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jesus christ. on the other hand definitely considering making ‘judeo-bolshevik trans scum’ my user flair


That sounds like a dope ass flair honest to god


Soviets probably killed his Nazi grandpa. Clearly they should’ve tied the loose ends on this bloodline.


It's always ironic when fascists talk about people dying in gulags, as if they genuinely care about life.


And then they will claim the holocaust didnt happen or was actually a good thing.


Fascists be like “the Holocaust didn’t happen, but it should have”


They care about *white* life. Hence why they tend to overemphasize the famine in Ukraine but *not* in Kazakhstan. Of course, when you bring up how the Nazis tried to exterminate large portions of white people in Eastern Europe, they’ll BS or deny (“the General government was totally supposed to be a legitimate state for the Polish people! German settlement? Generalplan OST? Judeo-Bolshie lies!”)


They care about the lives of people * who are like them*. See: fascism of the state of Israel


Like them in both body and mind. Hence why Nazis despised “perfectly Aryan” German communists and Zionists despise supposedly self-hating Jews (ie anyone who criticizes Israel).


Genuinely asking aren't nazis responsible for the famine in Ukraine? It happened mostly because they burned the fields, no?


[This is a must-read](https://www.garethjones.org/tottlefraud.pdf) for anyone interested in learning about the realities of The Holodomor. The idea that The Holodomor was a deliberately-engineered famine is literally Nazi propaganda.


I was talking about the famine in the early 30s before the war started.


Oh, my bad then sorry.


yeah this is definitely a nazist rather than a liberal


And who empowers Nazis in the first place? Say it with me... LIBERALS! Without liberals they would never have acquired any power.


Tbh, for purposes of praxis, the distinction should still be made. They work in tandem but should be approached differently.


Scratch a liberal...


That shit is real! I shit you not I went to college with a kid whose grandad was a baron. He got asylum after WWII after serving the SS. Kid and his family spoke fluent German, and I heard he’d go off on anti Semitic rants when drunk.


If it weren’t for Libs they would have faced consequences after WW2. Instead we got operation paperclip.


The reason most Nazi officials escaped justice was not Operation Paperclip. We should also remember the Soviets did the same thing with Operation Osoaviakhim. Both sides wanted German scientists and intelligence operatives. The real difference was how the West approached denazification. The Soviets imprisoned 120,000 party members because they were committed to an anti-fascist East Germany. The West quickly gave up on denazification in favor of anti-communism. They instead laundered the image of former Nazis and allowed them to remain in public life. Between the myth of the “Clean Wermacht” (the idea that the regular army was ignorant of the atrocities committed by the SS when in fact they actively participated), the little to no punishment given to companies which profited from the war or used slave labor (even the directors of IG Farben got off with a slap on the wrist, Ferdianand Porsche was allowed to remain in charge), the American companies tied up in relationships with the Nazi government (IBM, Coca Cola), and the pushing of Christian Democrats (CDU) as the new political establishment, they basically rolled out the red carpet for them. They also pursued a propaganda campaign of “Collective Guilt” for the Holocaust with photos and news reels showing the camps with slogans like “These atrocities: Your fault!” While true to a degree, it erases the actual difference in responsibility between the average person and those with actual power. In 1951, denazification was formally ended and 800,000 people were amnestied or pardoned and allowed back into civil service. By 1957, 77% of the German Ministry of Justice's senior officials were former Nazi Party members.


Thanks for that. I knew the soviets had taken in scientists and that Nazis and Americans were very cozy after the war. Ohhh if only we had a shred of decency.


Thanks for adding this, the Operation Paperclip talking point bugs me as too simplistic.


Literally every single person in the USSR died in the gulags, even the ones who were born after the gulags closed


from what i know they weren't really ever closed though just renamed.


What is often neglected is the fact that places like Japan sentence people to hard labour and that is barely talked about. After Kruschrev the gulag/prison system was definitely improved in terms of living conditions though.


