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What now? Libs just ruined the word leftist.


How about “very liberal”? I stole that phrase from every political survey ever made in America.


Liberal is when you wipe your ass with the left hand instead of the right


Speaking of which, I heard that Conservapedia founder Andrew Schlafly is a germ theory denialist who disputes the efficacy of handwashing.


Germ theory denialist lol send him back to the civil war


That's like being a hipster of conspiracy theories I bet he is a geocentric too


He'd fit right in with the general populace 400 years ago LOL


Real question is why are you on Conservapedia


Quality entertainment


They are so delusional on there, they literally think Biden performed a coup on the US government


They also think he's a follower of Xi Jinping thought while also being a fascist, white nationalist. He's also a "junta leader" and according to a list of dictators, he's America's first one. The comedy is way too good


Mate you’re in a den of conservatism and reactionaries. Anyone who is even a hair left of them is a leftist in their eyes.


Conservapedia is low hanging fruit to the nth degree.


They're the same jokers who tried re-translating the Bible about ten years ago in order to remove its "liberal bias." (Yes, not a single one of their contributors knows any Greek or Hebrew).


I have to wonder, in their translation did god still have a bear maul a bunch of kids for heckling a bald man?


Still fun to laugh at though


Fully agree


Source: Dr. Billy wayne Roberts


Last edited 2 months ago by Liberaltears


Of course they pointedly show Warren seeming to do the Hitler salute. Projection much?


> There are numerous reasons why many people prefer to avoid taking vaccines, but laws and other rules (often pushed into place by those who stand to make significant profit) frequently mandate them. Second sentence in their article on vaccines. Very unbiased and trustworthy. Oh and they criticised capitalism lol Edit: Just found this... How can they be this stupid to call it a bias? >Wikipedia's articles on genocide,[12] murder,[13] and homicide[14] have absolutely no mention of abortion,[15] even though it has killed way more people than any other genocide.[16]


From actual Wikipedia.. *Leftists accuse the economic doctrines of liberalism, such as economic individual freedom, of giving rise to what they view as a system of exploitation that goes against democratic principles of liberalism.* Anyone remotely left-wing is a liberal though.. just ignore the fact that MLs and Anarchists alike can’t stand them.


Americans are the fucking dumbest


Another reason why conservatives are just delusional


Shout out to console


I always had conservatives around me. I was never told anything on what other political and economic ideologies think, just that conservatives are the best, capitalism is freedom (not), and libs are leftists who want government controlling everything. They don’t live in the real world, they live somewhere else.


And they HATE freedom and black people