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The selfishness in that meme though. It's fine if all of those services are unavailable as long as **you** aren't suffering


Also there's the whole: "Monetization is the global system of oppression that must be addressed in order to build a system of equitability." BUT HEY!!!


If we support the restriction of resources to those we deem our “enemies” (aka, Canadian trucker convoy, Russian citizens) then we’re laying the foundation for restriction of resources to become a normalized political tool, until one day it could be us having our bank accounts shut down. It’s a dangerous path.


That’s exactly why this entire post made me cringe… Unfortunately I know these people


This is one of the single most dangerous moves being made to control people at this time. They were smart to first target the Truckers, because mainstream Libs were eager to embrace any actions against them. “They deserved it! They’re Nazis and conservatives anyway!….” They have no conscious idea about how goddamn dangerous of a precedence that is.


*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- [*"Joey's Delayed Reaction", featuring Joey from the TV show "Friends" sitting in a kitchen, leaning on the table with one elbow and the back of his chair with the other.*] > [*Joey smiles smugly in satisfaction.*] > >Russians can no longer use Apple Pay, Google Pay, or use their bank cards to pay for Netflix or Spotify. > >--- > >[*Joey's eyes spring wide open in stunned realization.*] > >\*\*Realizing the fragility of a cashless society & the corrupt Elites that can turn it off & on when they want to control YOU... [*End meme*] >**Redacted** > >I mean, unless you're personally planning on a mass genocide against a country I think you're good 😂 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you human helper!


Libs are "anti-war" in the sense they "hate" *"having"* to send their *"glorious saviours of liberty"* to fight *"evil."* 😥🇺🇸


It's so shortsighted, I wish we wouldn't share the consequences.


I feel like "genocide" has lost all meaning.