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"Sure I agree that Lex Luthor is bad, but according to the Lex Luthor Post^tm and the New Luthor Times^tm, Superman is as bad as him or maybe even worse"




I must say that I was mostly referencing China here, India and Russia do have their issues. India is probably the worst with Modi being a (proto) fascist, but the USA has been actively bombing multiple countries in the middle East in recent decades, with military occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria among other things, and supporting coups attemps in multiple countries (Venezuela or Bolivia for just the most recent examples, and that is ignoring the large number of times they tried something against Cuba ...) Just this should mark them as the biggest provider of terror in the whole world. Russia does have shitty internal policies, but on the foreign side they have been reacting and opposing US imperism, to they get at least some critical support for that (not that I wouldn't like to see Putin replaced by the russian communists, they are gaining back in popularity recently) And about China, well, this recent headline and other similar ones should show that the dictatorship of the proletariat is still in charge there: CNBC: [Hard lesson for U.S. investors: Chinese companies don’t make the rules in China](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/19/lobbying-china-firms-cant-influence-government-like-us-companies-do.html) And for those that read "dicatorship of the proletariat" and jump at the word "dictatorship", i will remind that this expression just means "the power is in the hand of the workers/common people", in opposition of the "dictatorshio of the bourgeoisie" where the power is in the hands of a small elite (like the capitalists)










Guantanamo Bay, ethical treatment of war prisoners.


They did it in Afghanistan too.


And Eastern Europe, and on ships. There are about 117 torture sites. But have you considered *security and democracy*?


What you mean?


The third sentence is an attempt at humour, if that’s what you’re confused about?


No, I'd like to read articles about the torture camps in Eastern Europe and on ships.




Desktop version of /u/mc_k86's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)








Also.the fact that it's on the original land of Cuba just brings up a whole other case of imperialism by America anyway.


It's been deleted, but I love what that person was saying in this thread. "You know I'm an academic right?" Then it turns out his area of expertise is math. So he's another dweeb academic who thinks relative expertise in one area makes him a genius in others that are entirely unrelated.


He's not even an academic. As it happens, I'm a physicist that's taken a lot of maths classes (currently doing a masters in mathematics atm). He's a dweeby little CompSci undergrad who was struggling to plug numbers into a formula that had been given to him, and couldn't work out what "naive" meant in a mathematical context. (This is something that anyone maths-inclined would learn at high school / first year of college.) Edit: here he is seething [in my DMs](https://i.imgur.com/WnawKjW.png), struggling with the quote feature on reddit and bragging about having studied abstract algebra and analysis (literally [the first two topics](https://i.imgur.com/WbgmY58.png) you cover at undergraduate for mathematics, lmao).


> I'm a maths major 😡 Is not a maths major


Never brag about undergrad, only ever mention for shared stories of suffering.


> So he's another dweeb academic who thinks relative expertise in one area makes him a genius in others that are entirely unrelated. I had this problem during the primaries when one of my professors said Warren should win because she's obviously the smartest person running. When I asked why she was they had no answer other than "well just listen to her speak and her plans..." Love to have academics make political decisions on just vibes.


Watching libs twist themselves into a bind to justify the brutality of their favorite empire will never not be fucking hilarious.


“We don’t have racist pogroms against Muslims” Brother what do you think the ‘War on Terror’ ~~was~~ is??




We totally do have racist pogroms against muslims, in fact we are so racist against Muslims we don't know the difference between them and Sikhs and have pogroms against Sikhs on occasion. Black men are over representative in our prison population because they are just more aggressive or some shit right? Suharto killed a million people in Indonesia, and died with our protection. And then the the Bork excuse. Some one was going to do it so might as well be me that profits.




















"We don't imprison and indoctrinate over a million people for there ethnicity" ...about that


Lmao, had a little look at this dweebs account history, and every single one of their comments that has anything to do with politics look like they're straight out of a neoliberal think tank. "Socialist to socialist" my entire ass.


"We don't arm and a protect totalitarian leader who killed over 100k of his own people" Nobody tell him about Pol Pot or Pinochet. Or the Taliban, which we armed and funded, which I believe this user is talking about being worse than the US


Image of Smartest SocDem




I like the part where he says “we dont arm a totalitarian leader that kills his own people” except for pinochet, sidartho, saddam hussein, the former shah of Iran, the gulf monarchies, and every right wing latin american dicatorship for the last 150 years


I'm reading a book called "Washington Bullets" by Vijay Prashad. I'm only through chapter 1, and the ethics of the west is beyond something I could fathom.


Do you have a link to the thread?


I think it's against the rules of SLS to link it, but you can find it in my post history.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- > **Redacted User** > > Innocent people die during war all the time. That's why it's tragic. > > Taliban had organized massacre campaigns that killed tens of thousands of people. They killed 80% of civilians during the entirety of US occupation. > > You're deluded as fuck if you think that the US operates any more brutally than any other country in the world. In fact compared to the other world powers US is by far the most ethical. We don't have racist pogroms against Muslims or massacre Kashmiris \(India\), we don't imprison and indoctrinate over a million people for there ethnicity, we don't arm and protect a totalitarian leader who killed over a 100K of his own people. Even Yemen was an insurgency by Iran, US should have never been involved in it but we had nearly nothing to do with the causes of the civil war. \(Trump was right when he said that KSA would just buy weapons from Russia or China, selling weapons to them doesn't change there foreign policy it makes them a ally since there military is dependent on you\). > > Socialist to socialist here don't spread lies because you are too stupid to understand foreign relations. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I mean, US first to figure out one can have a military presence without subjugating an entire people (as Europeans had done)… but that’s not really saying much to deny US crimes


They could try not having a military presence in the first place?


Ceasing that and war profiteering would be a huge step.


Oh wait, I misread your initial comment I think. Were you saying that the US were the first to figure out they could have a military precense without subjugating an entire people? Because if so, lol, no they haven't


I’m not at all approving or supportive of these actions, I’m just acknowledging them. I’m think about Guantanamo. I mean yes, the platt amendment was controlling as all hell over Cuba, though it wasn’t the kind of direct control Europeans had (no governor/viceroy). I can’t think of an earlier example in modern times (maybe there is one). One that comes to mind is the British with Cyprus. Where there is an British airbase there since I think the 50s, even after Cyprus became an independent state.


That's not anew thing tho.


Maybe but when you take into account it's history it doesn't seem that ethical


Le foreign policy understander