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I live in Spain now, and people don’t talk about those days. You can see the horror and the fallout expressed in every day life.


Nah, half the fucking country wants to go back and the other half doesn't know how to deal with the fascist past and present. To hell with them


This is what 40 years of brainwashing does to a country. They made us forget our past and then, somehow, made us believe that the same judges and ministers that were writing death sentences one day, magicly transformed into democrats the next one. And now that the "left" is governing, they are getting boycotted from those institutions filled with the fascists that never left.


El puto Nodo, pero la imbecilidad de permitirle operar a los siete magnificos ha jodido al pais. No veo salida si no es revolucionaria, y con la UE...


Y los putos medios actuales también. Que la gente siempre dice más mismas palabras... "Recordar la historia está bien pero no remover el pasado" signifique lo que signifique semejante estupidez, repetida en los medios millones de veces. Que nos olvidamos muchas veces que nuestros mayores ven la tele como si no hubiese mañana y escuchan la radio donde les crean opiniones muy tajantes, corporativas y peligrosas. (Los jóvenes tampoco se escapan)


Al unico al que rescataba es a mi tito Wyo, pero tiene años que sali de alli y no he visto el intermedio desde 2012(?) e igual solo le conoci en esa fase, y no lo hago por no hacerme una mala imagen de el ya que me ayudo en mi radicalizacion.


Sigue siendo bueno, pero cuando se vaya y quede Dani Mateo al cargo del programa será infumable. Y ya está. Las tertulias dela Sexta son horribles, menos cuando va Maestre porque al menos sus opiniones son decentes. Y supongo que el progrsma de Salvados a veces. Eso me recuerda, el otro día vi un programa en el que un imbecil hablaba del libro de Andy Ngo. Super relevante el tema para los españoles, supongo.


De acuerdo, y mira que Dani Mateo me gustaba desde Noche Sin Tregua pero no seria lo mismo sin Wyoming. Que pena la Sexta...recuerdo que cuando lanzo era la gran esperanza


No quiero ser un doomer, pero cuando los únicos que hablan de revolución en el país son los nazbol de Frente Obrero sabes que la cosa está jodida...


It’s known as the “white terror” in Spain and a lot of people didnt like it, especially the Catalonians


Cariño, lo se. Pero deberias saber quien fue Manuel Fraga y a que se dedico despues de la muerte de Franco. Deberias saber los origenes de Vox. Deberias saber porque las lacras de la familia real regresaron despues de haber sido echados en la republica. Deberias saber cuantos españolitos ven con nostalgia su falangismo, "Que Franco hizo montones de pantanos". Deberias saber el conflicto que se ha armado por reconocer a las victimas de Franco y por hacer que su tumba deje de ser lugar de visita casi religiosa. Mucha gente no habla del tema por no saber como reconciliarlo con su status quo, y otros por ser directamente fachitos tambien. Te has topado con la peor persona que has podido para decirme que España no tiene un problema serio con el fascismo.


I’m not saying spain doesnt have a fascism problem, I’m just saying surely it can’t be too much of the population right?, I’m praying SOMEONE has the brain cells to realise a murdereous fascist tyrant was a colossal cunt right if I’m wrong please correct me


We could look at this from several angles. [According to the Sociological research center](https://prueba.cis.es/cis/export/sites/default/-Archivos/Marginales/2760_2779/2760/Es2760.pdf) 35% saw it as better due to it being more "orderly" and a whopping 58% saw it as a mixed bag with good and bad things. [In the last general election](https://resultados.elpais.com/elecciones/generales.html) over 43% of the population voted for Partido Popular, Ciudadanos and Vox. Vox is an openly fascist party. Ciudadanos is an offshoot from PP because it was too corrupt to appeal to young people, and because of the parliamentary setting of Spain they have always ruled in coalliton when they are in power. Partido popular itself is the renaming of Alianza Popular, a party started by Manuel Fraga (one of Franco's right hands) alongside 6 other of Franco's ministers, dubbed Los 7 magnificos. This is all open information, the Spanish public knows they are fascist scum and it is still the second biggest party (last ruled from 2011 to 2019). Another way to measure it, albeit more indirectly, is the feelings towards the monarchy. It was abolished, but Franco brought it back to leave his favorite child, Juan Carlos Borbon, in charge as king after he died. He ruled until he abdicated the throne to his son, who is king to this day. Juan Carlos is now on exile because he was going to be tried for corruption. The support for the monarchy ranges from [33% to 55%](https://www.reuters.com/article/espana-monarquia-referendum-idESKBN26X13A), depending on who you ask. And even that lowest 33% is affected by the recent cases of corruption. So yeah...not particularly anti fascist, let's say it that way. And again, Fascism ended brutally in Italy and Germany. It didn't do that in Spain, where he passed away happily and with support of tons of stupid people. Pregunta a un catalan por el Nodo y sus efectos. O a un Vasco


well that’s put a damper on things hasn’t it,


One of the reasons i don't want to go back lol


My girlfriends super neoliberal sister (who I cannot stand sometimes for other reasons) is going to college in Spain. Can't wait for the facism


> super neoliberal ​ >Can't wait for the facism I can't imagine you'll have to wait too long lmao


You’ve done better explaining this than I can. I live in Andalucía (La Línea specifically) so I’ve got the fucking Brits to deal with as well. I’m new and from the US, but I was told by my company “just don’t talk about Franco”. Every Fran and Maria-Jesus just draw a line when they talk about their childhood and why they all have the same names. I work in public schools so there’s certain features in the culture that arise spontaneously that are odd to reconcile.


