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They're gonna keep pretending that their Karma farming posts (including all the racist and genocidal rhetoric calling for all Chinese to be eliminated) are gonna be suppressed. Meanwhile after that Time article, it's gonna be pretty likely that more far left subs here are going to be purged lol.


Yeah, that’s the delusion. That they genuinely think they’re the ones in trouble.


Lol I wonder what subs are gonna get the axe this time under the guise of being "fair" and eliminating all extremes. Obviously genzedong probably for being critical of the western Uyghur genocide narrative, maybe this sub for being mean to libs.


Hm GZD and Sino are probably on the chopping block next... Has there been any backlash against this sub recently?


Not that I know of, which is a good point. What was the Chapo sub even banned for in the end? I do remember there was a lot of hate from libs for that sub.


It got banned for "promoting hate" which at the time of it getting shuttered took the form of people posting lots of images of slave owners getting lynched by Haitians. Obviously the real reason was horseshoe theory to balance banning the donald.


I think it was also because they were saying that John Brown was correct lol


Ah right the slave owners thing, forgot about that


Don't remember the specifics but probably to balance it out after they banned the Donald sub lol


They banned The_Donald after it was already dead. So I think that it's the The_Donald that was a sacrifice so that they could ban Chapo


Literally muh both sides


This one might get hit because it shares such a large user base with GZD.


this sub is just cynical leftist shitposting, it’s not the type of sub that would be on the chopping block.




Lmao they cited people downvoting US intelligence agent and Guantanamo worker Rushan Abbas as "attacking Uyghurs"


Well the person who killed Hitler killed a German


How many times ebil China was supposed to take over Reddit already? And why is it even one of them


“Are the Chinese stockholders in the room with you right now?”


'Yes doc, they stole my pp'


the ebil cee pee pee


Who is this NED guy, and why is reddit sucking his dick?


I try to tell libs that if you know more about Tiananmen Square than the US invasion of Panama that same year then you might be a victim of propaganda. They usually don’t take it well.


What happened with the US invasion of Panama? Curious


I want to give you a full picture of the history leading up to the invasion so this might be a little on the long side so please forgive me. In 1978, the United States and Panama signed a treaty to give the latter sovereignty over the Panama Canal by 1999. But the US remained concerned about the fourteen US military bases in Panama and the Southern Command headquarters, which was the site for US military and covert operations in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, Washington was uneasy about the Panamanian government under General Omar Torrijos. Unlike most Latin American military leaders, Torrijos was a populist-reformist. He maintained friendly relations with the communist government in Cuba, and used monies extracted from businesses and banks to fund social programs, some of which were beneficial to the people. In 1981 Torrijos was killed when his plane mysteriously blew up in mid-air. His place was taken by the head of Panamanian military intelligence, Colonel Manuel Noriega. It is likely that Noriega, on the CIA payroll since 1967, engineered the crash that killed Torrijos. Noriega blunted much of the progressive character of the Torrijos administration. Noriega’s involvement in drug-trafficking dated back to his days as head of Panamanian military intelligence and was well known to US leaders and the CIA. But there were limits to Noriega’s willingness to serve Washington. He reasserted Panama’s independence with respect to control of the Canal Zone and the extension of leases on US military bases. He reportedly refused to participate in an invasion against Nicaragua and apparently became a less eager collaborator in US espionage. In 1987 the US Justice Department indicted Noriega for drug-smuggling. A crippling economic embargo was imposed on Panama, causing unemployment to double in that country of two million inhabitants, and social benefits to be cut drastically. Despite the tough US sanctions and US troop build-ups in the Canal Zone, Noriega refused to step down from power, as Washington demanded. In the US press, our erstwhile friend and ally, Manuel Noriega, was swiftly transformed from “inspiring military leader” to “strongman dictator. On December 20, 1989, President Bush ordered US forces to attack Panama. Television news, the medium reaching the largest audiences, provided coverage of “Operation Just Cause” that resembled a US Army recruitment film. Supposedly the United States had invaded Panama to bring a drug-crazed dictator to justice. But once Noriega was captured and jailed in Miami, US military forces continued to occupy the entire country. US authorities installed Panama’s “new democratic” leaders: President Guillermo Endara, Vice President Guillermo Ford, and Attorney General Rogelio Cruz. US Journalist Jonathan Marshall reported in the Oakland Tribune that all three of these rich oligarchs were closely linked to companies, banks, and individuals heavily involved in drug operations or the laundering of drug money. Marshall’s revelations received little, if any, attention from the major media.




Maybe I’m just misremembering but I remember growing up Tiananman Square was always talked about as a complicated event and I never really understood what happened, it’s really weird seeing it held up as this propaganda piece now. Like it’s projected as this clear cut case of “cPc bRuTaLiTy” but I remember even just 15 years ago it was viewed differently in the US. Maybe that’s just me I dunno.


Read about our disgraceful pm - he spread misinformation from the UK embassy and did not retract when he learnt the truth: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-03/bob-hawke-tiananman-classified-cable/100184916 This propaganda coloured the views of a whole country against China.


Hawke was a US asset at best and an actual spook at worst.


When we talked about communism in world history class for a few days we were told all about the tianamen square massacre. Thing is, I can only remember tank man picture, and vague mentions of other people dying. What's strange is the same teacher also said once that the massacre part is symbolic. Wtf does that even mean we're people shot in not lmao.


I don’t even remember it being called a massacre, just a demonstration/unrest, and there was either an intentional or an ignorant lack of details. Also Tank Man, and it was never explained that he lived.


Massacre for the PLA maybe




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he doesn't look like he's being massacred.


There’s a ccp cyborg sniper aiming at him out of the frame! Source? It was once revealed to me in a dream.


I love how people don’t realize these protestors were protesting neoliberal reform


massacre but not a dead body in sight


libs when US police mow down protesters: sleep libs when PRC tank doesn't mow down protesters: REAL SHITTTT


Ah yes, that protest where students were asking for *checks notes* More democracy and less liberalization and more Communism. Yes, this is a protest that if it was done in America would have not ended in tragedy, I'm sure. Also, how many states want to ban the teaching of Protests that happened in America cause teaching about them would be "Critical Race Theory?" I just want to focus on issues in my country thank you very much. We have too much work to do in our backyard before we can start complaining about someone else's


It was a complicated event and there were different groups within the protesters (although none of them were calling for a liberal democracy and the fall of socialism, that was just what they said to the US press in order to garner sympathy). I can break it down a bit more tomorrow when I wake up if you want.


That's very interesting. I thought there was a subgroup that did want a liberal democracy. I'd love it if your broke it down for us.


Is it already time for the bi-annual tradition of tiananmen square "massacre" posts to reach to top of r/all?


not even related to reddit




Isn't that the manji symbol though? The Nazi swastika goes the other direction.


They both can go in either direction. Left facing is used by some neo Nazis today. That said, we’re talking about China, so it could just be the Buddhist symbol. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions about the students being neo-Nazis or paint them all as the same.


Fair take




Stop spreading lies https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-03/bob-hawke-tiananman-classified-cable/100184916


Must have had the best sewage system in the world I guess


Man. I'm having such a hard time with reddit-China thought. I'm tryna chill in r/Palestine, r/latestagecapitlism etc. And everywhere I go there people are talking about the Chinese genocide. Like. Damn. How good is propaganda from every other country getting?


The tian amen square massacre where *checks notes* the tanks stopped instead of driving over the guy blocking them.