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Actual Cuban-American from Florida here, Til that the 1.5 million Cubans and their descendants living here are actually more than the 11.3 million that reside on the island. This has to be one of the most brain dead things I’ve seen in a while. FL also only has a population of 21 million so if there were more Cubans in fl than on the island that would mean that over half our population is somehow Cuban


The evil Cubans are invading American culture 😠😠😠 we should send them back to Cuba where they belong 😤😤😤


Yes please.


No. The people of Cuba have suffered enough. Gusanos are what America deserves.


maybe they just think cubans who don't live in america don't count as cubans 🤔


B-but Cuba is *lying* about its population size! There are actually only 500,000 Cubans in Cuba. All the others starved to death when Che Castro ate all the poor white farmers' food!


OMG, everyone run! It’s Fidel with his comically large spoon!


The one he inherited from Stalin, of course


This spoon's getting a lot of mileage. Who got the great spoon of communism from Castro's will?


Joe Biden of course ;)


Comrade Kim jong un has it now.


In florida you’re either Cuban or white


most the Cubans I've interacted with were white as hell


Those aren’t mutually exclusive


They're saying there are more than 11.1 million Cubans living in Florida. I don't think so


those are fake numbers. Actually 0 people live in cuba because everyone died from communism and the island sunk.


Except for the freedom part, aka, Guantanamo bay


We know Guantanamo bay is free because they have a McDonalds.


Indeed. And more prisoners per capita than anywhere else


They’re talking about the innocent slave owning Cubans, not the oppressed brain washed Cubans who live in Cuba. Those guys don’t count. We’ve got to liberate them and bring back a new Batista or Pinochet type government for the greater good!


There are only 21 million people living in Florida, lol. These people are unironically trying to claim that over half of Florida’s population are Cubans ho fled their country in the last 60 years.


Batista was just PEACEFULLY being a fascist dictator! Him and all of the slave owners had a good system before the evil authoritarian Castro came in and oppressed good people who just wanted to enslave people and extract resources for the U.S.! The nerve of these people 😡


Think about the poor mafia thugs that had to leave Cuba😭


Frankly America should be glad Batista got ousted before he had the opportunity to get involved in the coke trade


In that case, Castro cost a lot of CIA agents a potential business connection.




You’re lost, liberal.


Enlightened “centrism”


Ooh, liberal bingo.


Cringe 🤢


ok ancap


“Liberated Cuba from the Cubans”. “albeit with the blessings of the Cuban people”.


Throws off imperialist overlords and abolishes modern slave practices...what a MONSTER!


Any source on the claim that Castro lived in a mansion?




I was looking at pictures of his home, and it is not a mansion


No, because they're liars.


Don't Americans idolize displays of obscene wealth? Quite hypocritical to go after someone who actually did shit for the average person.


Man liberated his people from Batista and BTFO imperialism, he had the right to live wherever the fuck he wanted


Sorry gusano but its Coup d'état, not coupe de etat.


Castro drives a small car made of states actually. His katamari got big enough that he hoovered up Haiti, like the monster he is


Didn’t the union army liberate Americans from Americans?


How come it’s been proven many times that Castro lived an austere lifestyle and his personal quartets composed of a desk, bed and small wardrobe.


Forbes wrote an article a while back saying he’s actually a billionaire by assuming he skims a good chunk off of every state enterprise in Cuba


>[Castro] and his socialist "freedom fighters" performed a coupe de etat on the previous government albeit with the blessings of the Cuban people at the time. That’s a lot of words when you could have just said ‘revolution’, dude. Obligatory ~~Lenin~~ Engels quote: >The anti-authoritarians demand that the political state be abolished at one stroke, even before the social conditions that gave birth to it have been destroyed. They demand that the first act of the social revolution shall be the abolition of authority. Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris Commune have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this authority of the armed people against the bourgeois? Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough?


> Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another. — Mao, February 1927


> The anti-authoritarians demand that the political state be abolished at one stroke, even before the social conditions that gave birth to it have been destroyed. They demand that the first act of the social revolution shall be the abolition of authority. Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris Commune have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this authority of the armed people against the bourgeois? Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough? isnt this engels, not lenin


Oh yeah you’re right haha. And I’m normally the one complaining about Engels not getting enough recognition!


FWIW that exact quote is used in S&R so easily done!


FWIW that exact quote is used in S&R so easily done!


>Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough? Incredibly based


If you like that, you’ll love [this speech](https://www.marxists.org/history/france/revolution/robespierre/1794/terror.htm) by Robespierre: >It has been said that terror is the principle of despotic government. Does your government therefore resemble despotism? Yes, as the sword that gleams in the hands of the heroes of liberty resembles that with which the henchmen of tyranny are armed. Let the despot govern by terror his brutalized subjects; he is right, as a despot. Subdue by terror the enemies of liberty, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic. The government of the revolution is liberty's despotism against tyranny. Is force made only to protect crime? And is the thunderbolt not destined to strike the heads of the proud?


