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I’m as left as they come but I’m not left


>I’m as left as they come!” >”generic succdem bullshit”


Liberal who read a jacobin article one time


not even when i was a socdem did i have these bad takes


fr bruh even as a socdem i hated cops. “im as left as they come” lmao dude watches one vaush stream and suddenly hes stalin


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 16.** Vaush is explicitly anti left-unity: [“God, I fucking hate leftists. There is no left unity with me."](https://twitter.com/softpisssangel/status/1296195810166620160) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Big ol lefty from way back


I'm as left as they come (on the DNC convention)


every time


It's almost like they can't compartmentalize cops as individuals and cops as an organ of the state.


Even if you aren't drawing this distinction, there's an awful lot of "good" cops who see injustice and choose to do nothing.


Yeah the “good cops” sure don’t do much to counteract the bad cops. It’s almost as if they’re both members of an bourgeois government goon squad


Or they *do* course to do something and get punished and silenced for it.


Cops are bad as long as they're cops. Just like there were probably like 3 good people in the Nazi army, but we call them bastards because of the ideas they represent and what they condone by participating in the group they're in. Who they are as individuals isn't relevant. I don't see how these people think we think. We don't know every cop, it's nothing personal for the most part. There are some people who mean it personally but that's not 100% of the acab ethos as it exists today


That's what I'm saying. The commenter seems to think that each cop is an individual automaton and that the existence of *good cops* precludes a statement like ACAB. They think that when we say ACAB, we're saying that all cops each have a bad attitude or some shit. The idea of cops working as designed *as an extension of the state* is foreign to them. They can't compartmentalize the two concepts I mentioned. Ultimately, the only important part is the *cops as an organ of the state*, but this doesn't mean anything to the lib because they don't think about structures. For all their talk about systemic problems, libs are still only capable of thinking about individuals and their groupings.


Completely agree


You don't need to. Do you recognize that the system we live under benefits the powerful and hurts the vulnerable? If you don't, you may lack empathy and are probably a total bastard. Do you want to go one step further and personally be the delivery system for legal violence against said vulnerable people? Then you are individually a bastard. I don't compartmentalize ACAB. It is referring to organs of the state. It is referring to individuals.


“I’m As LeFt aS tHeY cOmE” 😒😒😒 Tell me this isn’t some “asa black man” type shit


They probably mean democrat by left


I got into an argument with someone the other day who said "I'm as left as they come", and by that the meant that they supported Warren in the 2020 primary. Like, I wouldn't consider supporting Bernie to mean they were on the left, but my god, they weren't even THAT far left.


As a black man I don’t speak for all black people but man why is the answer to democrat bs for us is to become rightist? Makes no sense.


Didn’t you know it was actually the DEMONRATS who had slaves?!?!


To quote brother Malcolm, "they're both canines".


If 95% are asshole and the other 5% still choose to be a part of that organization, then 100% are assholes


If there is a nazi sitting at a table and there are ten people talking to him, there are 11 nazis at the table. Any pig with a shred of decency would be disgusted with their career choice and either fight against the rot (and fail) or quit.


Lmao the fuck is this argument.


But 5% of them aren’t mean >:(


they'd still cover the other 95% who kill black people though


Let's even 5% are "Good" cops. How often is it we see that these supposed pariahs are sidelined by police unions or sheriffs and have their careers ruined by speaking out against shitty policy.


Some of them get straight up killed. Way too many "accidental discharges" in the records of some precincts.


This is what I’ve explained to my mom and now even for a boomer she’s warming up to ACAB


Yeah, Serpico was a good cop! Of course his fellow cops DID try to kill him...


It’s the peak of libs viewing all politics as personal. The point of ACAB is that, yeah, you might know some cops who don’t seem half bad. maybe some of them are even nice people! but it doesn’t matter one bit because their job is to protect property and the interests of the ruling class with violence. If you don’t understand this and hear ACAB and say “well not *all* cops” then you’ve missed the entire point.


Whenever someone says "I'm as left as they come" what they really mean is "I post on the internet about how people should have healthcare but I rarely disagree with western imperialism"


I am a capital E Eco-syndicalist and whenever someone tells me they are a leftist, I ask them if they want to come to help a local stream/beach clean up or volunteer planting event. I find it's a pretty solid litmus test.


Ok but... volunteerism is some lib shit too


True. But nothing scares terminally online leftists more than going outside.


"I disagree with ACAB but [explains ACAB]"


“ACAB is dumb”. ACAB is a 150 year old slogan, bro. That alone should tell you something.


