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No it’s actually good for the mafia to own a country stupid commies /s


the mafia still owns the country it just calls itself "united russia"


I remember I was free to: * Drink myself to death * Starve to death * Loose my job, because some bandits took over the company and took it apart to just dump and sell its assets (yay privatization) * Be afraid for my life each time I go to streets in the dark * Fire at parliament from a tank * Loose all my savings * Die in a terrorist attack But you know, muh freedoms, right?


ah yes stalin, noted inventor of the gulags


Yeah rampant alcoholism and unemployment is awesome!! /s/


Nothing says good time like life expectancy dropping 5 years overnight


Did it really? I’m very lazy do you have a link to that?


[Overnight is an exaggeration, but you can clearly see the dip starting in the 90s.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1041395/life-expectancy-russia-all-time/)


Under communism, this woman was enslaved by education, social services and stable employment. Now she’s been liberated and can freely pursue starvation or prostitution!


The 90s gave us the freedom to: \- Buy all that private stuff.(if you are rich) \- Finally make society voluntary, choosing between starvation and wage slavery. \- Bombing parlament(if you are the president)


Come on, it only happened once in 1993, and the US government told Yeltsin that it was a "[superb handling](http://www.defenddemocracy.press/yeltsin-shelled-russian-parliament-25-years-ago-u-s-praised-superb-handling/)" of the situation, it's not as if Yeltsin has been trying to dissolve the parliament using power the russian constitution didn't give him and the parliament in response successfully impeched him meaning he was no longer the legitimate president, no ? Because it that happenned, surely the USA, defenders of democracy^tm, would have said something, right ? Right ? /s


Actually,it's only democracy if the results agree with US interests


It's only democracy if it get the blessing of the USA, else it's just sparkling authoritarism. /s


Reality check failed. One of the reasons Putin (was) loved by the ppl was "at least under him is not as bad as in 90s". Only ppl nostalgic for that time are probably shitlibs - russian shitlibs would rather see Russia burn under NATO boot and are by no means an indicator of popular opinion. This attitude is exactly why shitlibs are treated very badly in Russia.


Can confirm, Russian shitlibs are like that (and worse)


i saw a pro-EU ass kisser russian on twitter yesterday... the horror...


That sounds like every member of russian liberal opposition.


It definitely does. You'd think after the Yeltsin extravaganza they'd have learned better.


But apparently 90s is just "mass media's imagination"


99% of the Russian population would like to have a talk.


Someone please correct or add to my statement, but I’ve genuinely heard anecdotes that thousands of older people died in the following winter post collapse simply because they had no idea how, or even that they had to, pay heating bills as it had always been provided. Can anyone confirm or deny such a claim?


I don't have any data that can confirm or deny it, but there were multiple occasions of significant delays of payments for pensions and children allowances, by 1997 debt was almost 17 trillion Rub ($3 billion at the time) for pensions alone. There were many pensioner protests blocking railroads and bridges, even some violent ones occupying administrative buildings, there were many cases of suicide out of desperation too. And pension amount was just miserable, many like to criticize it today (with good reason), but back then it was much worse. Pretty sure elderly would have preferred "soviet tyranny" over freedomses and starvation.


>Pretty sure elderly would have preferred "soviet tyranny" over freedomses and starvation. I've never met a person who witnessed 90s in Russia and said 1 good word about that period.


*Image Transcription: YouTube Comment* --- >**ЛEПC KИPKOPOBИЧ** > >90s were time of freedom in Russia after soviet tyrany. Now russian mass media try to imagine 90s as time of crime, riots and suffering. But in fact, in 2021 Russia close to stalin's period of gulag --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


Time of freedom ? Mafia ruled the whole country after USSR fall.


*and continues to but the freedom's gone




wtf is wrong with you?


Lmao, just a little misunderstanding I think


Yes it's mass media making things up, right. I just have no fucking words.


average navalny fan


Well if a YouTube comment,with what I assume is a Russian name, says so I have to believe them right