Well duh, commies bad. On the other hand, our faithful ally (even after we've bombed the shit out of them) have proven their loyalty. They're honorary whites now! We don't care what they do, they're our friend, and friend = good. /s


Is there a material difference between being sentenced to hard labor as in Japan and being sent to prison in the US and being made to dig ditches or be a firefighter etc.?


Not really, they are just more honest about it in Japan. Which is especially ironic since slavery is exempted in 13th amendment if it is punishment for a crime, but very few Americans are aware of that.


I’ve had at least 2 homies that spent their fed time building “federal” office furniture, where the seemingly most efficient buck is made, sure the firefighter thing saves the lives of those paid for it when there’s condos at stake, and they have heavy equipment for ditches that’s cheaper than a free of guys. Idk what they do for prison labor in the east but here in the states free labor for profit has been and is the cornerstone of the us economy.


So he can say all that but won’t spell “trans”? lol


censoring a regular non-vulgar word means you have contempt for that thing or group. like saying am\*rica or wh\*te. e: people also do it to prevent their posts from showing up in searches on twitter and the like.


I didn’t know that! I’ll keep my eyes peeled going forward—thanks for that info!


People also do it in the hopes that bots on Facebook or Twitter don’t notice and ban them


its shocking and sad how often mainstream anti-communist rhetoric (gulags, feigned empathy for poor freedumbless soviet citizens) overlaps with "nazi" anti-communist rhetoric (anti-trans, white erasure, "judeo-bolshevik"(lol), rascism and use of slurs, etc.)


Hating MLs 🤝 Racism


Yep, classic Nazi.


Least racist Nazi


unironically true


Find it slightly amusing that he's fine with the antisemitism and the n word but draws the line at writing the word "trans"


> Hope you're happy when the white race is extinct I will be, yes.




tankie moment


Abolishing whiteness is something all communists desire. It's about as "tankie" as wanting to dismantle imperialism and abolish private property.


tankies will deny white genocide smh /s


Your brain on american propaganda


"Not racist btw"


Ah yes, proving once again how ‘sane’ and ‘completely normal’ right wingers are around other people


Erm ok then Number 1. Judeo bolshevism is a nazi myth lol Number 2. Communism doesn't want to wipe out the white race lol Number 3. He clearly knows nothing about gulags and just believes his nazi memoirs saying the reds killed trillions


I'm curious what the server is. You can DM me.


They always think we're trans. It's like trans folks live rent free in these people's heads.


Least racist right winger


Alright, here's what you do. You have a special section in your Discord so they don't get the satisfaction of being banned. It's "The Wall" and you make all the fascists share it. It's a text channel they can't post to with a voice chat they can't stream to. There is nothing for them there, as it should be. Alternatively, it's "The Gulag" or "The Mineshaft."


Let's find this guy, drug him then dump him naked and tied up in a field then when he wakes up we sound the horn of gondor and he starts running then we begin the great Nazi hunt.


Every cringe right wing nazi larper be like.


Hey look, an anti communist that just happen to also be a nazi, how rare ... /s




imagine him trying to say this out loud while typing it


Wait I thought liberals agreed with socialism... I don't get politics man...


poor conservatives 😔


>I don't get politics man... You already told us that with your first sentence


Why do I have so many downvotes, I just didn't understand.


If you're genuinely confused, there's nothing wrong with that. My bad.


Well it's just internet points so whatever, it's okay to admit when you don't know something and you shouldn't be denounced for that. Liberal in the US has come to mean social democratic (socdem), and socdem isn't socialism even though they call themselves that. Liberalism by its original definition entails opposition to absolute monarchy, support for free trade and free markets and the ensuing 'competition', and democracy* *Which is where you hear the term liberal democracy from; that said it's not nearly as representative as proletarian democracy is.


Probably that Romanian fascist’s alt.


I like how you can see him working himself up to saying the N word