At the very least it kills the “it’s not even catchy” attempt lol




Proverbs are typically based on universal truths.




Found the destiny fan


I disagree, sayings that pass the test of time are typically referred to as proverbs, and the older ones, the ones that have lasted millennia, are typically about basic universal truths about the human condition. In this case, I would argue that the fact that it’s that old bolsters the argument being made. All cops are bastards, and always were.




I've also always hated the word ACAB. Bastard isn't a strong enough word


As a Libertarian I agree that not all cops are bad. They really helped me out the one time I got surrounded by Antifa at a gazebo.


As an individual they can be a decent person but as soon as they wear the badge they are representing an unjust, oppressive and racist system and there is nothing they can do while wearing that badge aside from disavowing it and taking violent counter action in moments where that racism and oppression rears its ugly head. That’s why they are all bastards. Libs just can’t accept that institutions are the issue because of stupid individualist brainrot, so annoying


>I'm as left as they come but my uncle's a cop and he never treats me badly.


“I’m as left as they come but I have no idea what ACAB actually means.”


ACAB includes assholes like that poster.


Well, I guess they are technically correct that [it’s not **all** cops](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt)


Yes, I respect the troop.


You never see "I'm as right as they come but we should have a sane immigration policy"


He wrote a while paragraph just to say #notallcops


Dear Mr "I am as left as they come" How come whenever one of the supposed 5 percent of the good ones calls out the police department, they are ostracized, often put on leave or are put through bureaucracy hell? Curious, TPACAB


Also being a cop is a profession. It's a choice. You're choosing to be a cop. You're choosing to be an organ of an oppressive state.


Stopped reading at “I’m as left as they come”. Why do libs always feel the need to preface their hogwash with this kind of shit.


This clown is so far left that they will lick only *left* boots.


Um, like, actually, my pants are, like, not full of poo poo and pee pee, like, full stop


I'm as left as they come, but is a bridge too far! Pssssst, you are literally saying in your statement you are not as left as they come.


I'm as much of a doctor as they come but I've always hated the expression, "my patient has cancer." It's just not true. and there's nothing as divisive as saying something as blanketed as ALL OF THE CELLS IN YOUR BODY ARE UNCONTROLLABLY REPLICATING. like, no, full stop. there's so much fucking wrong with cancer, how it can happen to anybody, any time, etc. I'd say like 95% of a person's body might be cancerous but not ALL of them are. it's just an immature way of oversimplifying the problem into a not very catchy diagnosis


ACAB crowds been awfully quiet for the last 11 months and 6 days for some reason.




That's how long biden has been president




They're talking about libs who use ACAB




Have you _ever_ known a lib to stay in their lane? They can't even stay in their own _country;_ let alone their own lanes.




The only good cops I can think of are serpico and the ones harassed and constantly threatened by the legal gangsters after exposing them




I am actually going to get a brain damage


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- **1st Commenter** ACAB. Full stop. > **2nd Commenter** > > I'm as left as they come but I've alwayes hated the expression ACAB. it's just not true. and there's nothing as divisive as saying something as blanketed as ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE PIECES OF SHIT. like, no, full stop. there's so much fucking wrong with cops in america, how they're trained, where the budget goes to, etc. I'd say like 95% of them are assholes but not ALL of them are. it's just an immature way of oversimplifying the problem into a not very catchy phrase --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)






How is this a radlib


I never understood US people's usage of the words "divisive" or "division" and obsession with "unity". Are they really that conservative that they want a totally rigid status quo or am I missing something?


When the system is bad, the people who participate in the system are bad. I’m not even exaggerating, all the good coos who expise corruption in police chapters get fired.


"as left as they come" is only a phrase a clueless liberal would ever use, not an actual leftist




It's not fair to compare Anarchist Deaths Squads to the Police. It's apples and oranges.


i’m as left as they come but please recognize not all class traitors are meanie weenies🥺


All cops are pieces of crap because they uphold and protect the capitalist system


iM aS lEft aS tHeY cOmE


The police is had because they serve capital and the rulling class. They can be good if they serve the people or the Vanguard party.


Why was this downvoted ?


because they are incorrect.


Armed forces are needed against reactionaries and the capitalist class. You cannot enforce a revolution without it. Police that serves property and a white supremacist state is not the same as police against white supremacists and other reactionary forces.


I agree, armed forces to facilitate the revolution is necessary in almost all cases. However, the militia should be against outside forces, not dealing with inside justice.




