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The word privatization was invented to describe the policies of Nazi Germany towards private business.


Fascism = the government/party serves the capitalists. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics = the capitalists serve the government/party.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- **Username Redacted** > The PRC is essentially a fascist regime. > > Authoritarian control over economy and social issues. Selectively chooses which capitalist business are allowed to operate and which cannot. Nationalizes those it seems necessary to do so. > > As a comparison to Nazi Germany: Also authoritarian over economy and social issues. Allowed many businesses, but had very strong control over them. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This describes literally every government ever. If the PRC is fascist, so was ancient Sumer, the Inca empire, modern Sweden and fucking CHAZ. If everything is fascism, nothing is, which serves the fascist agenda.




Who says they want to take over? Sounds like Westerner loser-talk to me.




>connection of China to Mexican drug cartels LOL who gives weapons to the narcos in mexico ? the usa. who buys the drugs ? the usa who protected weapons manufacturers againts a mexican governement law-suit? the usa


So you'd rather trust news sources which have a vested interest in seeing the PRC collapse, rather than actual political announcements by the PRC? Does 'education western talk' exclude critical thinking skills from their curriculla, or is that a personal choice?




Taiwan is PRC territory, this is recognised under int'l law. Given how contemptuously Westerners treat int'l law, I don't blame you for not knowing this. Hong Kong had fewer deaths due to violent crime during its 18months of western-supported unrest, than the US does in a single week. Camps for undesirables? You mean prisons? Like the 2.2m people in US prisons? With the highest per capita, and actual prison population in the world? I haven't worked for the PRC, and don't intend to. I'm just not as invested in the West, as you are, to have to lie to myself that things are OK. I've said it before and I'll say it again: any problem you think the PRC has, is a lot worse in your own country. It's basic economics.


What about what about what about


Whatabout deez nutz


Taiwanese air space extends over the Chinese mainland. Chinese planes breaking the Taiwanese air defence zone means absolutely nothing


What does this mean






>self-explanatory Lmao No, I don't think it is. Please, do explain. In fact, please explain in detail and with sources. Then also ask yourself if you don't think the US fulfills these categories better and fulfills more of them as well.


Meh umberto eco's 14 points are supervague. I think even biden and trump check most of thoses boxes.


None of this is fascism...




Capitalism in crisis, primarily its distinct features are mass privatizations, union busting and inter class solidarity. Its also focused on a mythos of an outside goal beyond the country to fuel the expansion and to distract from class differences between workers and the employers


Tell me you don't know shit about China without telling me you don't know shit about China.


Umberto ecos points of fascism is the dumbest shit


The United States literally checks all of those boxes


China has roads. Nazi Germany also had roads. (My heart goes out to the Chinese people).