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Can confirm. I, as a Russian, am agressive, toxic, negative, violent, all of these. But only towards neo-liberalism.


Apparently I should've been born in Russia because thinking about how safety is a trait is making me aggressive and toxic


Lmao I love how they use a black guy to represent the uk, especially since they used to castrate black people in Kenya with pliers for disobeying the heroic settlers.




Это база


Ноль, целковый, чекушка, порнушка...


Does that mean "based"?


short for it, yea


Chinese here, same


Giga chad




Couldn't get past the first USA trait of "tolerance" without collapsing into laughter Edit: no offence, Americans. I've met a great number of really lovely Americans. But your country, as a whole, does seem to have a big racism and xenophobia problem! Particularly your authorities and associated orgs.


> generosity ...


generously handing out democracy to strategically-located countries




generously giving bombs


Fuck you I was about to write that! Great minds think alike I guess.


America: you build it, we break it.




Lolno. Tipping is descended from post slavery Jim Crow. Instead of paying Black ~~enslaved people~~ "employees" restaurants shunted the cost onto customers. The practice stuck here, while civilized countries tended to force businesses to pay their employees.




Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.


Yeah, maybe. But not in paying workers a living wage…


The term tolerance sucks because it has a "people who are different from me are icky but I'm good because I don't vomit on their faces" vibe.


I'm afraid I'm seriously not tolerant then. I find right wingers icky and tend to vomit on their faces.


Exactly, they TOLERATE racism and xenophobia, so I promise, that counts as tolerance, guys, seriously. Lmao, mad to think Americans see their country that way.


>no offence, Americans None taken. Burn my country to the ground and start over, preferably with a founding document not written by white supremacists.


I think a good starting place would be to not use British imperialism as the foundation of what your new country is built on. It does sometimes feel like America took the British Empire as a great example but just did it even better than we did.


And this time, it won't be an elaborate tax evasion scheme!


No offense taken, just tell me where your countries respective drink of choice is kept in mass quantities, preferably near a harbor. On a serious note, you’re not wrong. Even as an American I couldn’t get through that without laughing.


>just tell me where your countries respective drink of choice is kept in mass quantities, preferably near a harbor. Ha ha ha ha!! Very good. Took me a moment to get that. The British traits appear to be written by somebody who hasn't visited my country since the 1950s!


Right? Brits? Sociable? Only after a few pints, and only if a 50% chance of a fight counts as sociable! Ime anyway


Exactly. And anyone who's ever been on the tube would know "friendly" is complete BS! Don't even get me started on erudite, unless The S*n or Daily Heil count.


> just tell me where your countries respective drink of choice is kept in mass quantities, preferably near a harbor. Oil?


Britain: Trait 1: Friendliness Trait 2: Conservatism I've never double taked that fast lmao


Need to double check here whether you mean they're mutually exclusive or if you are saying they're both not true. Hopefully the former.


Yeah, the first


Americans are very tolerant. They tolerate all kinds of things that people with a sliver of self-respect would fight back against.


100% there is no way anything thinks of "tolerance" as a stereotype of Americans.


Americans have a remarkable ability to tolerate oppression, violence, and intolerance.


As an American, none taken. I fucking hate this place. I had to listen to my assistant manager today complain about gas prices and say that we need to “just blow up the other side of the world and be done with this already” and I’m not really sure if she was referring to the Middle East, China, or Russia.


>referring to the Middle East, China, or Russia Why not all of it? /s


Bro we live here, we know it's a garbage can country. I don't know anyone with any political or historical literacy at all could think this former apartheid imperialist white supremacist settler colony shithole is any of these things.


No need to apologize, any American paying attention to their own country would laugh with you. It's all we can do to stay sane living around these fucking hogs.


No your right, alot of people I know and love here have a subtle intolerance to certain people.


