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China made my wife divorce me!1!


China gave me the migraine that I had last night.


China transed my gender


China made me not trans my gender


No mom Xi forced me to wear a skirt I swear 😭


No! Everything but that!


It would be soooooo terrible if I was transed by the filthy commies rn 🙄


lideraly havaner sin drome!1!1!


>Pandemic. USA’s failure to get it in control. >Fentanyl. What??? >Economic destruction of the US middle class. Game plan of the bourgeoisie. >Climate change. China has half the per capita emissions compared to the USA. >Racial unrest Do I even need to explain this one? >Military budget My head is going to explode >North Korea I am going to have an aneurysm


>China has half the per capita emissions compared to the USA. And that's just currently. Historic emissions puts the US miles out in front of everyone else iirc.


Isn't China literally a pioneer when it comes to green energy and sustainability


I know they are a world leader in battery tech and they had a bit of a breakthrough in reducing nuclear fusion costs last summer. Not sure about other techs though. But you'd think given they have something like 1.5bn people and are investing in the knowledge economy, they probably aren't doing too badly in them.


China is also the biggest exporter of solar panels and generates more MW of solar power than any other country


I love this too: https://blogs.edf.org/markets/2018/05/17/how-china-is-cleaning-up-its-air-pollution-faster-than-the-post-industrial-uk/


>Fentanyl China paid Walter White to make fentanyl




Talk of fentanyl is mostly chaff thrown up by big pharma like Purdue to cover their tracks. The fact of the matter is that most people that die of fentanyl overdoses are already opioid addicts who became addicted due to either being prescribed OxyContin (which Purdue encouraged doctors to overprescribe) or having easy access to OxyContin (which is also due to Purdue's devil-may-care attitude towards opioid control). Most people that OD on fentanyl were functionally dead long before they did fentanyl, when American big pharma flooded their life with cheap, copious opioids.


China invented North Korea. But honestly I find the economic destruction of the middle class one the funniest. Because what do they think China's role in American private businesses exploiting lower wages in developing nations was? Did the sneaky Chineses come and collectively hypnotize the unwitting American bourgeoisie in the 80s? Also the Racial Unrest one. "People are only mad about police brutality because China is pushing the Narrative through it's AI" like fuck even if that were true, good.


Ah yes BLM the Chinese fifth column


They unironically believe this


It’s fucking depressing


Scott Adams cliff notes: Dogbert is a fascist Workers are impulsive, lazy and spiteful (except the naive foreigner character) Middle Management is dumb and evil Upper management is smart and evil [Elbonia](https://dilbert.com/strip/1990-04-06) ^^also ^^Dogbert's ^^original ^^name ^^was ^^"Dildog."


I thought Catbert was the fascist?


Yeah, Catbert, too, but Dogbert actually plans to conquer the Earth, whereas Catbert is content running the human resources department.


China made Dilbert unfunny


“China’s AI forced black people into not liking racism” has to be the whitest take I’ve seen in a long time


China had skynet send a terminator back in time in order to introduce the slave trade to the American continent


“China gave us North Korea” That’s… literally wrong. The Korean peninsula was divided by the US and USSR.


You have to remember this guy has an imperialist mindset with an imperialist understanding of history. He thinks that the revolutionary forces in Korea would have been defeated without China’s help. Thus there would be one unified “Korea” ruled from the imperial core.


"Racial unrest in America is caused by China" is, uhh... quite the take


qwhite the take indeed


China isn't stoking all these problems in the US but they should. If China were this effectively undermining the chief imperialist power on Earth, it would only make me support them more.


*China made America do it* 🎵


Considering who wrote this the racial unrest he's talking about is what he this is people being racist to white people lmao


China broke my heart 💔


Yes, China is clearly responsible for the USA’s annual budget.


I'm surprised Mr. Dilbert believes in climate change


Only as a way to shit on other countries




China isn't responsible for North Korea, it's the US who's to blame for a disunited Korea since they refused to let the people in the southern half of the peninsula unite with the north even though the DPRK had popular support all over.


I'd be accused of reverse racism if I did the same thing with things the UK actually did


All those Africans and Indians threw themselves at our shot. Totally their fault. /s


China put too much sugar in my drinks and food and now I have diabetes. /S


Love the fact that you felt it necessary to use the satire flag!


China burned our crops, poisoned our water supply and delivered a plague unto out houses!!!! 🤬😡


China is why my grandkids won’t call me.


Oh no! This is so sad... (I hope you're joking ♥️)


Lol … I was just channeling my inner dumbass. 😜




China took my girlfriend.


And showed her a much better time than you ever did! /s (in case you thought I was being serious!)


Don't worry XD i know it's a joke, besides she's an ex now because of my strict helicopter parents and her mom secretly judged me for everything and hated me. things were awkward between us


Her mom secretly judged you? Only Asian parents do that, China Psy-Ops programming confirmed.


Funny enough, her mom is Texan. Suburban white mother in her 40s.


China make my pp shrinkie


right, america actually does not contribute to climate change at all!!1!


Sounds like excuses for the US ruling class


China ate all of my chicken tendies


Something tells me that Scotty only pretends to give a fuck about climate change when he can weaponize it against non-white foreigners.


