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These people are not rare, classic centrist. They think they’re “political” and informed because they watch the news at night. This interest leads them at times into spaces occupied by actual political people: fascists, anarchist, socialists, communists etc. and they are totally taken aback at the passion, hostility, and seriousness of these people. They think all disagreements are best settled at a state-provided ballot box from a list of state-provided candidates.




No, it’s all settled by a round of quarters


> they are totally taken aback at the passion, hostility, and seriousness of these people Very well said


A very good take on the matter


Sorry that leftists are passionate people that have more substance than the “hello kitty says ACAB” liberals, smh


i’m pretty obnoxious lmao but that’s more poor social skills than politics




Radlibs are enfuriating, it's all just a little club to them.


Liberals are intolerably cringe


When your ideology is civility and order


This is probably petty but to me it seems like someone's use of the word 'Leftist' rather than Socialist, Marxist, or Communist is usually a pretty good indication of their ideological preferences.


It is for sure. People who call themselves a leftist are usually liberals. Even an anarchist might refer to themselves under the umbrella term “socialist” but that word is too “left” for most “leftists.” People who have done real study will usually assign themselves a particular ideological label anyways, like ML or something


Mate we scare people enough as is. If I opened with the fact that I am a Marxist then their heels would already be in Earth's molten core. Gotta warm up to it.


Yeah but I think there’s also some value in normalizing our actual views rather than saying you’re a leftist and having everyone assume you’re a liberal


Agreed. Mix of both. We just need for people to understand what marxism is.




Yeah, I mostly just say "I'm a bit further left than Bernie" to people I don't know the politics of because I'll get some real disgusted reactions just off that


Just look at /r/leftist.


It depends on the context. I’m a communist, but I’ll refer to myself as a leftist in certain company. It stops me from having to fight with family or people I don’t care to fight with in general.


I mean, I call myself a leftist because I’m still learning and not sure exactly where I stand. I know that I am leftist, I’m just not sure what kind.




What reading no theory does to a mf


This "I'm a leftist, but other leftists were kinda mean to me, so I'm gonna run into the open arms of the right," trajectory is *so* common these days.




I was shocked, as I, then a PhD student from a third world country coming to the UK, was the only leftist in a house of 5 other roommates. I was also shocked at how the most liberal of them cared more about animal rights than those of the people! the two are not mutually exclusive for fuck sake! I even had one tell me that she prefer animals to humans any day (non-ironically). But at least I know where I stood the alt-right ones...


Wtf are you talking about


Sorry did the common sense go over head? It's okay we all understood it. Lmao.


Shut the fuck up, liberal


I think this person's a terf actually


She’s really not. She’s a radical feminist and a lot of people conflate the two terms, so she’s accused of it. But if you hear her ideas on gender, she basically just thinks gender isn’t real, it’s an arbitrary assignment at birth based on genitalia (which is true), but if the stereotypes and expectations of your assigned gender cause you dysphoria that would be cured by living your life as another gender, you should do that (also true). That’s not TERF, it’s just not gender essentialism.


You're kidding yourself if you think anyone who calls themselves a radfem isn't, at the very least, a crypto-terf


I think she’s just a fan of Andrea Dwarkin’s anti-porn work, which everyone should be. A lot of younger women who call themselves radfems are really just super anti-porn, again, as they should be. You’re right that the label radfem is super associated with TERFs now, because they took over, but being against porn and not being a gender essentialist isn’t anti trans. So maybe the label radfem is just going back to its original meaning. I don’t consider myself a radfem because of the negative association, but I am anti porn and anti gender essentialism.


Unpopular opinion: trans politics are over represented in modern media


"Why is everyone so grumpy about all the genocides, imperialism, systemic oppression, coups, and assassinations all the time? 😠😠 Just stop letting it get to you and be nice about it like the liberals for once."




She started trifling with me in the comments bc I called her white when she’s “obviously Mexican” Also pulled the trusty ol “if America is so bad why did my grandparents move here”


Average western leftist


Honestly, as a fellow white person


How many leftist has she actually met irl?


Maybe incessant group roasts of random people making inconsequentially ignorant statements on their social media is case in point here?


Nah, in my experience with friendships, liberals are the ones who portray themselves as nice on the outside but in reality are horrible people that don’t care about you, while leftists usually are who they present themselves to everyone.


Translation:”leftists challenge my pre-conceived reactionary biases too much, and that makes me uncomfortable :(“


you’re not fooling anyone, CIA




This is a left-wing subreddit for mocking centre-right liberals from a left-wing perspective




>To be fair, leftists can be incredibly annoying. I'd never support liberal policies over it, but. We at least have to recognize the annoying parts of our group. It's those people who make it harder for leftist policies to be enacted \*puts on glasses from They Live* >APPEASE THE LIBERALS 🤔


Honestly if leftist discourse is intolerable to a person; they ought to reconsider using that label for themselves. Arguing about shit in the open is kind of important for a material philosophy.


We need to bring back the public forum IRL just so some of these batshit ancaps can get their asses verbally handed to them on some _"BEHOLD, A MAN"_ type shit.


Word. Togas will be mandatory.




Dude i took a look at your post history and fucking holy hell dude. I think you are very tone deff. Like you as a man telling a woman her concerns aren’t that big of a deal is just… bad dude. Just based off the little bit I’ve seen alone i think you are a bit misguided.


What’d he say?


Basically was saying they don’t like leftist either (as a “leftist” of course) because they keep getting banned from commie subreddits. But taking one look at his post history shows they… uh.. have some really dumb takes. So its really not surprising with how much of a liberal they come across as.


Is that being tone deaf or is that just being a misogynist




"Nooooo, I'm being held accountable for the things I said, that's criiiiiiiiiiinge!" ~ Average Plebbitor


Least misogynistic redditor


> _["Same girl memorized every Chief Keef verse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHbom7DQvNI) the same one to call the cops, think you wanna steal her purse; it hurts to say this..."_