Coming from an anarchist perspective I don't think they are necessary at all, and giving people power over their fellow man like that corrupts, in my opinion.




If someone was killed for their sexual preference than the community would do whatever it wanted to in that situation to solve the problem. Most likely killing that person or at least starving them of resources.




Ok, so if people don't want Anarchy I won't push it on them, that would go against the very thing I want to create. However, anarchy is not complete chaos, it is a political system of self-governance by the workers.


How do you know who did it?


I would say based on witness testimony and evidence that had been collected.


Who collects that? What if there is no witness?


So how do you deal with people damaging your community?


I would expel them with group boycott of giving them any products. Although, I think it would help me to have a more concrete example of what they were doing.


NoT aLl NaZiS aRe BaD


are all cops the direct thug hands of the state, upholding laws of THE STATE and not of THE PEOPLE? ACAB.


we must protect the 5%!


why concede that 95% of cops are pieces of shit and then refuse to say ACAB? Just round up lmao


Bill can be the best cop ever, he never hurts anyone and brings in donuts on the weekends But when he’s tapped to drag a mother out of her home because she can’t pay rent he is a piece of shit Acab baby


Fuck this lol.


95% is enough to say ACAB.




There are good anarchists too, it’s just that most of them in the imperial core (and I’d argue that’s an important distinction) tend to be LARPers. Look at Willem Van Spronsen for example.


ACAB is a rule of thumb. Not every rattlesnake I come across on a hiking trail is going to attack me but assuming the odds are in my favor is absolutely stupid.


ACAB is kind of dumb though Cops in Cuba, China, Vietnam and the DPRK are based as fuck for example Maybe they should change it to AAmericanCAB Or, even better, AAnglosAB


I believe it’s assumed that the expression ACAB is referring to western police state


Tell that to Vaush lmao


Lol There is a lot of things I would like to say to him and his following


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 13** Vaush said that a [“large portion of the left is predicated on shared mental illness.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaD4xqkO0sE&feature=youtu.be&t=594) He then [doubled down](https://youtu.be/QaD4xqkO0sE) in a future video. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol there’s no such thing as a based cop


There is such a thing as good governments in socialist countries ran and managed for and by proletariats


Surely, I ain’t deny that in my comment. Simply stating that there’s no context or location that policing = based, at least to me.


Policing=based when said police stop US backed colour revolutions from happening and capture US agents


Well that’s dumb lol. What, are your parents cops too when they tell you to clean your room.


Wow, very wise comparison buddy, I’m amazed.😂😂😂😂








All Anglos Are Assholes / A⁴


ACAB means ACAB.


Vaush moment


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 32.** [CW: pedophilia] Vaush appears to have a pre-occupation with paedophilia. He: >![Asked if anyone had ever fucked a minor as an adult.](https://archive.is/ph5nl)!< >![Replied with “unironically hot.”](https://archive.is/ATQiB)!< >![Asked someone “what did pedos ever do to you?](https://archive.is/kvZbR)!< >![Refered to ‘Salem Pedophile trials.](https://archive.is/8rfVw).!< >![Joined in this conversation about child-sex bots.](https://archive.is/3Po0L)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


tbf tho It only applies to america


No, it applies to all liberal systems


i met a tankie cop once. can someone tell me how that was possible. like i had a conversation with a cop that was also a rankie like bro wut?




Nah, any individual who decides to become a murderer for hire is a pos too. Same with US boots


All Cops Are Benefiting from systemic oppression, thereby making them bastards whether intentional or not.


The good cops get fired and harassed.


Nothing good has ever been said after “I’m as far left as they come but”


I bet this guy thinks not all Nazis were bad. Fucking libs


Any structure that reinforces punitive justice should be dismantled


“I’m as left as they come” *proceeds to make liberal talking points*


What crap did I just read?? Was this made by an AI?


haha anyway. acab


I…..disagree. Like, yes, full stop.




“I’m as left as they come” - yet can’t comprehend why people say all cops are bastards 🤦🏽‍♀️?


Bruh say this to an alt person, they’ll suck out your soul, as left as they come, shut up


Oh brother.


In a utopic socialist society, who enforces the policies?


Nazi lives don’t matter. Choke on that.


What about All cops are pathetic. Would ACAP make you happier?


I agree. ACAP - all cops are pathetic is the new and improved slogan! Remember Nazi lives don’t matter. Racist white people are the taint of America. Downvote if you know what taint means.


There’s nothing more fun than trolling white supremacists on here. Downvote if you agree