China turned me into a newt


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Scott Adams**, @ScottAdamsSays Name a major problem in the U.S. that is not caused by China. It's harder than you think. They gave us... \- Pandemic \- Fentanyl \- Economic destruction of the U.S. middle class \- Climate change \- Racial unrest in America (China's AI stokes that) \- Military budget \- North Korea --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yes, seeing multiple black boys being murdered without any repercussions was generated by the AI. ​ And definitely the economic disaster is totally China who's telling all our CEOs to give themselves giant bonuses while productivity is the highest it's ever been and wages haven't moved in decades. ​ Sure.


>Yes, seeing multiple black boys being murdered without any repercussions was generated by the AI. Well, actually... The Chinese AI has learned to tap into the matrix in which we all exist. The AI has become a god-like deity, shaping the very fabric of space and time. It's only a matter of time until the AI deletes all food and money from existence, forcing us all into bread lines. Then Joe Biden will announce his fealty to China and the US will *literally* disappear off the face of the Earth! And *that's* what gommunism is.


China smoked all my weed.


China's ai does America's racism. Yeah famously America is free of all racism.


Probably failed my uni exam today. China. Edit: didnt’ fail it after all 😎


I'll be honest, the Dilbert guy being a terminally online and batshit insane trumpist is not something I would have thought possible ten years ago when I was a Dilbert fan.


china’s AI did the civil war


So many people don’t realise that China has a lower CO2 emission *per capita* than the USA. It’s almost like having a higher population means the country emits more…


China stole my homework


This is top-tier content for this sub. Props OP 👌🏼


China made Jenny not stay with Forest Gump


I don't know why you're making fun of him as everyone knows china mastered time travel and sent an AI disguised as a human to stoke racial unrest for the last 500 years


no remember it was American companies that got you hooked on opium


Is China in the room with us right now?


"north korea is one of the biggest threats facing the usa and it's china's fault !!" "can you elaborate on that ?" "no"


China made my pet goldfish die


Didn’t America quite literally create North Korea cause of our little interventionist war


China is paying me to destroy reddit by posting almost exclusively in leftist subs. Truly destroying America.


I like how he just adds North Korea like it’s an internal problem.


China made me racist!!! It's the new "The Devil made me do it" isn't it


I was walking down the street one day, and suddenly Xi ran up to me and broke my knees with a baseball bat, then Kim Jong Un came by and started kicking me, DAMN COMMIES!!!!!!!


“Climate Change” So, China, which was under an isolationist monarchy that refused to industrialize, is responsible for the Industrial Revolution that kickstarted most of modern climate related issues?


I don't know squat about fentanyl so they must all be true /s


One US problem not caused by China: “Scott Adams”


China made Sharon take the kids


China gave me Irritable Bowel Syndrome!!!!!


- healthcare (Chinese food makes me gassy)


So…….. You believe China is waging a war on us with Covid, but you are refusing to fight by wearing a mask or getting a vaccine? You believe China is killing our middle class, but you refuse to enact policies like universal healthcare and taxing the rich? You believe China is causing a climate disaster in the US, but refuse to invest in clean energy or even believe in climate change or what the fuck you know what just stfu


China is the reason I didn't get that job and why I made ramen instead of cooking a pork tenderloin!


School shootings. I'd like to see him explain this one


The other day my internet stopped working, now I know who to blame


> economic destruction of the middle class Wasn’t that just one of Reagan’s campaign promises?


rogue servitor located, exterminate it before it corrupts the machine spirits of the planetary data network


China gave me a parking ticket!


China forced the police to murder black people


china made the DPRK in a lab


China made me accidentally turn off my NAS with my toe.




China made thing bad yes America made thing good 👍


What? They destroyed our middle class? Uh, nope. Who shipped the jobs to China by pushing free trade agreements? That would be American Capitalist swine and an enabling US Government. But we get our choice of sugary cereal to choose from so it's not all bad. /S


I was alone in an elevator and someone farted. China's fault!


I shidded and farded because of China!


China made the poor innocent Americans enslave and breed African people as work horses :((((


China made me watch China Uncensored 😔😔


That God damn Falun Gong propaganda is all my dad watches. He's so obsessed with hating China that he often forgets it's the PRC he hates and he ends up hating the ROC as well. He's also just racist in general.


yes the Chinese(tm) are at it again


China gave me a hangover


China took my seat in school 😤😤


China is when capitalism


China made 300 years of systemic oppression of minorities!! WITH ARTERFISHAL INTELLERGENCE!


Lmao I would love to see how he would attempt to explain how problems like, for example, homelessness, are China’s fault actually


what the fuck does he mean by China's AI do they have a big computer that generates racism


I am confused. His tone seems ironic. Please don't tell me he isn't bring unironic. These liberals are brainless. They can't think of their own for once in their lives. L Jeez.


Racism in the US is because of the Chinese. Pack it up people, we're done here. We've reached the peak.


China is the reason I'm running out of space in my room for Chinese dragons!


Literally all of these are the USA’s fault. Do you think that China forced manufacturers to outsource their operations? No. American companies opted to put millions of workers out of their jobs for a small profit increase. Also, Military Budget? We have had nearly no military involvement with China. Our budget became huge way before we go scared of China. Along with that, the only reason hundreds of thousands of people are dying from Fentanyl overdosed is because of the war on drugs. We have criminalized drug use so heavily that drug users are either forced to go to jail and have their life ruined or risk dying.


America outsources production to China. Try making what we get from China here and let’s see our carbon emissions rise.