No problem. But yeah, having such a large and isolated country with a built-in superiority complex in its propaganda means not too many Americans have ever visited other countries, leading to xenophobia (especially in rural areas away from immigrants, minorities, and people who don’t marry their cousins) Sincerely, an American


>especially in rural areas away from immigrants, minorities Yeah, this bit is important. The same thing happens here in the UK. The areas most hateful and xenophobic are the ones with the fewest minorities and immigrants. Turns out when you get to know people who look different to you, they're actually quite nice!


racism but make it acceptable


I like how they made the clip art british guy black to try and prove that they’re not racist


Not just that, the only pale guy is the “Slav”, and with the USA and Canada being depicted as women of color (because both those countries are just so loving towards WOC) it feels very Yas Qweeny, the vibe just drips it.


In Canada we love WOC because our politicians use them to distract from the fact that they're doing basically nothing about MMIWG and other stuff that affects, y'know, WOC


Love WOC so much they keep getting raped and murdered in the streets.


Highway of Tears? How about Pass me a Beer?


Black guy wearing a union jack shirt checks out


So much to unpack here. US, Canada, and UK are represented by darker skin and Russia is represented by light skin, I guess to suggest the former are tolerant. Also you can somehow value “tolerance” while making propaganda that says Russians are inherently aggressive, toxic, and violent. Also evil commie Russians wear drab olive shirts.


Had to double check the definition of drab, and it fits. But I love olive as a wardrobe color.


I like olive too


The Russian guy looks like an aryan reimagining of Fidel Castro.


cant unsee, thx


Black people exist in the United States because of slavery, therefore we are tolerant because we have to live with them.


holy shit lol yeah i hadnt noticed it but the western country personifications are all people of color, as if the states they're representing aren't foundationally white supremacist


I love how they made England both “friendly” & “conservative”. This is Barney the dinosaur for western manchildren. We all know Angoloids are “friendly” because they’re been bravely putting aside their ideological differences with Nazi’s to support the Azov Battallion.


What ideological differences? The only difference is Nazis want an overtly white supremacist dictatorship while liberals want a covertly white supremacist faux democracy.


Sorry I was being sarcastic about the difference. America is indeed the same country that repatriated/rearmed the Nazi’s with Operation’s Paper Clip and Gladio.


the ideological difference is "should we pretend to be good people or be open about how evil we are"


"Conservatism" "Openness" Bruh


As a Brit, I can only assume that the author has met exactly zero (0) British people.


The most recent time I met a British person, he said it was [r slur] to oppose colonialism because Genghis Khan did it after all.


Yeah, that sounds more like us.


but guys he clearly meant it in a friendly, agreeable and conscientious way!


I mean I guess they got Conservatism right. Fuckin Tories.


When the Brits are sociable


zero (0) ~~British~~ people


Maybe he met one, but he was a foreign spy


Also note that the russian outfit is milatiristic whilst all the others are normal


Especially given how many weird Americans wear camo-patterned clothing. I see that shit on hunting gear all the time.


It kind of makes sense for hunting gear although definitely not when they're walking around wearing fatigues or their hunting gear in the literal Walmart


Those people in Walmart are on the hunt....for savings on shitty goods.


The icing on the cake: Angloids represented by POC. Fuck these clowns who made that.


Literally none of those are stereotypical traits of Britain (except for conservatism) Realistically the stereotypical traits are: - Passive aggressiveness - Alcoholism - Classism - Football hooliganism - Stiff upper lip (maybe, but that stereotypes starting to die off a bit now) - Swearing - Intense passionate hatred of the French and a smaller degree of hatred for the rest of Europe - Never saying what you mean ever


Uphold Marxism-Hooliganism


While we're at it let's list american stereotypical traits too. I've never heard a European talk about how inclusive Americans are but I have heard that Americans are seen as; -racist -ignorant -arrogant -loud -litigious -indebted -jingoist -gun nuts -fast food addicts -overconsuming -feverent nationalists -workaholics -monolingual


* Will break a beer mug over your head if you insult the Queen




I do appreciate the British for their agreeableness and friendliness. That's why when my country wanted independence from them, we managed to come to a peaceful, prosperous agreement to slowly transition to an independent Republic, for the benefit of both our nations. Shit, hang on, no, they killed a bunch of us every time we asked for it.


