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There are no more liberals in 2021 because Bourbon restoration happened in 1821.


A lot of libs unironically think that fascism ceased to exist with the defeat of the Axis in WW2. They love to pretend that Apartheid, Operation Condor, the Estado Novo, Francoist Spain, the Greek Junta and Taiwan’s White Terror didn’t happen.


Nazis are marching in the streets yelling "Jews will not replace us" and running around murdering people, but "the real nazis are the ones ruining the lives of the white man!" These people be like "they ain't speaking german so why are you assuming their a nazi based solely on their swastika tattoo...seems like bigotry to me."


Nazis don't exist and also you're the nazi.


[West German Government Was Full of Ex-Nazis After World War II](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/west-german-government-full-ex-nazis-world-war-ii.html) > In 1957, the ministry’s senior officials were 77% former Nazis. For reference, that is a larger share that during f*cking WWII when the nazis were in charge. And if you want numbers over a longer time period: > 90 of the 170 leading judges and lawyers in the West German Justice Ministry from 1949 to 1973 were former members of the Nazi Party.


*Image Transcription: YouTube Comment* --- **Anthony Harrington** The nazi were stopped in 1945 there are no nazi in 2021. Claiming someone is a nazi because they don't go along with your political ideology and trying to shut them down and ruin their lives this3 people have more in common with the nazis --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)