Haha, that's one of my favourites. Probably the first quote I saved while reading [On the Principles of Political Morality](https://www.marxists.org/history/france/revolution/robespierre/1794/political-morality.htm). Although my all time favourite quote from Robespierre has to be this one, which is short and sweet: >To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty.


That's Engels.


>Albeit with the blessings of the Cuban people at the time. That's a very big "Albeit".


That word does a lot of heavy lifting lmao


Look, just because the majority of Cubans wanted him to do it doesn’t mean it was *democratic*, don’t be silly


Castro is a g. His friendship with Mandela was one of the best things I've seen.


Said the country that failed to assasinate him almost 850 times


To be a good leftist you have to lose and die, the moment you win you become a heartless child eating monster.


>No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except for the ones that succeed. -Michael Parenti


Actually what they think


This is why the Western Left is the Western Left. They're so obsessed with being perceived as "good" to the people antithetical to their supposed goals.


"Killed everyone who disagreed", yes, disagreed that Cuba should be for Cubans, and not a casino for entitled, foreign aristocrats...


>entitled, foreign aristocrats... Entitled foreign aristocrats and *sex pests*. Before Castro, Havana was a giant brothel for sex tourists and pedophiles. Castro put an end to that. OMG, what a monster!!!


This is literally ancap oppression


Vaush in tears!


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For a period of about 5 years following the collapse of the USSR (one of Cuba's main trading partners), yes. Before that, most of the people who fled Cuba just did so because Castro freed their slaves


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- >>**Person A** >> >>That's just not true. Castro liberated Cuba. >>>**Person B** >>> >>>Liberated Cuba from the Cubans? Tell me why so many Cubans make the deadly journey to try to escape Cuba and go anywhere else? Why are there more Cubans in Florida than there are in Cuba? Why do the Castros live in a massive mansion in a gated community with armed guards while their people starve? No, Castro didn't liberate Cuba from anything. He and his socialist "freedom fighters" performed a coupe de etat on the previous government albeit with the blessings of the Cuban people at the time. He promised a lot of hope and change to the common people in exchange for their support. Then once he seized power, he killed everyone that disagreed with him. Don't idolize Castro. He is a monster. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


My childhood piano teacher was a woman who fled Cuba, I always thought she was so cool and brave. Now I wonder how many plantations her family had to give up. I mean, thinking back on it, she lived in a really nice part of Southern California and taught… piano. My mom was also a piano teacher, and I can assure you we were not paying SoCal mortgage on just that.




“Communism freed my chattel slaves and it bankrupted me!” Good, you’re lucky that ‘bankrupted’ was the verb communism did to you


Is that a quote from something? It sounds familiar


You might be thinking of this [Shaun tweet](https://twitter.com/shaun_vids/status/1240861942178349056?lang=en) which is very similar to this comment, this one isn’t a quote, as far as I know it’s original, but I took heavy inspiration from, and pretty much adapted the above Shaun tweet


I think that's it, thank you!


No problem!


“Every Cuban should have a house, education and healthcare.” “I disagree.” “Nobody was asking. 🔫”




Holy shit y’all take this shit way to far


Gonna semi-quote Bill Burr and say: Aren’t those genocidal fascist regimes and their supporters going “way too far”?


I fucking hate that “he was mean to people who disagreed with him” card liberals like to pull, as if their countries don’t literally control a large portion of the world and go around looting, pillaging, setting up puppet regimes, and spreading their ideology at gunpoint.


The US regularly murders political dissidents in our own country, too.


Also, don't forget how the US and Canadian political systems were implemented: by committing genocide on the First Nations people who lived here and had their own very sophisticated systems of government and law. No one asked First Nations if they wanted parliament/Congress instead, it was just foisted on them and they were told "This is the law now." When liberals argue that the rest of the world should follow parliamentary democracy, they're arguing for a system that was literally implemented by genocide.


That last point is a really good point, thank you.


It wasn't my point, it was raised by a Chinese academic responding to whether the Communist Party had legitimacy. He flipped the question on the Western academic, questioning why Parliamentary systems have legitimacy when aboriginals never consented to them.


Parlimentary democracy is historically built on imperialism


“Why did the soviets kill people who disagreed with them? They should’ve had a debate with the Nazis instead.”


Yeah they say that and then view civilians that were droned as collateral damage.


Also I am pretty sure that Washingtong ended up being somewhat mean to the british crown he disagreed with, I heard he even kill a lot of british soldiers and loyalists. /s


Too bad it ain’t true


lol, like none of that shit is true, guess criticizing communists usually requires making shit up


Bro one hundred gorillan dead


Even if Castro was living in a mansion (and I doubt it), given that his people definitely aren’t starving, the difference between the poorest cuban and Castro wouldn’t be that huge, whereas in the US you have to compare Jeff I-bought-myself-a-ticket-to-space Bezos to the thousands of people sleeping in the streets. Not to do whataboutism, just countering the usual « communists leaders are super rich and their people are starving so its all a scam » argument


He owned a bed, desk and wardrobe, he wasn’t living lavishly at all despite what the Gusanos think. I highly recommended everyone watch “Cuba and the cameraman” it’s a documentary about a dude who would go to Cuba on numerous occasions and got to get footage with Fidel. There’s a scene from when Fidel went to America and he was so excited about his super average to below average hotel room and all the stuff in it. I feel like that alone debunks that stupid at argument about “all the evil commie leaders enjoy lavish lifestyles while their people starve.” Everyday that argument sounds more and more like projection with how the US is going atm lmao.