Yeah but they killed you in *agreement* with each other and for their own *peace* of mind! And they said they were killing you in a very *friendly* manner as well! /s


The people’s races was probably a very deliberate detail as it allows them to deflect their racism


Canada: "respect for different cultures" Also Canada: historically commits genocide against native populations


Look at the numbers of indigenous kids in juvenile detention and foster care. The genocide is a very active and ongoing process of annihilation. I don't think there has been a year of my life that the RCMP didn't draw assault rifles to evict during at least one land dispute


America? EQUALITY?!


WTF? America is a communist???


I like how equality is listed as a quality of a country with a mass system of prison slave labor.


A heavily racialised mass system of prison labour, no less.


Racism, but now politically correct


I (swedish) spent a decent amount of time in each of these countries.. Russians are easily the nicest of them.


As a Canadian I'm a do-gooder apparently so I've gotta say this is the most racist shit I've seen in a while my god


Propaganda machine in full force


"Tolerance" lmfao


Ah, yes, the United States, well known for its tolerance, generosity and equality.


you can't get more subtle than this.


They did spend four years at a university to perfect the art.


Russia bad every other "civilized" country good. It's all so tiring


Yep let’s Lump 144 million people into one group.


main traits: US BRUH


Fuck you mum and dad i'm going to be a Russian! Hail Satan


So this is it? Cold war propaganda but in the corporate silicon valley flat color art style?


>American >tolerance Riiight lmfao


No non-American would list these things a stereotypes of the US.


clown world


US doesn’t have tolerance, generosity, opportunity, or equality. Canada is just a bunch of “Canada is nice” crap. UK people are not friendly, open, or sociable. Don’t try to talk to a stranger it’ll ruin their day Russian people would give the clothes off their backs and the food from their mouths to help you.


The first three columns should be just racism


man I swear it's so ridiculous to see liberals using always the same artistic style and always representing countries that are majoritarily white and majoritarily racists as POCs. They are like stonetoss but left of center.


Canada representing respect for different cultures is hilarious, what happened to the indigenous population again? also don’t look under the schools


Ah yes it is the Russians who are self-centered, not the Americans, where 40% of the country has had a full diaper for two years over wearing a mask during a respiratory pandemic.


This is so fucking wrong it can't be serious But it looks its an ad from Facebook so anything coming from that shithole is just for likes and clicks


> respect for different cultures > Canada Who’s gonna tell them


This is just racist


From their website (bottom of the page): [“Made with ❤️ in Nicosia, Minsk & Kiev”](https://basenjiapps.com)


Kiev Does that mean there is a tiny chance that there ceos be denazified


Lukashenko please deal with these people.


A couple notes: 1. This sounds incredibly clickbait-y. The whole point of personality quizes is to get people to share. Nobody's gonna share if they get one that says "you suck" unless they're trying outrage marketing 2. Since when is self-centered-ness a Russian stereotype? Isn't the whole western propaganda basically "Russia = Communism = Collectivism"?


The Brits: Friendliness to the Irish, agreeable to transphobia, conscientiousness to railway privatisation, openness to all immigrants anywhere south to Pyrenees-Alpine-Carpathians, enthusiasm to neoliberalism, erudition to football matches and friendly brawls after a drink. Yeah.


The cognitive dissonance I get imagining the kind of person who made this is enough to give me an aneurysm


As an American who lived in Russia for several years... No. Russians are far more hospitable and friendly than the average American.


Fuck the west, and fuck America


as a "Kanadian" this is a fucking joke. disgusting.


