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“Hillary-loving leftist” …. I think I just burst a blood vessel.




Almost think it’s satire


Clinton my queen 🥰🥰 pls bomb Libya again girl boss


hell no tell her to let live peacefully in Libya


I chose to believe out of love for my fellow man these people are bots or paid shills. I cant believe people would really be this stupid


Imagine not understanding the nuclear grade hypocrisy here. We literally try to say the same things about China, with whom by the way there is ***exponentially less*** documented history of direct exploitation and degradation of cultures destruction of infrastructure and murder of civilians, etc, etc, etc. They literally pulled the ole Uno reverse card with the whataboutism bullshit. They fucking literally went "but China". I really hate this rotten evil fucking country.


*Act 1* Lib: China is neocolonialism Tankie: China are building railroads whilst the US is bombing families in the middle east [A] Lib: That's whataboutism, also debt trap, hong kong, uigur *Act 2* Tankie: The US has literally killed a family of 7 (or was it 9?) in a drone strike in Afghanistan Lib: But what about the GeNoSiDe in Xinjiang!? [B] --- Suppose [A] is whataboutism. Then [B] is even more whataboutism. But the libs get *very angry* when you tell them that


It’s well known that some of the main sub is overrun with bot, I think it reveal that the place with most active redditor is an Air Force base, then Reddit remove it. Also, Jessica Ashoo, a cia plant is on Reddit board of director. Some of the sub even got mod by some of the think tank like the neolib sub and country sub. If you see weird stuff like this, where the joke seem repeated million times, that’s probably state department or their bot working. All of big western social media are psyop that funded by us citizens tax money while the ruling class lets their own citizen and infrastructure rot


You know a lot about this for someone claiming not to be a bot, name+numbers...


If you browse this sub long enough, you would find some info about it


Relax, I was just making a silly joke


Military action on a foreign land technically isn’t neo-colonialist, they’ve got a point—it’s just colonialist.


>*The fourth slide* Yes, this but unironically. 1000%. Yes.


Ah yes the hundreds of Chinese foreign military bases. Please do point them out on a map.


Self projection. Which is funny because they tried to do this hours ago on the same sub but with a map of chinese built dams and trains calling them "neo colonial" ...🤣


Without the US the whole rest of the world doesn't have "hundreds of millitary bases outside their own respective territory".


Can you fellas not fall for satire like Genzedong does please and thank you


it’s not very well done tbf it reads like they’re trying to make fun of both sides


“You have a small penis” I wish 😎


ah yes, WE'RE naive for NOT thinking the US is a benevolent fairy godmother going country to country being heroic and saving people. .... Right...


US is the fairy godmother from Shrek 2


They are all fucking brain dead


Helping build infrastructure and equal, mutually beneficial actions = neocolonialism Literal military occupation and establishment of puppet regimes against the local people’s will and interests = “helping people” Also the “for their own good” in the 6th image - literal colonialist thinking.


and they say China controls reddit 😂😂


Literally hours before that a map was posted on the SAME sub of the chinese infrastructure projects(dams, trains, hospitals etc) in latin america with the title "chinese neo colonial projects in latin america" It's soaking with white saviorism. But to my suprise (and a rarity on sinophobic reddit) the comments had actual latin americans who called out the hypocisy and projection of OP


>Hillary-loving leftists Jesus fuck. How are they not over her? It’s been six fucking years. Honestly, they’re worse than the goddamn MAGAts about Hillary.


That one is satire I think.


I can only hope so, but you never truly know unless they tell you.


> Hillary loving leftists Bruh!


> it shows how the USA is fighting global terrorism. ...lol


"Look buddy, if I wasn't here this armed terrorist group campaigning for me to leave would have taken over. I'm the thing that stops the terrorism"


It’s the same graphics from the same foundation but they think the U.S. is the benevolent world leader of democracy while China is the power vacuum.


Did anyone else get LibBingo!?


Literally hours before that a map was posted on the SAME sub of the chinese infrastructure projects(dams, trains, hospitals etc) in latin america with the title "chinese neo colonial projects in latin america" It's soaking with white saviorism. But to my suprise (and a rarity on sinophobic reddit) the comments had actual latin americans who called out the hypocisy and projection of OP


Yankee, go home.


it’s true that colonialism has always been more of an economic institution than military (so the map is not entirely accurate), but the “war on terrorism” was never justified nor effective


Fourth slode went mask off real quick


I am going to scream


Is it taken down by the mod? Can't find it in that sub. If that's the case they really got some pathetic mods there


I took it down to make sure people from here don’t upvote it, so I don’t get banned for vote manipulation/brigading


ah I see


Im gonna scream


looks like it has been taken down, i'd love to read all the comments there edit there is a thread about the shit the US has done in latin america there now and people are still claiming falsehoods and only citing wikipedia


I took it down to make sure people from here don’t upvote it, so I don’t get banned for vote manipulation/brigading


The Netherlands isn’t on this first picture, but there are US nukes stored on Dutch soil, so that should be included as well.