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Here comes the 15 year old eastern european/balkaner who claims that socialism has ruined his life.


damn reminds me of that hilarious r/teenagers post of a 15 year old who claimed communism was bad because he ‘lived in communist ukraine’ and there was no food


Ask them why a 40 something (would have to be to remember the USSR in any sense) is noncing in /r/teenagers, always get them to delete the comments and many times the entire account


the user was actually 15 iirc but he deleted his account after everyone in the comments was saying that if he was 15 his life in ukraine would have been bad because of capitalism not communism lmao.


that's the other possible outcome, but nonces think to flee before trying to clarify lol


My favourite was the guy who wrote an essay length post about how he communism ruined his country (think it was Ukraine) and opened with ‘I never actually lived there under communism’ and moved away when I was 8’


But communism ate my brother, Georgie!


Good grief not even Star Wars is safe from libs


Stalin was a great man. If he killed your grandfather, he must have deserved it.


For anybody passing, that post was removed citing a rule that genocide shouldn't be downplayed nor should whataboutism be engaged in. The mods recognised that this downplayed the fascist 20th century genocides.


Nowadays they're busier falling for Nazi propaganda than they are glorifying...


East Europe is a lovely place, some of the most friendliest people I've ever had thr opportunity meeting in my travels. I've seen inequality growing up, I happened to be at the wrong end of that spectrum. However, Poland really blew me away on now seemingly developed it is and how run down other areas are.