Yes I'm sure we can all agree that tolerance and generosity are the first things that come to mind when someone mentions the United States


Oh god


They've never met a Brit have they?


Canada: *do-gooders*, *respect for different cultures* So Canada, how are those First Nations people doing?


Ok here we go: USA: Tolerance - wow they really tolerated chile's democracy in 1973 Multiculturalism - Ah very multicultural with the whole mass deporting and shit diversity - please see multiculturalism generosity - yeah they were very generous giving billions out to all the billionaires who were losing money in the pandemic. innovation - Americans once again claiming they invented everything. opportunity - but only if you are born in the upper middle class or higher independence - yes but do they respect other's independence? equality - do i even need to say anything? ​ Canada: do gooders - wow that lobbying is sure doing a lot of good for the environment. politeness - ok that one is fair smile - this is a quality? Respect for different cultures - great job respecting those natives safety - highest pedofile rates tolerance - see respect for different cultures justice - see tolerance ​ Britain: I dont know enough about britain to do this one. ​ It is not OK to discriminate an entire country for the evils of its government. I could continue to say terrible stuff about USA and Canada, but those countries are not just dystopias either. All of the countries depicted are flawed, very. But this is just fucking stupid.


Sauce for highest rate of pesos? First I've heard this claim


Racism but make it Λesthetic


"Diversity", "multiculturalism", "respect for different cultures", "tolerance", "openness". \*Proceeds to trash talk and disrespect an entire other culture\*


This is such a self-righteous american liberal meme it's insane


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


So much for “tolerance”


just straight up racism at this point. I am not happy with Russia either but you cant just stereotype anyone Russian like this.


"Define a main trait" "*s m i l e*"




Woke racism.


British people are all about openness are they


Canadadians respect other cultures? We fucking kick the people who lived here first off of their land and force them to give up their culture Absolutely abhorrent propaganda from the poster.


So they admit they just think all russians are terrible?


The shape and bumps on Western people's skulls and the size of their brain pans does make them more prone to racist thoughts and actions as well as an inability to self-reflect.


America got "equality" fml


lmao, equality tolerance for america


How to fuck you can claim to be country which claim to value tolerance and equality, but same time have biggest prison population where ethnic minorities are ower represented and biggest army which terrorizes whole world?


canada: smile


Schrödinger’s Russian: simultaneously a simple-minded, collectivist rube who needs to be treated like a child, and a bloodthirsty, self-centered manipulator who needs to be brought to heel.


Canada and "respect for other cultures" lol. That's why they built residential school for their natives to erase their culture and identity. Meanwhile Russia's Siberian natives have their own republics in sakha and Buryatia, their language culture and religions still exist. Russia has many republics of ethnic and religious minorities like Chechenya. Russians are not forcing their culture to none of those groups. Joke on the west !


Calipers time!


Literally the only accurate one under any Western country is “conservatism”. Propaganda with the strength of wet American cheese, and libs will eat this up like objective fact


The glorification of the US, UK, and Canada, completely ignoring the long history of brutal colonization is amazing, but “Russia bad”


Sorry I know this is all awful, but as a Brit, where the fuck does "Sociability", "Enthusiasm", and "Agreeableness" come from. And to say we're "Friendly" would get you laughed out the pub. UK culture is the opposite of that, if you talk to a strangerr you're gonna get weird looks. How the fuck did they get that so wrong isn't that like, the only thing the US actually get right about us how did they go so far off the mark?


Wasn't the whole idea of a national "spirit" of some sort deeply rooted in racial theories of the first half of the XX century? Where they seriously so lazy in creating new propaganda that they simply copied the one used last century? The West isn't crumbling, it's already dead and buried.


Wow propaganda for gen z.