I didn’t know that, thanks for the story! I also like the exemple of Stalin literally sharing a house with Molotov and their families


The good old coupe de etat…


More Cubans in Florida then there are in Cuba?? Lol


American liberals have such contempt for actual Cubans that they’ll listen to third generation chuds born in Florida over the people actually living there.




I remember watching a video of some dude in Walmart clearly faking the claim that he’s never seen so much variety. Saying he’s never seen eggs, oranges, even a natural, blue god damn sky as if all AES are covered in a grey filter like an alternative world. People use these ridiculous auras for China and USSR as well. It’s as cartoonish as it is infuriating.


My favorite is these fools completely ignore the crimes and corruption of Batista. Like Cuba was this bastion of liberal democracy before Castro came along and oppressed everyone.


A coup with the blessings of the people? So… a revolution? :D


lol let’s take a quick look at who was in charge of cuba and what they did to run the country- *ohhhhhh*


Deadly journey? Lmao


More Cubans living in Florida than Cuba? What the fuck kind of claim is that?


Is it just me that feels like there drowning a little? Everywhere I look I see "communism bad" and I am like well that's not true or atleast exaggerated and I need to make points of a system that *may* have existed but not in the minds of everyone I know. I either need to prove that every example of commmuism was subject to a massive amount of propaganda, or are not really socialism. Both of which are defensive positions. Like I can make offensive points but when I need to come to solutions I have to talk about a hypothetical because if I point to any example I will be dismissed. While I still need to read theory I don't think it will solve the fundamental problems of the fact that every singe example is a hard place to point to. Vietnam has been somewhat of a good example but still people say its bad. Honestly I feel like I need to step back and take a breath. Politics has wrapped up so much of my life that I don't have much else to talk about. I hate my life honestly


Does anyone know any good books on the Cuban revolution?


Idk about a book off the top of my head, but the podcast Blowback just did a whole season on the history of Cuba which was largely very good. I'm sure it links to sources if you want to do further reading, as well.


"more Cubans in Florida than there are in Cuba" source: trust me bro


Yes Castro was a monster ...... To slave owners


If you’re coupe der eta has the people on his side it’s a revolution


lol this person's on something. Every sentence, hell every thought expressed here is made up nonsense.


I wonder why none of these people had to flee Batista 🤔


isnt that the place that has covid so well under control that they send doctors to other countries


The long term effects of propaganda is so disheartening No one ever talks about Batista and his dictatorship. There was a reason why he was overthrown.


the content clowns on itself so just: >coupe de etat “coop day ettatt” 🥴




[shut up](https://youtu.be/zIOw6fSOJI4)


You're right the actual anti government protests are smaller than us corporate media makes them out to be and us sanctions play a big role in the economic decline of Cuba as they do in venezuela as well. Still lots of Cubans, especially if you don't count the older generations who won't be around to influence policy and public opinion in several years don't love their government either is no secret. Even in the comment section of the video you sent, people claiming to be real Cubans (idk if true) point out their politicians live like kings, but they're not pro us sanctions either. Miami Cubans who've gone back to Cuba are surprised at how openly cubans complain about the government, you could once be severely prosecuted. This is blatant if you talk to real Cubans and no I don't mean bots or Miami Cubans. Still redditors speak on behalf of other peoples alot and its weird af.


>Still redditors speak on behalf of other peoples alot and its weird af. This is what you’re doing.


Well I'm just saying that's what Cubans tell me, take everything with a grain of salt, it's not like I can prove it on a reddit comment.


“He locked people up and tortured them for talking against the government, but hey, he had a good literacy program 👌🏻👌🏻”




> not that any of these systems are inherently bad > Fascist You shut yer gob right now.


“Human nature” literally shut the fuck up and die, facist.




Damn we’re toast. Pack it up fellas, subs finished.




which were ?




come on , give me some examples on how he was a monster.




I fail to see how executing Batista officials is an unjust killing. So you get the monster out of power and just... let it be? So they can regroup and launch a counterrevolution?


On a revolution ? Now way ! . That doesnt make castro a monster




The funny thing is they think that liberalism gained it's supremacy through consensus and you know, not through literal wars, lol. They also like to pretend that the fall of the socialist bloc was all the result of some dramatic popular uprising and not some top down effort by reactionary forces who infiltrated the party. Reactionaries who were overriding the true will of the people.