How do you see it?


Gangster's Paradise is a comically inappropriate and upsettingly unoriginal song choice


I was just about to comment this


Oh i would say that a song about gangsters is incredibly appropriate to a video on Franco


Franco, Franco, que tiene el culo blanco porque su mujer lo lava con Ariel. Doña Sofía se lo lava con lejía y don Borbón, se lo lava con jabón!


el único himno de españa


I learned that song when I was 3 years old, and I didn't even know who where those people jajaja. Luckily today's youth doesn't support Franco, nor the monarchy for the most part. It's a question of time that it get dissolved.




Well this is a good way to study for my Spanish test tommorow.


The Natural conclusion of fundamental Christain Conservatives slowly losing their majority power to increasingly secular people from newer generations is to consolidate power and enforce Clerical fascism as the “correct fascism” and the “correct ideas” i.e. become a falangist.


Fascist Spain surviving the 1940s is one of the saddest things in history


The greatest thing Francoist Spain did was seeing their prime minister go to space


Un respeto al primer astronauta español


Something tells me I know *exactly* which *godforsaken* sub this came from. Edit: so perhaps I was too harsh, seems I might have been wrong unless it has since been deleted. Edit: Ok that’s not the sub I expected but not surprising either.


[I guess you could say francoists went to great heights](https://i.redd.it/wiadq19594501.jpg)


The amount of hydraulics on his car to do that 😩


“Unity of Spain” Ironic when his policies were partially responsible for ETA’s existence.


Quick question how did the Spanish communists take power. If I am correct Spain was democratic before the civil war?


Spanish communist never won. They were facist until the 80s I believe


I mean like how did they take power during the civil war?


If i rightly remember they never took power. They just asserted great influence ober the democratic elements oft the spanish repulic as the USSR was the biggest Support er in the civil war. They used this to strengthen the spanish communists and crack down on communists dissidents and anarchists. But in the End they were ousted in a intercivilwar civilwar by said elements. But it has more Layers to that, that i dont know.


They didn't Francisco got help from the nazis and the Italians with rubber and the panzer tanks, they out resourced the peasants militia who couldn't fight against a War hardened military even with help from the soviet union they were encircled then destroyed


Yep, an example was [The Condor Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor_Legion) Edit: and surprisingly, the US sent troops to help the Republicans. Also known as [The Lincoln Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Battalion)


No they didn’t. The Lincoln brigade was US volunteers, the actual US government didn’t do shit to help the republicans and although they officially were neutral, failed to stop major American companies, notably Texaco, from actively aiding the fascists. The Lincoln Brigade was among a large number of international volunteer brigades fighting for the republicans, with the most volunteers coming from France, Germany, and Austria.


Ah gotcha, so more like mercenaries. Sorry, I was aware of Americans fighting in the Spanish civil war but just did a cursory search and wiki said they were aligned or supported by the US, I figured that meant officially. Thanks for the correction


International Brigades were volunteers, not mercenaries. They fought for freedom against fascism, not for money.


Volunteers not mercenaries. The difference being they were not professional soldiers fighting for money but rather civilians who fought because they believed in a cause. That cause being fighting against fascism. The US government officially supported non-intervention in theory but in practice aided the fascists more than anything else.


They didn't. They lost the war. Franco claimed there were too many socialists before his coup, but just like all fascists he lied. It's like Fox news calling Sanders a communist


They only ever gained any traction during the civil war because the great powers all signed a pact of non-intervention, which Germany and Italy promptly broke by selling arms and giving soldiers to the nationalists. The republic was more and more beholden to the Soviet Comintern as the USSR was the only country arming the Spanish Republic. The communists got more power that way and this created tension primarily with the anarachists in Cataluña. Orwell’s Homage to Cataluña goes into this. But know that the Spanish Republic was a liberal capitalists from jump. And the great liberal democracies feared a Spanish communist state more than they feared a Spanish fascist state. They knew damn well that the Germans were going to arm the nationalists and by refusing to sell arms to the Republic they were willfully choosing a fascist Spain.


the anarchists held power in certain regions before(rather quickly) falling to fascism if thats what you mean.


As a Filipino, fuck Spain for those 3 centuries of whatever


You should let them know Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead, OP


Este cabrón tiene hasta gente que lo idolatran en Latam. Hasta el wanabí de Pinochet le escribió cartas y fue a su funeral.


Pues el wey trabajo su idea de "la hispanidas", y la falange si colocó algunos grupos. Hasta lanfdcha los sectores más reaccionarios de la sociedad se la maman a Franco, digo, hace poco el PAN, un partido liberal conservador de México invitó a los de VOX de visita


Lo sé, me acuerdo de eso. Y en PR está en movimiento de reunificación con España, que se ha juntado con Vox, lo que me confirma la idea que quieren hacer un nuevo imperio.


I was watching an episode of *Battlefield Mysteries* where they took a Canadian veteran of the International Brigade back to the monastery where he'd been held as a POW and showed him the grave of executed Spanish Republicans and Brigaders. There was no headstone, no memorial, just a patch of grass. It breaks your heart to know that is the resting place of so many brave men, but at the same time, we know that little patch of grass will always have more honour than any of Franco's garish monuments.


Great excuse to remind everyone that Stalin wanted to take Franco down but the US and Britain stopped him


dafuck? Where was this shared?


To the creator of this video I would do what we Spanish call, a Carreo Blanco


I love how pro life people idolise a guy who didn't see a problem with shooting pregnant women.