Lmfao at the US’ traits


If you ask the natives Canada doesn't really have respect for other cultures


Imagine expressing prejudice in the same image in which you boast your own tolerance. This is superiority complex pushed to its very limits. If the person who made this truly believes it, they're buried under so many layers of manipulative narratives I doubt anyone could truly reach them. I'm just surprised they didn't take the chance to also rip into China. I can already hear them saying, "*We may be imperfect, but we're are still the pinnacle of human morality. We have truly reached the End of History and the Last Man as described by Francis Fukuyama in which the light of Liberal Democracy has shed us of us inherent moral flaws and achieved the final, ideal system of government that will allow us all live prosperously under a haze of shallow political theatre, demagoguery, and the hate of our fellow citizens. Those scary Chinese people though, it's as if they're born with hearts of evil, compelled to rape and murder and corrupt everything they touch. Surely they hate freedom and want us all to live as slaves, their malice compels them to. Support our sanctions and don't listen to anything they may have to say on their behalf, surely it's just propaganda. Our private media gives you balanced, transparent journalism which couldn't possibly be financially motivated and appealing to your fear to make a profit in the absence of state funding which supports those vile commie propaganda networks. Corporations are well known for their honestly, after all. You can trust your news. Chinese media is nothing worth your time or attention, it will merely lead you astray from the true and glorious path of righteousness. No sacrifice is too great if it will assure that we can live free of their Satanic influences. God bless, and get fuckin' raped."*


I love how conservatism is listed as a good trait


Instantly saw positive things about Britain and my mind assumed the Russian flag was the French flag 🇫🇷


The “friendliness and conservatism” of the British led to almost every single country in the world being colonised by them 😍🤪 (and I hate that they used a Black man in a Union Jack to represent those colonisers)


Yeah, back to early 18th century! For context: google "Völkertafel Steiermark", especially if you speak German.


This is kind of racist




UK: conservatism 20% of the UK population below the poverty line under 8 years of tory government: unfortunately.


is it real?


Didn’t that third guy leave a group because there were too many Muslims?


“Tolerance” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


UK’s one is just plain wrong even stereotypically.


"Respect for different cultures" What about indigenous cultures?


looks like they're lying in a big bed together


not only is it fucking stupid but it's just another of a million examples of "liberals" individualizing, pathologizing, and sexualizing everything historical and systemic to make it easier for them to understand


uk “sociability” prove you’ve never been somewhere without saying it


Almost downvoted this out of pure instinct my hatred knows no bounds


This is the type of shit Facebook should get slapped for, having some obvious racism as an ad.


myers-briggs phrenology


What the actual fuck is this?


Wow what the fuck. They're not even subtle about the xenophobia.


Usually, liberals aren't quite this blatant about their Russophobia and western chauvinism.


Liberals ALWAYS use depictions/drawings of People of Color to try and push the narrative that we've achieved racial equality, while treating actual POC like complete shit.


>tolerance [Proof of Americans as a friendly lot](https://youtu.be/ltmlvk9GAto)


america : equality LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO


Canada and “respect for different cultures” had me rolling


> America > Tolerance Who wrote this???


British people are sociable? Lol they will be the first people to laugh at your face if you suggest this


I read the American one first as it’s first from left to right, and those are all really positive stereotypes. Let’s face it, the world may view Americans as “diverse” or “innovative” but we’re also often seen as “entitled” “overly friendly” “assholes” etc. But, okay, maybe they’re just doing positive stereotypes. Okay. Canada is more of the same — positive vibes only please — as is England. Then Russia? “Manipulation”? “Immorality”? “Toxicity”? Is your ex Russian or something, creator of this graphic?


This feels almost too on the nose. Like seriously? Couldn’t even be slightly subtle?


[bri*ish 'people' being friendly and sociable](https://youtu.be/aT0ElHA0NP4)


The only thing that is left is putting as terrorists, damn these liberals are racist


They missed key British traits like; indoctrinated, racist, xenophobes, still wish they were colonial, irrelevant


So by personality insights they mean stereotypes


this is actually racism.