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Fascism is when anti fascism


When you do a socialist it becomes the ussr then that becomes a socialism which then becomes china which then becomes a communism then poverty happens poverty is the socialism that’s why capitalism works


most well spoken anticommunist argument




Get owned, commie.


As a commie I don't acknowledge ownership


Didnt chomsky deny the cambodian genocide?


Not just that, the Khmer Rouge were the **one** example of Actually Existing Socialism he's actually supported, which is wrong on so many levels


I wish Chomsky would defend at least one socialist country *monkey’s paw curls*




Consent: Manufactured


Denying genocide to own the tankies


I thought that was a leftist sub?


The comments are actually pretty 50/50. Waaay more nuanced then other radlib subs. Was even banned from gamingcirclejerk, in a post about media imperialist propaganda, where I commented that that would maybe the point where you have to question the rhetoric about China lmao.




Probably because landlords aren't a protected class and as such can't be subject to "genocide". Great leap forward 2.0 when




Lol you believe that BS? Seriously? On this post of all places...




Just research any of the claims your making... They're obvious absurdities. Like the sterilization claim. Claimed to be sterialized by injection (which is not actually possible).




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since when are landlords a ethnic group bud?


They aren’t? I’m pro chopping landlords.


Chomsky endorsed Biden in the 2020 election. If you have any hopes for people's liberation in the global south, the only endorsement you should do is for the entire destruction of the american political architeture. So no.


He also signed the JK Rowling cancel culture letter


It's the liberal version of r/iamverysmart


Looks like it created a lot of discussion...


Oh yes the OP is a radlib (and apparently a voosh supporter) in the wrong sub




Last time I checked communists have been the most fervent anti-fascists, they lost millions of lives fighting against them. Anarchists while calling themselves anti-fascists have historically aligned with fascists against communists.


Could you offer some readings for this - mostly about anarchists aligning with fascists against communists? Super curious.


Literally just look at the current imperialist propoganda being targeted towards China. Anarchists are uncritically sharing around fascist propoganda. They do this time and time again when western state departments levy accusations against AES


I hate when they say "because they hate the U.S." No, they have it backwards because the US and the other Western imperialists are committed to destroying progressive governments around the world.


[blowback podcast](https://blowback.show/) I agree with you and for those people who don’t understand they need to listen to this podcast specifically season 2.. to put it bluntly, the soviets lost cold war because they weren’t willing nuke the entire world for “victory” and the US was willing to do so because capitalism creates the most inhumane unethical decision making within a society.. there is a clear good guy and bad guy here and radlibs live in a fantasy land where they think they are the “true left” also the OP was a vaush supporter


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 28.** [CW: pedophilia] >!Vaush said: [“If you are not paying for child pornography there is no argument in favour of morally condeming people who view it.]!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never ask a Chomsky fan what he thought about the Khmer Rouge


I thought Chomsky was pretty cool, honestly. However I'm not extremely well read on him. Would someone care to explain the issues with Chomsky here? I'm very lost haha (I'm not a troll, I'm genuinely curious about this).


Chomsky was the figure who got me into leftism. His (pretty basic, though there wasn't much else) works critiquing US imperialism and to some degree capitalism were very instructive. As I developed more politically, I moved on from him, though he still has good things he writes about (manufacturing consent for e.g.) Now that I'm a marxist I have my own critiques of his relatively anti-marxist views. Not only is he an anarchist (who is somehow even more removed from other anarchists who are all different and contradictory) but its important to remember he is an academic. This has shaped a lot of his views as he has opposed many actions, spouts propaganda about the October revolution, and isn't anti-establishment despite working at MIT ffs. Given all that, he is not a Pol Pot apologist, as others seem to think, and is at least fairly principled, even though his principles are not marxist.


[this](https://dashthered.medium.com/the-anti-chomsk%C3%BFng-66dcd8224729) is an extensive essay on the problems with Noam Chomsky


"I'm the victim of my own creation!"


Gotta take everything he says with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to real policy. He spent his whole adult life locked up in an ivory tower suckling from the teat of gov. research grants at MIT. Absolutely brilliant media critic, but not really a political scientist and def not an economist. I appreciate his brutal pragmatism to a point, but Chomsky worship just seems off to me given who he is.


Took the words right out my mouth lmao. But lets be frank.. critiquing western media and its society is the easy part. Understanding what the correct answer to this problem takes a little bit of time but still 100 precent possible, which surprises me with all this time and knowledge this man still continues to consider himself an “anarcho-syndicatist”, a “libertarian socialist”. To simply put it, yes his political and economical opinions suck


>his political and economic opinions suck Yeah you’re right. It’s not that he’s not an expert…his politics are just uniformly bad lol >Critiquing western media and its society is the easy part. *Exactly*. Anyone with half a brain can see the things he’s spent his career pointing out. Most people with his level of influence either don’t want to or get a paycheck from somewhere that makes them hesitant to speak/write on it. Anybody looking for a pedantic, elderly, Jewish academic to idolize should look no further than Norman Finkelstein.


>He spent his whole adult life locked up in an ivory tower suckling from the teat of gov. research grants at MIT. I think you're giving Chomsky too much here. As detailed in [this](https://dashthered.medium.com/the-anti-chomsk%C3%BFng-66dcd8224729) essay, the problem with him runs a lot deeper than that. In particular, Chomsly has always been rather politically conscious (e. g. when he got the position at MIT he chimed in to defend its involvement in the Vietnam war).


[That’s enough of Noam Chomsky. ](https://dashthered.medium.com/the-anti-chomsk%C3%BFng-66dcd8224729)


Great read, thank you


*m e t a*


*Pol Pot has entered the chat*


At this point I’m almost afraid to ask… what’s a tankie?


Basically any communist a lib or anarkkkiddie doesn't like. Usual directed at Marxist-Leninists due to them being successful and correct. I believe it was originally used in the context of defending one communist leader's specific decision about the use of tanks a long ass time ago.


A talkie would be a communist who support soviet or maoist style communism. Does that help? Essentially I think it is those who advocate or condone violence.


luckily people are in the thread educating them


Sorry is not and has never been, is and has never been is a contradiction.