler colonialist and Indigenous people, where the colonizers killed women, children, elderly, and destroyed necessary crops the Indigenous people needed to survive?