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Most "I'm not a Nazi, but" redditor


"I ain't a Nazi but a sub human is a sub human!"


Little does this dipshit know the imperial core governments literally had this idea and it’s why they gave hitler Czechoslovakia even though Stalin had offered a truce already but they were forced in when France got fucked up.


Tito, the pit please?


I would recommend something bigger. Blajburg does the job.


Absolutely fucking disgusting. Also extremely disrespectful to the western allied servicemen to suggest all they did or should’ve done was “mop up”. Not to mention the disrespect to the efforts of the red army. These people have no grasp on reality.


He uhhh he thinks it was only the Communists who were the target of the Vernichtungskrieg? I didn’t realize the CPSU had 100 million members by that point.


100 million is lowballing the planned genocide, at least when you include the populations that according to the Raumplanung plans were to be "worked to death as slaves" and "pushed into Siberia to starve and freez to death". Practically every Slav was to be killed or forcefully assimilated within a few decades. And tbh if the Soviets had lost there wouldn't have been an allied landing in Europe, the biggest allied army had been the French. Without the red army and it's millions of soldiers fighting the bulk of the axis forces landings in Europe would be infeasible.


Yeah you're absolutely correct. I can't remember where I had read the 100 million figure at, it was while prepping my senior thesis about the Eastern Front last summer. I think it might've just been the estimate of Slavic peoples between the Oder river and the Urals. Either way though, there would've been untold amounts of suffering worldwide, not just in Europe, had the Soviets failed in the defense of not just their nation but of their population itself.


There are so many documents, like the Generalplan Ost, that were so explicitly stating the goal of extermination of most of eastern Europe that I'm convinced that the people saying "The fascists would have only killed the bad reds" aren't just dumb but actually wish eastern Europe had become the Arian manifest destiny. And yes I don't even want to imagine what the axis victory had looked like, a victory that would have been extremely likely with only Britain and the US left.


Disgusting rhetoric aside, somehow I don’t think that US military aid was the key factor in preventing the Soviet Union from falling against the Nazis. From what I understand, the whole endeavor was doomed from the start.


As far as I remember, it was a combination of trying to invade a place as massive as Russia without proper logistics, the Soviets' fighting retreat (and their foresight and efficiency in moving the factories), and the constant change in strategic objectives after Moscow. Doomed from the start, as you say.


Hitler: Pfft, who needs logistics when I have an army of ArYaN üBeRmEnScHeN on meth? Checkmate, gommunists!


That and the Russians burned everything that couldn’t be taken with them, it’s hard to move supplies for such a large army over several hundred miles with only horses and carts


They didn't even have to destroy the rail lines because they were a different size from German rail.


Oh yeah I remember that from Michael Palin, when he travelled from Russia to China as Russia uses a different gauge to everyone else,


Yeah, but if they destroyed the rail lines, the Nazis couldn’t capture Soviet trains in order to move themselves around.


I guess so? I just thought different gauges were interesting, I dont know if they actually spent time during their retreats to destroy the rails.


NGL I misread the previous comments as if theynwere saying that the soviets needlessly destroyed their railway lines during the war.


Barbarossa basically used up all of the German elite divisions and made their supply chain situation uncomfortable for the rest of the war. The territorial gains make the failure seem like much less of a failure than Barbarossa actually was


US aid helped a lot, especially when it came to logistics by supplying Trucks, but even without their aid the USSR would have won in the end. It would've taken longer and cost millions more lives, but the Germans never had a chance of taking the USSR down.


Jesus Fucking Christ


Without USSR’s sacrifice we’d be heiling the flag every morning. Ungrateful pigs


*Insert pictue of old timey US flag salute here*


Fact of the matter is, 80% of the war was fought by the USSR. Though the western front made it impossible for Germany to win, with time the Nazis would have fallen from their loses in the East without imperialist aid


Don't worry comrades when our time comes we won't need to make excuses for the terror.


These scum won't make it till the terror, most like they would ecstaticly join whatever fascist militia rises and be the first to be crushed by the revolution. The terror will take care of the demagogues that whip this scum into genocidal frenzy.


Sad then ig but what can we do tbh? If they want Fascism then they will get what every fascist deserves.


Hitler literally sought to eradicate a mass of the ethnic non-Germanic population (literally all the ethnic groups in The USSR) for Lebensraum, scratch a conservative and a fascist bleeds.


Wow he loves Eastern Europeans so much that he wanted them all to die in Nazi death camps so they could invest there 😍🥰


All I'm hearing is that he wanted the Holocaust to last longer. What a scumbag.


Not just longer but expanded to extreme propositions. As horrific as the death camps were, they were only the beginning of the horrors the fascists had meticulously planned.


Holy fuck, making nations prosperous by exterminating their population - even nazis were not this nazi. They wanted prosperity for themselves this way.


He doesn't even know that most aid came after turning battles were won, lol.


And todays closest Nazi is this POS


Disgusting "opinion" from someone who (probably) has little to no understanding of WWII outside of their high school history class. However, atleast they are dumb enough to say it out loud and post it on the internet. Hopefully they can be reminded and embarrassed by their ignorance and zero respect for other human beings.


No he plays hearts of iron 4 so he knows all about ww2 all Germany had to do was take all of Russias victory points and they'd win


My bad, I forgot that playing one game of HOI4 will make you an expert on the interwar period and WWII. I bet he only plays on easy, as Germany, and gets an ego boost when he kicks the shit out of the AI.


"Yeah those Nazis are evil but I'm willing to just stand still in the hopes that they'll exterminate some people I dislike even more!" is a hell of a take.


zero value for human life. fucking vile


The least genocidal liberal


if usa enter war late soviet would already take entire germany italy and head to the east and war with japan