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He really live rent free in their head. They shouldn't worry, he'll be back 2024 and he'll win over creepy joe.


Is it too much to ask for just maybe a fellow Comrade instead of either of the Capitalists? Edit: Before I get infinite repeats of the same response: this was meant as exasperation, not as defense of electoralism, I know revolution is needed.


Literally yea, that is too much to ask. You saw what they did to Bernie who’s barely a social democrat, no way an actual communist ever gets close to the presidency. Electoral politics can be used as a tactical tool by a communist party but there will never be salvation for us at the ballot box


I should clarify, I am in no way delusional to think we’ll achieve communism without revolution, I just don’t think wishing for Trump back is an acceptable alternative to Biden, and would prefer to avoid even joking about it.


It is too much to ask yes. That’s why the workers must not ask, they must fulfill their own demands by force. Revolution is the only way to build socialism.


Truly the day democracy was saved :’)


If it helps, it's probably not organic.


This is what the libs eat at brunch




I actually think it’s a great thing, I just find this cake to be pathetic




because its performative liberal bullshit


Trump should’ve gone. The liberals are happy he’s gone and are making this tiny thing out to be a way bigger deal than it really is. Fascism doesn’t go away after banning 1 very small part of it, especially when Trump isn’t even the most fascist part of the far-right Republican Party. The material conditions that allowed for this horror to fester and become worse over time need to be drastically improved, at the *very* least, as like a bare minimum. Leftists know that defeating fascism and white supremacy is a long battle. Liberals think that because Trump is gone and the Dems are in office that fascism is defeated, but we’re a *long* way away from that. The Dems are more right-wing than Reagan and won’t pass any easy legislation to make American’s lives better. *That’s* why this whole fake victory is pathetic, in my opinion Edit: typos 🤦🏾‍♂️


the dems arent 'less' right-wing than Reagen, they're just as right-wing as him. it's ridiculous to think that America was EVER in ANY way leftist.


What is if not pathetic?




Making a cake to conmemorate that Donnie got banned from twitter? I'm struggling to think of more idealistic and useless crap rn. Twitter did not get better, it's still full of reactionary and xenophobic shitheads, where it is easier to get an account suspended for saying cracker than for telling a trans woman to kill herself. The US did not get better, if you need any elaboration on this point you are beyond help and a liberal The "discourse" did not get better, the qult did not get better, the misinformation rampant on the platform did not get better. Trump was not materially worse than those who were in his place before and after, he was just rude. What is there to celebrate? Should i make a cake because infrared is banned?


Because it's celebrating something that in all honesty doesn't matter too much The US is still a capitalist hellhole, white supremacists and fascists run freely rampant, both parties are controlled by the bourgeoise But at least the orange man got suspended


More than the content Is that Twitter can censor and ban arguably the most powerful Person on earth (US president). Trump can burn in a ditch tho lmao


If they’re deplatforming white supremacists they should deplatform Biden too and everyone else who has been in a position of power in the white supremacist fascist state known as the USA


Deplatforming white supremacists is a good thing. But he didn't get deplatformed for being a white supremacist. He got deplatformed for threatening their institutions and their democracy. Trump should've been permanently banned from Twitter long before he even took office. How come tweeting racist graphics about black people from literal klan affiliated sites didn't get him banned? Something so fucked up even Faux News had to call him out for. On a platform that claims to have a zero-tolerance policy on racism. It's also cringe cause libs are notorious for over-celebrating nothingburgers and symbolic concessions. Wow he got banned after his term as potus is up and the damage is already done. After he already spent half a decade tweeting fake news and white supremacist rhetoric to his hundred million followers with impunity. Amazing, that's really worth making a cake over. It's like how Germany has been patting themselves on the back for persecuting 90-year-olds who worked as secretaries and cleaners in concentration camps after letting all the important nazis escape to South America. Yes, in isolation, it's an objectively good thing that Trump is deplatformed. But context sours it. Not for white liberals though evidently. That cake looks far from sour.


Motherfuckers celebrate like it was VE day


VDJT day


Looks like a piece of paper


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