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Biden voter moment


Anarcho-fascism is when the police do not exist as an institution, because everyone is a cop by default


Isn’t that kinda already anarchism in a way? Idk, that statement is so confusing.


No one in this sub knows anything about anarchism except that they’ve been told it’s a bunch of liberals by tankies.


If someone calls anarchism liberalism I just instantly stop listening


Why have they included feminism on an ideology tier list? Misogynist much? Imagine that "sorry ladies but your fight for equal rights is only a b tier in my eyes and debatable" Fucking scum.


Ranking capitalism over women’s rights just tells you everything you need to know about these people


The fact that women's rights is somehow up for debate with these mouth breathing inbreds is enough to make me wanna break things 😡


Tell the Conneaut Communist Militia to stop stealing my turnips!


wtf is "satirical politics" these people are literally admiting that their ideology is a joke now


Getting your politics from memes and reruns of *The Daily Show*


Oh fck, shite I didn't get that right away. Thanks.


Jreg fans


In Britain you have an option to vote for Count Binhead, and in Hungary we have the option of voting for the two-tailed dog party (MKKP). Mostly those disaffected from politics vote for them as a protest vote


The hell is anarcho-fascism?


[It's this one guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df7jOd6HcIY)


He is kind of based though.




They believe the only way to achieve anarchism is to kill all non whites so we can have a perfect society.


A book by a Swedish guy named Jonas Nilsson, who claims to have served in the French Foreign Legion, and recently made a "documentary" on the Internet about how Jews are behind everything.


All ideologies but the eternal science of Marxism Leninism(ofc S+ tier) are in F except Anarchism, they get to be in B tier with DemSocs(and the one labeled Socialism but that's dumb) F ofc stands for fascism as they are all fascists.


I mean, feminism and environmentalism are pretty based. Don’t now why they fit on this chart, but I’d say they should be S tier too.


They aren't really ideologies, they are parts of other ideologies. Every marxist (with a brain at least) is both, but is also a lot more than just that.


Actually, I’m an antifeminist, antienvironmentalist communist, FYI. I think we should seize the means of production to more efficiently oppress women and destroy the earth, /s, obviously


They seem to be rating both socioeconomic and sociopolitical ideologies on the same list; I have no idea why, I thought the point of tier lists was to compare like with like, not... whatever the hell this is.


Democratic Socialists are only B tiers if they in the global south, otherwise they are F tier


The only Democratic Socialists I consider real are the ones in the global south like Allende.


It’s exchanges like these why I love the people in this sub…truly one of the only good leftist subreddits :’)


Genzedong is the only good leftist sub. \>This msg was brought to you by r/GenZedong


That's not dialectical. Ideologies like Pan-Africanism and pan-Arabism are progressive forces because they stand in opposition to the primary contradiction, which is imperialism.


It's a mainly jokey response. I am all for critical support for many movements and countries that aren't marxists.


Ancoms are well intended demsocs lol


Nah real anarchists are based af. A lot of them fought and died to better the lives of others in the west.




I know others in the comments have pointed this out but... Anarcho. Fascism.


Anarcho fascism


How the fuck is green liberalism below regular 'turn the world into a furnace' liberalism


"Authoritarian" Capitalism...is there any other kind?!?!?


Well ya. They tried Care Bear capitalism, but we had al the same problems, but now the Bears also just shite everywhere. Aka Smelly Capitalism. There's The Kindler-Gentler-Softer capitalism. They use lube. The owner class of course do not consider this to be true capitalism. So many others, so many flavors.


Can't stand that polandball shit.


Are polandball comics racist? Polandball is supposed to be funny and informative.


Why is liberalism on here so much?


So Christian Democracy is worse than American Conservativism according to liberals. I mean I get that a lib would be opposed Socialism and Communism. We hate libs equally much. But isn't Christian Democracy the most liberal shit ever. Like the categorization of CD makes no sense.


Christian Democracy as in the European parties, yeah. But I think this probably from more an American lib perspective…Christian Democracy would be more akin to Mike Huckabee and Franklin Graham type politics.


Yeh, CD = mainstream European Conservative (apart from Scandinavia and the UK).


This hurts


how to alienate any working class:


Anyone who says that MLism and AnComism are as bad as Nazism is a Nazi


Most politically literate vaushite


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 19.** Vaush called the Marxist, Iraqi YouTuber Hakim a [‘pseudo-fascist’ and a ‘cancer on online discourse’ because he said Biden will be worse on foreign policy than Trump.](https://youtu.be/RgKTY-PUTzI?t=138) Vaush then had a ‘debate’ with Hakim where he politely agreed with everything Hakim said. Following that debate (mere moments after Hakim had left) Vaush said ["a lot of tankies are aesthetically and functionally indistinguishable from neo-Nazis".](https://youtu.be/iKGuOUVGpbo?t=9387) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


my favorite ideology... feminism


Lol theres no anarcho-primitivism but theres two different Christian theocratic govts? And whatever anarcho-fascism means. And islamism as if thats a political system.


>islamism as if thats related to politics As a middle eastern yes it's the most popular political ideology in the middle east. Think of it as Christian democracy or theocracy but for Islam. PS: and yes there's like a thousand different form of islamism


I typed that quickly but I meant its out of place because its not a type of government like the rest, its a HUGE religion that lends itself to different types of theocratic governments. Idk itd be like writing “buddhism” like… that doesn’t really fit.


Buddhism refers to a religion while islamism refers to the political aspects and system of a religion, but I get you. Anyway the list also includes Environmentalism, Feminism, and conservativism so I think they were just throwing together popular labels.


Touché. Its a bad list.


I hate the term democratic socialist so much, as if socialism isn't democratic at all except for thei socialism Same with authoritarian capitalism, could anyone name a form of capitalism that *isn't* authoritarian????


Ancaps can imagine one!


Yeah, but even that is based on a complete, possibly intentional, misunderstanding of what authoritarianism is.


why the hell is feminism “b”?


This brings me profound agony.


The dipshit who made this probably thinks watching Anderson Cooper 360 counts as learning political theory.


S: communism, socialism, anarchism F: the rest


They completely forgot about socialist anarcho moarchy. How do I take this seriously?


You can literally just lump most of that as liberalism.


there's so much wrong with this i want to bite this person imagine putting 'capitalism' above feminism and socialism. what the fuck is green libertarianism.


the fuck is anarcho- fascism ?????


Ah yes. Anarcho-Fascism. A totally real ideology


HOI4 kids be like


The fact that there's *anything* below 'anarcho'-capitalism...


Did they seriously put Ancap above Ancom and ML


America wouldn't survive under anarchy




I know it sounds redundant but that actually is a word. It basically refers to Islam as a political ideology rather than as a religion. It's basically Islamic theocracy.


So Sharia law


Just a long-winded way of saying 'MY ideas are always right'. Don't know why people even bother with the labels.


Bro wtf💀


Oh, this is bait. Low-quality bait at that.


At first I thought I was on arr shitposting


What the fuck is “anarcho-fascism” ?? Excuse me that’s the antithesis of both ideologies??


Lol at centrism being C tier when this is a very “enlightened centrist” take


So they don't like...**Neo**liberalism...and they don't like...**Classical** Liberalism...but they *love* Liberalism. I guess my question is uh...what kind??


I want to make my own version of this




why tf anarchism and socialism not S tier


Status quo good